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Cornell University
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tine Cornell University Library.
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^he ffitee P ifess.
Everything terrestrial must have a beginnings How shall we begin
our history ? Before Trumansburg was. when the site of this beauti-
ful village was a dense forest, where now are cultivated farms and
prett\- hamlets, manufactures and depots of trade and commerce, less
than one hundred years ago was a w^ildemess, a veritable Urra incog-
nita to the white man. Yet it had its people, and tliey had a history,
and long before there was still another people who left monuments
showing a far higher state of civilization than those commonly Icnown
as the aborigines ; of them no record exists except such as have been
from time to time exhumed from the mounds which are scattered all
through the countni-. These relics of a forgotton race afford the an-
tiquarian abundant food for speculation, and that is all. Who they
were, where they came from or where they are gone are and will re-
main hidden mysteries. What we have to deal with however has
nothing to do with this people or their successors. \\"e propose to go
back less than a century. There are plenty of men now living who
first saw the light before the subject of our history had a beginning ;
and there are still more now living, lineal descendants of the founders
of our village who by tradition and family records preserved the ma-
terial from which we propose to compile the History of Trumansburg.
We shall aim at absolute accuracy wherever proper data is obtainable,
when treating upon or recording events from tradition shall select the
best and most reliable sources of information. We do not think it ad-
visable or desirable to trace the' history of individuals back of their
settlement here, although much of an individual or personal character
must necessarily enter into this compilation, we shall as far as possible
confine such to the village and immediate vicinity. How came Tru-
mansburg to be settled and whence its name ? Up to the close of the
Revolutionary War, Albany County comprised all the territory west of
the Hudson to the west shore of Seneca Lake and the eastern bound-
ary of the Connecticut purchase, 'and bounded on the north and south
by the counties already surveyed. That this territory had been survey-
ed and plotted is evident from the fact that it was divided into town-
ships. The honor of naming these towns has been ascribed to DeWitt
Clinton, who, probably fresh from academic honors, with a mind well
stored with classic literature sought to perpetuate the names of Greek
and Roman heros, and to found anew the cities made famous by Cicero
and Homer, hence from pent-up Utica to Niagara we are severely clas-
sic. This entire territory was held or owned by individuals or com-
panies who had acquired title by purchase or grant to the number of
thirty nine, and in size ranging from four hundred and twenty eight
acres, the smallest, to two hundred and ten thousand acres the largest.
Many of these lands reverted to the state after the Revolution on ac-
count of the disloyalty of the owners to the new republic; many others
were subsequently sold for taxes, and when the state resolved to set
apart a portion of its territory to recompense, in part at least, its sol-
diers, all that portion now covered by the counties of Cayuga, Seneca,
Schuyler, Tompkins and Wayne, twenty-eight townships in all, was
selected for this purpose and designated as the Military Tract. While
we do not question the motives which prompted this action on the part
■of the State, yet it had no idea of the value of these lands ; a few thou-
sand acres of wilderness, more or less, in those days was as nothing.
The only inhabited portion of the State at that time was a narrow
strip of country on either side of the Hudson, with a few detatched
settlements^on the Mohawk and the _ Military Posts on the lakes On-
tario and Erie. When the lands, were thrown open for selection Cay-
uga Lake was practically farther from Albany than is Puget Sound
to-day, and the beneficiaries were slow to take advantage of their
rights by actual settlement. They dreaded the journey of weeks
through the trackless forests, and the reports brought back by some
intrepid but homesick and discouraged explorer was not encouraging.
To be sure, they said, the land is fair to look upon, but to get there
with wives and little ones was a long and perilous journey beset with
dangers, the stealthy Indian whose heart was still sore from the strug-
gle which had deprived him of his inheritance, wild beasts and venom-
ous reptiles, almost impassable swamps with their fever-laden miasmas
were terrors which required the stoutest heart to brave ; the soldier
who had periled life and limb in many a hard fought battle of the
Revolution, "slept upon his rights," and allowed this goodly heritage
to pass away from him and his generation forever. And so it was
that land warrants were bought by speculators for a mere song, the
grantors prefering to take their chances of making a living among the
rocks and mountains of river counties than to take as a gift a square
mile of land in what became within their memory the "Garden of the
State." There were many noble exceptions however and it is but
justice to them to say that they were better than their fellows. Their
sturdy manhood, independence of character, a disposition to break
away from the narrow limits of civilizatio-n and seek for themselves
new homes in the "far west" prompted them to brave the dangers, and
many if not most of them lived to see the fulfillment of their belifef
in the future of their country, they lived to see their homes hewn from
the wilderness blossom like the rose, the rich virgin soil responded to
every call upon it, and the State's bounty made for them a com-
petency, and laid the foundation of the wealth of their descendants
whose social and financial standing to-day marks the wisdom of their
The eafly settler had the choice of but two modes of conveyance to
his future home, on foot or horseback, and he generally took the for-
mer. The monotony of the journey was sometimes relieved by an
occasional ride in a canoe on the Mohawk, Oneida Lake, or Seneca
River if the foot of the lakes was the objective point, but often his
joiirneyings were alone, following some half obliterated Indian trail, all
his worldy possessions in his pack, camping at night with hemlock
boughs for his bed and the skies for covering, weary and foot-sore, he
is lulled to sleep by the soughing of wind through the trees. He
dreams of home and friends, perhaps of his last farewell with one dear-
er than all else beside, who is only waiting his return to share his lot in
a home he may find, he sleeps on till the terror inspiring shriek of the
panther or the howling of hungry wolves rouse him from his fitful
slumbers, he heaps more wood on the dying embers of his protecting
fire and again falls asleep and dreams on, and so on to his destination.
His Queen Anne flint-lock, which the government has kindly allowed
him to keep furnishes him with food — sometimes — -when not he tight-
ens his belt in lieu of dinner, and with only a drink of water for re-
freshment, goes on. Sometimes there comes to him, borne on the gen-
tle west wind, the sound of falling ax ; it is like a cup of cold water to
a perishing man ; he hurries on with renewed vigor in hopes to see a
friendly face, the first for many a long day, and is soon rewarded.
Tjiey were strangers before but are brothers now, an old soldier like
himself alone in the wilderness but with a home started. A rest for a
day or two, replenishing his failing stock from the almost exhausted
supplies of his new friend and "neighbor," with a last kindly grip
and many well wishes he is off for another hundred miles. Kind read-
er, how many of his grandchildren and great grand children would
do it now? When we take a journey of a few hundreds or thousands
of miles west, we step into a luxurious coach and are whirled through
the country at forty miles an hour ; at night, without leaving our com-
fortable quarters, we retire to our berth, draw the curtains and are com-
fortable ; in the morning, we step into the dining car and growl be-
cause our tenderloin is not ready, the coffee not equal to Delmonico's
or the service not as prompt as we should expect from the dollar we
pay. Verily the times have changed and with it the people.
In 1772 a new county, Montgomery, was formed, and in 1791 Her-
kimer was taken off and was the county in which Trumansburg was
located at the time of its settlement. All the original deeds and grants
made prior to March 5th, 1794, are recorded in the Clerks office of
that County, Onondaga being taken off at the above date. Cayuga
was formed from Onondaga in 1797, Seneca from Cayuga in 1804,
Tompkins from Cayuga and Seneca in 1817 ; so it will be seen that the
fea.rly'sfettlere,""m the .short 'spacForSS^^e^s, lived in five counties with-
out changing residence. The town of Ulysses originally comprised
the territory now occupied by Ulysses, Ithaca, Enfield and Dryden,
and was reduced to its present limits in 1821. The old gazetteers have
it that the town was formed in 1799, but this must certainly be an er-
ror, as we have before us a deed from Jeremiah Jeffrey to Robert Mc-
Lallen, dated Town of Ulysses, County of Onondaga, Sept. 23d, 1797,
nearly two years prior to its formation or name by a former historian.
This deed was a quit-claim and conveyed 155 acres in Lot No. 13, con-
sideration one dollar and twenty-five cents, and was acknowledged be-
fore Silas Halsey of Ovid— It is also subject to proof that the name
was used long before this date even, and the only explanation of the
discrepancy is that its exact boundaries were determined by a survey
in 1799, and the record consequently bears that date. None of the
early conveyances were on printed blanks, but as a rule were neatly
executed witha pen upon strong hand-made paper reseriibling parch-
ment, and in some instances real parchment was used. In 1792 there
was no road of any discription through the township, the nearest ap-
proach to it was a trail from Ithaca to Goodwins Point, and it was by
this road in March 1792, that Abner Tferrianr and his brother-in-law,
John McLalTen71ouri3~tEeirway to what is now Trumansburg, and for
several years this was the route taken by travelers on their way from
Ithaca north. In 1791 Samuel Weyburn had settled at Goodwins
Point, and undoubtedly the early settlers made his home a convenient
stopping place, and the "Point" soon became a place of considerable
importance, in fact it was for a long time the "port of entry", so to
speak, of all the surrounding country. Prog Point not coming into no-
tice until several years after.
The "Tremains" were an ancientauid hp,norableJamily, well known in
TRS"easF"even before the war ; the branch from which Abner Treman
(or "Trimmi ng " as the name appears in the original grant) sprang
lived in Columbia county. In the east the name continues to be spell-
ed as above and pronounced with the accent on the last syllable, how
it came to be changed into Trimmins, afterward modified to Tru-
mans, then Truman, and finally Treman, is one of the mysteries that
the compiler does not pretend to solve. Several years ago while in
Monticello, Sullivan Co., the writer met members of the fiamily who
adhered to the original mode of spelling and pronouncing the name.
They also claimed connection with the Columbia and Albany coumty
branches, and were acquainted with the fact that representatives of their
race settled in the "West" shortly after the War, leaving no doubt but
that our Tremans were from the same original stock. The change of
proper or family names is quite common in this country, even so com-
mon a name as Smith or Brown has not escaped the desire of its pos-
sessors for a change, and so we have Smyths and Brownes. Properly
our name should have been Tremainville or Tremanville, but unfortu-
nately was named while the family name was in a state of transition
it had got as far as Truman and there it stuck ; and afterward it was
easy enough for individuals to substituie an e for u, but not so the vil-
lage, it had been christened Trumansburg and so it must remain.
Abner Treman was born Dec. 25th 1761, was a soldier of the Revo-
lution, and came to Ulysses from Columbia Co. in March 1792. He
died in Mecklenbui-'g, August 23d 1828, where he had been called that
day on account of the dangerous illness of his daughter Lucinda, wife
nf yeremjp l^ Ai/prc Shortly after arriving at the home of his son-in-
law he had occasion to go to the barn, not returning to the house as soon
as expected search was made for him, and he was discovered lying on
the ground near the barn and dead. He had, to all appearance, been
as well as usifej), and his death was a double shock to the family who
were gathered around the bedside of Mrs. Ayers, who was not expect-
ed to live but a few hours at most. Mr. Treman was married to Mary
McLallen several years before coming west, and his eldest child was
Mary Treman, afterward Mrs. Leroy Valentine, born in Columbia Co.
in 1788, and died in 1869. His eldest son, Jeremiah, was also born in
Columbia Co. in 1790, married Annis Trembly, and died in 1853.
Annis Treman was born June 27th 1792, and afterward became the
wife of General Isiah Smith. Calvin Tremain was born Sept. 13th 1794,
married Miss Mary 'Ayers, and died in 1849. Ashbell Treman was
bomS ept. 1st 1706. m arried _Miss Mary Ayers in 1817^ and died in
1837. Lucinda Treman was born Aug. 17th 1798, and married Jere-
miah Ayers. Jared Treman was born October 5th 1800, his first wife
was Mrs. Ann Paddock, for his second wife he married Wealthy, the
widow of Dr. S. E. Clark. Abner Treman, Jr. was bora Jan. 12th 1803
and married Jemima Thomas Jan. 30th 1823. Charlotte Treman, born
June 30th 1806, married Minor King. Alfred Treman was born Jan.
30th 181 1, and married a Miss Trembley. Erastus Treman, born July
31st 1813, married Mary Buck who survives him. Lsflftarpd-^]H»efHan,
and Lafayette and Elias Trergajj,, of Ithaca, are the^'sons of Ashbell
^Prenffinrand his wife Mary Avers. Orlin, Jerome and Leonard Treman,
now living in Rochester, are the sons of Erastus Treman. Personally,
Abner Treman was a man of marked characteristics, full of life and an-
I'l-nal spirit s , pf rnhnst - phvaiq ue ancj power ful voice, brusque and-some-
tirge g^ rou g h in speech ; generous and charitable yet exacting^as to his
rights, he was^ respected bx.alLgaad_citizens._and^ared by the bad.
The blo'od that flowed in his veins was good and strong, and -he trans-
mitted to his posterity the sterling qualities which he possessed in so
eminent a degree, and his children, and children's children, in turn be-
came prominent and representative people where ever they lived. The
first house built in the village was on the lot now occupied by the
Cooper house opposite the M. E. Church. It was not a palatial resi-
idence by any means, greenJogs-aji4jEEi£2J[PP°s^'^ ^^^ walls and for
some time at least bark answered for shingles, a bit of clo tji or casNoff
garment served to cl_osejthe, aperture called by courtesy a wmcTow, and
a'lew rou^^Fiewn planks fashioned into rude seats and table constitut-
ed the furniture, yet it was the home.ta-Mdiich Abn er Treman brought
hislittle family. Here~§everal of his children were born, and after a
few years his steadily increasing wealth and family made it imperative
to enlarge his quarters, and the present building was erected. In about
1794, Mr. Treman went east to purchase machinery for a grist mill.
On his return he was overtaken by a violent snow storm while on the
road between Ithaca and Goodwins Point, the cold was intense, he lost
his way and when found was nearly dead, his limbs were badly frozen
which necessitated the amputation of one foot, rendering him a cripple
the rest of his life.
For several years from 1792 the history of this town is a matter of
tradition almost exclusively. The only authentic records are the ones
relating to the transfer of property, establishing new roads etc. Of the
people themselves, their habits, mode of living, occupations and amuse-
ments, we must rely almost entirely upon such data as had been hand-
ed down from father to son. Family records furnish scanty material
•' 111,1,1 II - ! . !■ I ■ I II
for even the foundation of any rfritig like an accurate record of events
in chronological order. The growth of the county for the first ten or
fifteen years after its first settlement was rapid, and notwithstanding the
obstacles in the way of emigration would compare favorably, all things
considered, with towns in the far west of to-day. It is certain that
within two years there was within a radius of a few miles, a population
that required the services of a mill to grind into feed for man and beast
the products of the soil, and as the providing for one necessity always
creates another, a field for other occupations was soon developed ;
blacksmiths, wheelwrights, carpenters, shoemakers, followed each
other in rapid succession, and as the temporal wants of the people
had to be supplied a mercantile business was established. The fame
of the new country had spread throughout the east, the fertility of the
soil, the magnificent growth of a ll kinds jjiLlijab££,^e agitation of the
"Efle Canarproject which was t o._c^nri££jL wjth tide-water the chain of
rakes"which have~Biecome the glory and pride of the state, all' bifrefed
special attractions to'lhe settler. Perhaps no section of the United
States then known possessed so many natural advantages'; the soil
was adapted to the growtTi oTall the cereals, especially that of wheat, at
that time the great staple, and for half a c entury t he wheat grown jn
Central New York held the first place i n eastern markets, and its
remotenesT,~"3TfiTculti'es'' ot and cost of transportation were oBstacles
easily overcome by the hardy pioneer. At first all the freighting was
overland, but soon a connecting waterway was discovered which made
it possible to freight from Cayuga Lake to Schenectady by boat with-
out portage. 'These boats or bateaux were of about ten tons burden,
open except at each end and with a running board on each side, the
mode of propulsion was the wind, when fair, the current, when in the
right direction, and setting poles. JE|te-- mti-te~-'c vas down the Seneca
rivf r jp the niL^et of Oneida lake, up th'at lake to its inlet;" ar-wlrarwas
l<nown as Wood's Creek, to the Mohawk river, down the Mohawk to
Schenectady, the falls at Cohoes preventing any further progress by
water. On the return trip the boat was loaded with merchandise, the
anchor weighed — metaphorically — and the bark was homeward bound.
And a long and tedious voyage, it was. Poling up the • Mohawk and
Seneca was a task that modern navigators would shrink from attempt-
ing, but the)' did it for years until the opening of the Canal ; the
completion of this great work gave a new impetus to the growing
industries of the counti'y and added anotheV that of boat-building.
rayng-3 lake nffered espe cial induc ements for_ thi.s new business, oak
and pine were abundant on its banks, and a load was always^ready for
a boat as soon as launched. These boats at first were of about thirty
or forty tons burden and open amidships, but they were monsters
compared with the bateaux. We believe_diatJJi£, first full decked boat
ever put on the canal was bu'l'^^'tTn^is^ lake,, and that class of boats~are"
-XSlled "lasers" to tHis day. '
■ For several years the almost sole occup ation of the early settlers
was the clearing up of the land, bmldmg fences, log houses and roads.
Money was scarce and mercantile business was carried on almost ex-
clusively by barter. A bushel of wheat or corn represented so much
sugar, tea, coffee or whiskey, and by the time the farmer had paid the
enormous profit on the goods, (he had to pay in produce at the dealers
price), he had but little left. While he, with his ox team was skirmish-
ing around among the stumps, turning up the soil to receive the seed
the necessities of his family often compelled him to anticipate his crop
and ask credit at 'the only store, and when settling time came the
1 1
balance was almost sure to be against him. His wife in the mean time
spun the flax and wool and wove the cloth from which she also fash-
rSned the garments for the family ; once~a."year an itinerant shoemaker
came to the house and Jajuilt a pair of ^Hoes all a round, if they lasted
a year, all right, if not, bare feet 'was the order until his next annual
visit ; not a stove in the se ttlemen t , all th e cooking was done in the
open^i^ place, an iron pot suspended over the fire by a crane filled
with pork, potatoes, and water, and when "done" emptied into a large
wooden dish or bowl from which the family partook in common and
in order of seniority, a youngster less dexterous than the rest often
found himself supperless by not being able to fish out from the hetero-
geneous mass the bits of floating meat and had to content himself with
soup, which was not remarkable for its lasting qualities. The meal
finished, the trencher rinsed out, and turned bottom up upon a shelf in
the corner and the housework was done. Otherwise the mother could
not have found time for her other duties.
No newspapers, a few well thumbed books of standard authorship,
"Pilgrims Progress", "Lives of the Martys'', and the Bible completed
the entire library; no lamp j2x_ candles__^eiii_atjiight, but during the
day it was the office of the younger members of the f
a store of pine kn ots, and these thrown into the open fuc num umic lu
time shed a ruddy glare around the k itchen, sitting, paijai:,. and j^jiten
bedroom combined in one, in which the family were gathered in a
"semi circle around the fireplace alternately toasting their shins, and
freezing their backs, and so the long winters were passed relieved by
social visits, merry makings, bear hunting, logging bees, and an occa-
sional shooting match. The early settl er was naturally religious, and
his religion partook much of austerity oi the Funtan,''especially from
"3_s]i"rt pfT'orl fnllQ wing the annual protracted meetings. The protrac-
ted meetings of those days were an institution unto themselves, every
body attended, and almost everybody was effected more or less
thereby ; they usually occurred during the winter when people had
but little to do, and served to prevent people from falling into the wild
and dissolute ways so common in new settlements. The assertion that
most of the converts 'back-slid in the spring goes for naught, all had
been improved for' a time at least, and many forever, and the beautiful
church edifices of which we are now so proud, the various christian
denominations which are a power for good in the community are the
direct result of the early protracted meetings, and the names now prom-
inent in church affairs in this village are the sons and daughters of the
sons and daughters of these early converts to Christianity; to be sure
much of the seed fell by the wayside and in stony places, but the best
elements of our society to-day is the result of that which fell upon
good ground. The privations through which our forefathers passed
pass as our understanding, that they survived them, reared their fam-
ilies among them, and lived to a good old age to enjoy the result and
boast of their fortitude, should always keep their memory green in our
hearts. 4l_tlie_tL™?-2Ctb,^J^^-ttlement of this town the forests abounsLed
in game of alLkinds as well as J3ea«ts_Q£. prey such _as _pantiiers^__wiy
cats, wolves, and bear. Venison was the staple meat, wild-turkey,
pigeon, quajl, and partrdge were common, the streams were liter-
ally alive with that finest of all fishes, the speckled trou
but little danger of actual starvation, but a continuous Hesti diet is not
conducive to health and soon palls the appetite. Flour had to be
brought from the east, and often it was not to be had at 'any price, but
the settler had learned at least one art from the Indian, that of parch-
ing corn (not popped) which affordea~a~Hort of substitute, being cru'shed
and prepared in various ways was very nourishing and palatable The
location for a home selected by the emigrant was not the result of
mere accident by any means. He knew that the country must grow
that villages would be built up and the wants of an increasing popula-
tion must be supplied. The country was full of streams, and the water-
wheel was the only power then known to propel machinery, conse-
quently a location on a stream where a natural fall made it comparatively
easy to utilize the water had special attractions, and the first dam ever
built on Trumansburgh creek was on the site now supplying, the Stone
Mill or very nearly. The first mill of any description ever erected in the
present town was just below the present mill of J. D. Bouton on the
same side of the stream, and on the same lot.
The mill as first built was of logs with a stone foundation on three
sides,'lire fourth being formed by the rock which had been cut down
for a drive-way. There was but one run of stone and no elevators or
conveyers of any discription, the grain being taken into the upper story
and fed directly into the hopper and through the stones to the bolt,
and was delivered into a long trough on the ground floor. In the ear-
ly mills the bolt was very long and covered with bolting cloth of a
varying degree of fineness, the medium being at the end nearest the
stone, consequently the finer products or coarse flour passed through
first, the fine flour next, the lower portion having still coarser cloth
separated the middlings, the bran passing out at the end, the bolt was
set on an incline and the trough or flour-bin directly under it extending
the whole length. Of course the flour varied from the middlings to an
impalpable powder distributed through the whole length of the trough
which was without fixed partitions, and it required considerable skill
on the part of the miller to properly divide the grist into its just pro-
portions of bran, flour and middlings. The farmer was as particular
then as now, and from his sixty pounds of wheat he expected a full
quota of product save the toll, and that he watched as if he believed
millers to be born rascals. This^ldjog mill served its. time, and was
replaced with the present structure. The property still remain-
ed in the^Treman_femilyj_and Abner JTreman ran the present mill for
niany years. In about 1 8oo, aj| r .^A twaterjj u i 1 1 a grist mill very near
the site of the Glen Mills at Podunk. Johnathan Treman afterward
built what is now known as the Page mill. All of these mills have
passed through many vicisitudes, have changed hands many times,
have made and lost fortunes, and at the present time one is idle, the
others, by the addition of improved machinery, have been kept in
operation to the present time. Several times of late years there has
been attempts to organize a company to erect a first-class mill which
would be a credit to the place and meet a long felt want, but endeavors
have thus far proved abortive. The Stone Mill was purchased by Mr.
J. D. Bouton, of Mosher and Thompson, in 1862, and was burned in
the great fire of 1864, but was immediately rebuilt and still remains the
property of Mr. Bouton. The clearing up of the country and under-
draining so effected the streams, that water for power purposes became
an uncertain quantity, at least in summer, and in 1859 or i860 Mr.
Russell Atwater, who at that time owned the property, put in steam
power which was not altogether satisfactory, and after expending a
large sum of money experimenting with a patent engine which was a
failure, he had it rebuilt at Farmer Village ; this in turn failed to
answer therequirements, and the entire steam plant was sold to Dr. J.
H. Jerome, who removed it to Saginaw, Mich., and put it in a saw mill.
In 1873, Mr. Bouton put in steam and has from time to time added new
machinery. For the past two years the mill has been run by Mr. E. P.
Bouton the present Under-Sheriff of this county. Mr. L. E. Page
bought the Johnathan Treman mill of Mr. Hermon Clock, erected a
saw and plaining mill on the same property and put in steam power.
Perhaps no name has been more thoroughly identified with' Tru-
mansburg, its growth, prosperity and varying fortunes, than that of
McLallen. John McLallen, the founder of the family, the different
branches of which for half a century were first and foremost in the
mercantile, agricultural and social affairs of the town, was born in
West Stockbridge, Mass., Dec. 2Sth, 1773, and died in Trumansburg,
Dec. 1 6th, 1844. The McLallens, or McClcllens as the name is spelled
by some members of the family, were of Scotch-Irish extraction and
immigrated to this country at an early day. James McLallen, the father
of John, was born in West Stockbridge in 1735, as was also his first
wife, Margaret Lamberton, and his second wife, Olive Parke. His
children were James Jr., born 1762, Hannah, afterward married to Garret
Easling, was born in 1763, Robert, born in 1765, Mary, afterward the
wife of Abner Treman, born in 1767 ; John was born in 1773, and Hen-
fy~fm775. In'1792 John McLallen then but a youth of nineteen years,
came west with his brother-in-l 4w.- -Ab»e«=>lVeman^,^TVh,n gi.Tiplnyed 1^"""
as a.t earnst-pr It is quite probable that he never intended to return to
his old home permanently, for we find him here even before his major-
ity laying plans for a future home in the new country. Securing a piect*
of land from Mr. Treman he erected thereon the first public house in
the present town. This building was of logs and was situated on the
lot now occupied by the Cully building, with his barn a few rods west
of the house. He remained in this building several years. Up to' about
the time the first post office was established, this village was known
as "McLallen's. Tavern", and it is within the memory of people now
living when it was called Shin Hollow, a name said to have had its
origin in an accident received by Mr. McLallen while building his new
tavern on the opposite side of the street. So it will be seen that twice
the name of Treman was in peril, and came near losing the honor of
perpetuating the name as the founder of a town, and it is a matter of
congratulation to the survivors of the family that their birth-right was
nor irretrievably sacrificed on the altar of John McLallen's shins. Mr.
McLallen married Miss Mary King, which is said to have been the first
marriage in the village. His children were: James, born Oct. 12th,
1800; David, born July 19th, 1803 ; Nancy, born December i6th, 1805 ;
Henry, born Aug. 3d, 1808. His wife died Oct. 19th, 1809. On June
15th, 181 1, he married iVIiss Marie Himrod of Lodi. The children of
this marriage were : William H., born May i8th, 18 12; Edward, born
Jan. 1st, 1814; John Jr., born July 19th, 1815 ; Mary K, born July
26th, 1817; DeWitt C, born May 3d, 1818; Philomon F., born Aug.
20th, 1823 ; Calvin, born April 26th, 1825 : Margaret, born April 26th,
1826; and Elias, born May 1st, 1828.
Of all the generations of John McLallen, we have little to do with but
three of the sons, James, David and Edward. James, early in life,
adopted the mercantile business, David studied medicine, and Edward
was for many years standing authority on things pertaining to civil
engineering. He also took a lively interest in military affairs. After
the close of the war of 181 2-14, all able bodied citizens between the
ages of eighteen and forty-five, were enrolled in the State Militia and
organized into companies and regiments, which met on stated days for
instruction, this was "general training". The intention of the law was
that on these occasions the "defenders of our soil" should appear arm-
ed and in uniform, but from year to year the regulations were relaxed,
so that a feather answered for a uniform and anything from an umbrella
to a pitchfork for arms. The officers however remained sticklers for
full uniform, and "Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of
/these". A brigadier general at a court reception would pale before the
gorgeous apparel of a lieutenant of militia. A blue coat with buff
facings and fairly blazing with gold lace and gilt buttons, a scarlet sash
.several times around the waist and crossing his manly breast, a pair of
gold epauletts which increased his breadth of shoulder so abnormally
as to make his passage through ordinary doors difficult except sideways,
a high hat with waving plumes, a sword of prodigious length which
clanked with every step, a terror to the small boy and an object of
\adulation by girls of all ages, this was the militia hero of early times.
Personally, Edward McLallen was of stalwart frame, and in bearing
every inch a soldier, and his business dealings were characterized by
strict and uncompromising integrity. He entered the militia and rose
through successive grades from private to be colonel of a regiment.
He was an efficient and pains-taking officer, a strict diciplinarian, thor-
oughly posted in the military tactics of the times, and laid down his
sword in a time of peace, when by the change of the law his services
were no longer required. When but a lad, the writer was a member of
a juvenile military company, "Col. Ed." was our instructor, and woe
betide the akward urchin who failed to respond to the stentorian com-
mand "eyes right" ; we regarded him as the greatest military genius of
the age, and in our maturer years, after experiences in actual warfare,
we are constrained to-believe that of such material great generals are
made, and had he been in his prime it might have been his opportunity.
He died but a few years ago without an enemy in the world but himself.
James McLallen, the oldest son of John McLallen, was at the age
of sixteen bound as an apprentice to Hermon Camp in the mercantile
business, the term of his apprenticeship to expire with his twenty-first
birthday ; for which he was to receive his board and clothes, a sum of
money and two suits of "freedom clothes" at the expiration of his ap-
prenticeship. This transaction was in conformity with the custom of
the times, apprentices were such in the fullest • sense ; their working
hours were not limited to the time between sunrise and sunset by any
means, they were expected to be on hand from "early morn 'till dewy
eve" and often far into the night. An apprentice in a store was on the
same'footing as one in the shop, he was there to learn the trade in all
its branches ; the selling of goods was but a small part of his multitu-
dinous duties, merchants at that time handled everything bought,
sold or consumed ; hardware, crockery, boots and shoes, dry goods
and groceries, drugs and medicines, liquors of all kinds by the meas-
ure or drink, in addition to which they bought and shipped produce of
all kinds. H. Camp was a large shipper, and during the summer
months was constantly loading or unloading boats, even long before
the canal was finished. A greater portion of the grain bought was
paid for in goods, which greatly complicated book-keeping.
Most of the produce had to be repacked before shipping so the poor
clerk had but little rest, but he was learning the business, becoming
familiar with the resources of the country, and if industrious and capa- '
ble fitting himself for a successful career when he should be called on
to shift for himself.. Such a life James McLallen led for several years,
enjoying the fullest confidence of his employer, making himself almost
indispensible to the constantly increasing business, so much so that on
the expiration of his time he was offered -every inducement to remain;
and this to, notwithstanding the fact that for reasons best known to
themselves, their social and business relations had for some time been
somewhat overstrained. Yet Mr. Camp appreciated the sterling worth
and integrity of his young clerk to that extent that he was anxious to
keep him in his employ, feeling that whatever differences they might
have had outside of business matters might be satisfactorily adjusted.
An arrangement was made for another year at what would be consid-
ered even at the present time a large salary, and Mr. McLallen from
this time until he left the store continued to carefully study the interests
of his employer, and when in August 1823 the connection was severed
it was at his own request, and then for the first time in nearly eight
years there arose a difference between them, which, altho not amount-
ing to an actual breach, caused some unpleasant remarks by the friends
of both parties ; their differences however were subsequently reconciled
and the complete vindication of Mr. McLallen and his course was the
result. Mr. Camp learned and appreciated his motives, and admitted
the correctness of his judgment, and they remained fast friends
through life. On leaving business, Mr. McLallen who was not in good
health at the time, returned to his father and assisted about the tavern
and on the farm ; but as he had been educated to a mercantile life his
mind was consumed with the idea of going into trade for himself He
had saved some money, had expectations of a little more from other
sources, and finally decided to make the attempt. Looking over the
territory he concluded not to_remain in Trumansburg fearing too strong
competition from his old employer, and not careing to measure swords
with one from whom he had parted with not the best of feeling, he pre-
ferred to seek a new field and finally decided to go to Lodi, where he had
many acquaintances and friends among the most prominent and influ-
ential citizens. In September of 1 823 he went to New York to pur-
chase his first stock of goods. His own discription of tlie journey and
its results will not be uninteresting after the lapse of half a century, to
show the progress that has been made in that time. The route was by
stage through Ithaca, Slaterville, Unadilla, Franklin, Meridith and
Bainbridge, through Ulster County to Kingston on the Hudson, thence
by steam boat to the City. He stopped at a hotel on Broad St. kept
by Adonijah Moody, whom he discribes as being a very hospitable
man, he engaged board at |l6.oo per week. He immediately began the
purchase of his stock of goods for which he paid cash, and he naively
remarked that ready money was better than a recommendation for
credit, at the expense of his opinions, he had undoubtedly referred to
some of his home difficulties. He shipped his goods by the sloop
Mars, and also took passage on the same vessel himself for Albany.
About a week was consumed in tlie voyage which he graphically des-
cribes, he even narrowly escaped shipwreck, the vessel grounding on
the "over slaugh'' below Albany. The passengers were forwarded to
their destination in row-boats, the sloop following after being lightened
off the bar. At Albany the goods were carted to Schenectady and
reshipped by canal to Cayuga Lake. He was fortunate enough to be
in Albany to witness the celebration of the passage of the first boat
through the canal, and it is a coincidence that the first loaded boat dis-
charged her cargo of flour in Albany, which was reshipped on the same
vessel which had brought him and his goods from New York. In the
latter part of October he opened his store in Lodi, and continued to do
business thereuntil 1825. In January of that year he decided to re-
turn to Trumansburg, and rented a store of Albert Crandall for tempo-
rary use until the new building which he contemplated erecting was
finished which was accomplished in September of the same year
This store, a portion of which is still standing as part of the Shoe Fac-
tory, was of brick, thirty by forty feet on the ground, and two stories
high, the upper story being finished off for a Masonic lodge; a wooden
addition was afterwards added to the rear, considerably increasing the
size. In 1830 he took his brother David into partnership, under the
firm name of J. & D. K. McLallen. This firm did business for seven-
teen years, when it was dissolved by the retirement of David K. On
April 1st, 1847, a new partnership was formed with H. A. Hesler
which was dissolved in 1852. For several years Mr. McLallen had
been largely interested in agricultural affairs, had planted an extensive
nursery and built an expensive green house, expended large sum's in
experimental farming. His credit was unlimited, he had large invest-
ments and during the close times of 1857 he was unable to realize and
made an assignment. From this time until his death he was engaged
in agricultural pursuits to some extent, his fefible health preventing
active employment or close confinement. Mr. McLallen was married
on February i8th, 1827,10 Miss Ellen Strobridge, sister of Lyman
Strobridge. Miss Strobridge was born Oct. i6th, 1802, in Clermont,
N. H. and came to Trumansburg in 1825. In person Mr, McLallen
was tall and slender, and altho from his youth subject to protracted ill-
ness, with consumptive tendencies, yet by the exercise of care and a
correct mode of living his life was prolonged beyond the average.
Socially he was an agreeable companion and altho ofa serious turn of
mind, and reticent as to his own and neighbors affairs, his hospitality
was unbounded, and his domestic relations were characterized by a
peace that falls to the lot of but few families, and he bore up under ad-
versity with the fortitude of a true Christian gentleman. He was natur-
ally religious and early in life identified himself with the only church in
town, the Presbyterian. In 1831 he was baptized by the Rev. Mr.
Abbot and wa,s made clerk of the Baptist Church in 1831, At the
organization of the Methodist Society in 1838, he, in connection with
several of the most prominent members of other denominations, assist-
ed in forming that body and was one of the original trustees, but there
is no evidence that he intended to sever his connection with the Baptist
denomination where he served as an officer almost to the time of his
death. He was also corresponding secretary for the Seneca Baptfst
Association for many years. In his personal habits he was one of the
most methodical of men, doing every thing by rule, paying^perhaps
more attention to detail than to general results in business affairs, but
that his motives were always pure no one can question. For more
than sixty years he kept a memoranda of passing events which for the
most part were of a personal character, but sufficiently general to be
extremely valuable in the future. Every entry in his voluminous diary
is accompanied by day and date and whatever is recorded therein is as
absolutely correct as if made in the clerks office of the county. He
was an enthusiastic Free Mason having joined the order soon after the
formation of the Lodge in this place and was for many years its Secre-
tary. Eight children were born to him all of whom save the fourth
son, Grover Judson, died in infancy. He lived to celebrate his Golden
Wedding, and when he was gathered to his fathers he left behind him
the record of a life of strict morality, and a character without reproach.
Grover Judson, son of James McLallen, was born Dec. nth, 1834,
and was married to Cordelia H. Corey Oct. 14th, 1857. He died Sept.
2 1st, 1886, leaving a widow and two children : a son James G., born
May 15, i860, married Susie Osborn Sept. 10, 1 884, they have one child
Grover Judson, born Oct. loth, 1886; and a daughter, Ellen Cora, born
July 14th, 1863, married to Frederic D. Barto June 2d, 188 1, their
children are, McLallen Bartd, born March 5th, 1882, and Henry D.
Barto, born Jan. 14th, 1888.
David King McLallen, second son of John McLallen and Mary
King his wife, was born Feb. 19th, 1803. .When his brother James
started his Lodi store David went with him as a clerk, and remained
until about the time of the removal to Trumansburg, when he com-
menced the study of medicine. After finishing his studies he began
practicing in his native town, and was very successful as a physician.
He built the house now occupied by William Douglass which was
considered almost a mansion, in those days. As has been mentioned
before he afterward went into the mercantile business with his brother
in the brick store, but he continued to practice medicine to some ex-
tent and did not abandon the profession entirely, until he moved on
the farm a mile south-west of this village, where he remained until his
death in 1887. He was baptized by the Rev. Aaron Abbot and united
with the Baptist Church in 1832, and took a prominent part in church
affairs until failing health confined him to his home. On Oct. 1st, 1834
he married Louisa Hoskins, who died April 4th, 1838, leaving one
child, David H. On Jan. 4th 1843, he married Fidelia Hoskins, sister
•of his first wife. The children of the second marriage are, Johh E.
born Aug. 13th, 1845, and Louisa born Aug. 13th, 1847. David H.
McLallen married Abbie M. daughter of Abner and Emma Crane, Dec.
28th, 1870; they have three children. John E. McLallen married
Helen F. Crane, Jan. 14th, 1874, and have two children. Louisa H.
was married to Charles Eliphalet Bates Feb. 9th 1876; they have four
William Himrod McLallen, the first son of John McLallen and his
second wife, Maria Himrod, was born May i8th, 1812. During his
youth and early manhood he assisted his father in the tavern and on
the farm. Later he was engaged in the mercantile business, first as
clerk in his brother's store, and afterward for himself and in company
with H. A. Hesler. In 1843 he married Matilda Biggs, who died in
Aurora, 111., Aug. 27th, 1868. He, in connection with his brother
James, built what was known as the Union Block, occupying a part of
the site of the present Opera Block, and sometime in the '50's opened
a bookstore where, or near, the present store of W. J. Marsh. Mr.
McLallen gave but little attention to this business, the store being in
charge of his nephew, Hermon, afterward General Biggs of the U. S.
Army. The bookstore was short lived and gave way to a dry goods
store, in which H. A. Hesler did business for several years with Judge
J. H.Terry, of St. Louis, Mo., as clerk. Thio business was in tui:n
closed by the failure of Mr. Hesler. Mr. McLallen moved to Aurora,
111., where he engaged in business, and where he was buried in De-
cember, 1887. John McLallen, Jr. was born 'in 1815, married Ann
Elizabeth MeKeel, and died in 1854. Philomon F. McLallen was born
Aug. 20th, 1823. His youth gave promise of a brilliant future, he was
an apt student and early in life developed faculties that if cultivated,
would make him famous in the profes.sion that had been his ambition
from boyhood. He graduated from Yale College with honors, and
commenced the study of law. Soon after his admission to the bar he
went west and located in St. Louis, where he died in the prime of his
manhood on June 4th, 1853. His funeral obsequies were attended by
the entire bar of the city. Alttio he had been with them but a short
time his sterling worth was appreciated and all united in mourning his
untimely death. He had already become identified with the interests
of the city and state, had just crossed the threshold of a brilliant public
career, and was in a position to command the respect due his talents
as a lawyer and admiration for his character as a gentleman. In per-
son he was a magnificent specimen of manhood, almost a giant in
stature, of commanding presence, dignified yet affable manners, he im-
pressed all with whom he came in contact with the fact that he was
born to command. Margaret McLallen was born April 26th, 1826.
In 1840 she was attacked with a malady that left her a cripple for life.
For nearly forty years she lived in her chair sleeping or waking. Not-
withstanding her affliction she was always resigned and even cheerful,
delighted in the company of her friends especially the young. She
lived with her brother Edward, from whom she received more than a
mother's care, no wish was left ungratified and no services were too
onerous for him to perform that would contribute to her comfort or
alleviate her sufferings.
Elias McLallen was born May ist, 1820, and died at the age of 17.
Robert and Henry McLallen, brothers of John McLallen Sr. came into
this country in 1795 or 1796, Henry for some years was engaged in
business at Port Deposit, and in 1822 built the Port Deposit House
or rather, the addition to the building erected by Mr. Brinkerhoff a
few years before.
From 1792 until 1798, with but one or two exceptions the settlers
of Trumansburg were connected either by blood or marriage. This
was quite natural at that time and under the circumstances. There
was no post office or regular mail, and communication with the east
was confined to a yearly trip to Utica or Schenectady, and from these
points letters were forwarded to relatives. Postage was too dear to
indulge in correspondenee with friends or acquaintances, consequently
a brother, or cousin perhaps, allured by the glowing descriptions of the
new country resolved in turn to try their fortunes, and in this way for
several years the new settlement was strictly a family affair ; and as the
little community continued to grow, both by emigration and natural in native population, there was much marrying and giving in
marriage forming new ties which bound them still closer, and as late
as 1820 nine-tenths of the entire residents were connected by consan-
gumity. As the settlement grew in population, year by year, more
land was reclaimed from the forests and planted to grain ; at first barely
enough could be raised for home consumption, but as the farmer in-
creased his acreage of tillable soil he soon had a surplus to sell, but
where was his market ? why tworhundred miles away and for the most
part through a country without roads or beaten track of any kind.
To be sure, corn was worth 50 cents per bushel in Albany, but it cost
all of that to get it there. These backwoods farmers found themselves
in a very serious dilemma ; to go on clearing land would be useless
without a market ; to stop would be ruinous if their faith in the future
was well founded, and it is a fact that if not ruin, temporary stagnation
of business must result unless a remedy could be devised. There was
but one merchant in the place up to 1805 or 1806, and he would not
barter his goods for produce without a market. What was to be done ?
It was becoming a serious question. A man and his family could eat
but so much corn and his cattle but so much more, the balance was on
hand to be carried over, unless sold or bartered to those who did not
raise corn, and these were but few. None of these people had ever
seen a work on political economy, probabh- had never heard the term
used, put they knew by instinct the law of supply and demand. They
realized that the surplus corn must be made to assume some other form
to supply any existing demand. And what was the existing demand ?
Whiskey! In those good old days, liquor of some kind was in every
house and upon every table, when it could be had, everybody drank
more or less. AH social affairs had their accompaniment of whiskey ;
" not to offer a guest a dram on arriving and another on leaving, with
as many "ad libs' as the length of the visit demanded, would have been
considered grossh' inhospitable; in short whiskey was in common
every day use by all classes. Sixty pounds of corn con\erted into
wliiske}' was reduced two-thirds in bulk and weight and doubled in
value. The problem was sohed — what could not be eaten could be
drank, and the result was that the first factor)-(not counting grist mills)
for converting raw material into a manufactured article ever erected in
this vicinity was a distillery, a small affair but it was soon followed by
others of much greater capacity, not in the \illage but at Covert, Po-
dunk, Goodwin's Point etc., and for many }-ears these distilleries were
the only market for surplus grain. The opening of the canal stimu-
lated this business, and whiskey and pork constituted a large portion
of the shipments from our lake ports, until comparativel}- recent times.
In 1/94 or 1795, John McLallen had a cabin near the present resi-
dence of E. H. Hart, where he was clearing off" some la nd, and as the
^vhole country about him was a dense wilderness, and full of game and
wild beasts, his time was pretty well occupied in providing for his
temporal wants when not at work or defending himself against the
encroachments of four-footed marauders, who would steal into his
shanty during his absence and make sad havoc with his possessions
His brother Henry was associated with him and lived in the cabin
with, a man named Harriman, an assistant, who had an interest
in the business in which he was engaged. One night as they were
about to retire, an Indian and his squaw made their appearance, and
by signs signified their desire to remain there for the night, McLallcn
having become somewhat used to the Indians, and knowing them to be
friendly or at least harmless, was for granting the request, but Harri-
man was timid ; this was his first experience with "the noble red man"
and as the story goes, their appearance was not such as to inspire
confidence. Dirty and unkempt, ragged and sour, their request was
more like a demand than asking for a favor. Nevertheless they were
made welcome, and stretching themselves on the earth floor were soc n
sound asleep. The only bed in the room, a rough bunk built against
the wall, was occupied by the white men, Harrinian insisting on sleep-
ing on the back side. Some time in the night they w.ere awakened by
a fearful yell, and springing to their feet they were confronted with a
spectacle of the Indian standing in the middle of the room brandishing
his gun. McLallen ,sprang upon him, siezed his weapon and with the
assistance of Harriman disarmed him and asked for some explanation
of this strange conduct. The poor savage seemed dazed and cndeavor-
"ed to convey the idea that he had been dreaming and had sprung to
his feet to repel the attack of some -imaginary enemy. At all events
that was the only solution which could explain his strange conduct
unless he meant to murder them. He was commanded to lie down
again which he did and slept till morning, McLallen sleeping with one
eye open and Harriman quaking with fear holding on to the Indian's
gun until daylight. In the morning the couple went their way with
profuse thanks for their entertainment, and a promise of a share of the
first game shot as remuneration, which promise was fulfilled the same
day in the shape of a saddle of venison. Such was the life of the
early settler. Indians were not plenty, but scarcely a day passed with-
out meeting one. Sullivan's raid through this part of the coutry had
well nigh exterminated them as a nation ; what few remained were
tramps with no fixed abiding place, and it was a rare thing to see an
Indian in all this section living in what might be called a house.
The game too became scarce after a few years, the clearing up of the
forests drove the timid deer farther into the wilderness and persistent
hunting made it very uncomfortable for the bear whose nightly raids
upon pig-pens could not long be endured. It is said that the last wild
deer ever seen where the village now stands was on the bank of the
creek opposite John McLallen's log tavern. He was shot at from the
back door of this building, and altho wounded was not captured until
he had led a chase of several miles^
It is related that once while running deer with hounds a fewn be-
came separated from its mother and seeing a group of men in an open-
ing in the forest ran directly into their arms, so to speak. It would
seem that this mute appeal could not have been disregarded by even
tlic most hard hearted, but one of the hunters seized the frightened
animal by the head and disregarding the roproaches and cries of shame
from his companions, deliberately cut its throat. It is said that this
little incident made such an impression that he was practically ostra-
cised by his neighbors who were free to tell him that a man who
could exhibit such cruelty to a poor beast who had sought his protec-
tion, was not a desirable companion. This incident happened in what
was known as the Updyke Settlement, a few miles south of the vil-
lage of Trumansburg, and which at one time promised to be a formid-
able rival to the latter place, in fact for a few years after the first settle-
ment more land was taken up in that vicinity than here. The Up-
dyke's were from New Jersey, a thrifty pushing race with the strong-
ly marked characteristics observable in their descendants even to this
day. Among these early pioneers there existed a community of inter-
ests which amounted to fraternity, every man for ten miles around was
a 'neighbor' ; they were held together by the strongest of ties, that of
mutual protection. Personal rights were respected, individual helpless-
ness recognized ; the strong hfelped the weak, the well nursed the sick
and no duty too onerous to perform if the necessities of a "neighbor' re-
quired it. A tramp of twenty miles thro the trackless forests for medi-
cal assistance or some luxury for the sick was undertaken without a
thought of danger or hope of reward. It is said that the amputation of
Abner Treman's foot was performed by a carpenter who was brought
from Ovid and the only instruments used were those used in the trade
and that the operation was successful we know for the patient lived for
many years after to prove that a carpenter could also be a good sur-
geon if the occasion required. If a house was to be built invitations
were sent out for a 'raising', and often between sunrise and sunset a
log cabin was erected that gave shelter from the weather, a security
from wild animals, not a mansion by any means, but a house that serv-
ed its purpose for many years, a few of wh;ch are still standing in this
vicinity. If a fallow was to be cleared the trees were felled, cut into
lengths convenient for handling, 'a logging bee' arranged, the logs
piled into immense winrows and burned. These fires must have been
a grand sight and our grandfathers were wont to tell of the high carni-
val at logging bees. As for the winter amusements, shooting match-
es were among the most popular, sometimes these matches would be
arranged between rival settlements and then the excitement ran high,
the entire community of both sections turned out to champion the
cause of its favorites, and if the accounts handed down to us
can be believed the ancient hunter with his long flint lock brass-mount-
ed rifle performed feats of marksmanship beside which the achievements
of modern Nimrods, with improved breach-loaders and fixed amunition
are utterly insignificant. The stories of snuffing a candle at 20 rods,
the lopipng off the heads of turkeys at forty, the splitting of bullets on
a knife-blade at fabulous distances, must be taken with some grains of
allowance. All stories increase in size with age and circulation, not
that these people really meant to deceive posterity, but perhaps the mod-
ern adage that while a man may be sane and truthful upon all other
subjects, on that of his gun and Jersey cow he is not to be considered
absolutely reliable, nevertheless there is no doubt but that these peo-
ple were most excellent shooters, constant practice at live game gave
them confidence, strong constitutions and frugal habits gave them
nerve. Some times these matches lasted several days and closed with
a jollification in which we are sorry to say the juice of corn played a
promina'nt part, but to get drunk in those days was no disgrace ; not
to be able to hold as much as your neighbor was considered a misfor-
tune, and to be put early to bed was to lose half the fun. > Hunting
parties, composed of all the able bodied men for miles around, were
organized to rid the country of wild beasts and many are the stories to
which we have listened with bated breath, of deadly peril and hair-
breadth escapes, asking for more yet fearing to hear something still
more terrible, looking with reverential awe into the wrinkled face of
the old man who was drawing the "long bow" for our especial benefit.
Henry McLallen remained on the farm, now a portion of the E. H.
Hart farm, for several years, having bought the interest of his brother
John ; he afterward bought the Waterburg Mills and the adjacent pro-
perty, his house then stood on the east side of the road overlooking the
mill pond. He remained on this property until a short time after the
death of his wife who was a Miss Amelia Updike. This event seemed
to unnerve Mr. McLallen, he lost interest in his business, sold the mill
settled with his creditors in full which left him enough to buy him a
home in this village, where he spent the remainder of his days living
in the house occupying the lot where the house of George Warne now
stands. In his latter days he became almost totally blind. He has
no descendants of the name now living in the village and the only one
in the vicinity is Lewis McLallen his grandson, who is a son of Elias
McLallen and Elizabeth Churchward. Hiram M. and J. Milton
Lovell are also grandsons of Henry McLallen, their father Eber Lovell
having married his daughter Eliza in 1833. Henry was in many re-
spects the opposite of his brother John, who was a money getter first
and last. Henry on the contrary while industrious and frugal did not
seem to have either the faculty or desire to accumulate property. No
man ever lived in Trumansburg who had 'more or warmer friends ; his
disposition was gentle and kind, often- suffering himself rather than to
give offence by asserting his rights. In his younger days .he was
identified with military affairs, was an officer in the State Militia and
noted for his fine figure and sodierly bearing. He was full of reminis-
cences of early times, a g00|d story teller and at times quite given to
humor ; nothing pleased him more than to gather his grandchildren
about him and relate incidents of his pioneer days, and especially to
recall incidents in which his more practical methodical brother John
was the victim of some joke. One such will illustrate: John could not
bring himself to eat bear meat, it was his abhorence and he often went
hungry in preference to satisfying the cravings of nature with what he
considered to be the most detestible of all flesh. Once while visiting
Henry the latter casually remarked that he had secured .some beef; this
gladdened the heart of John vvho insisted upon having some cooked
instanter, whereupon Henry adjourned to the fire outside the cabin and
soon there was a fine steak frizzling on the coals ; when done it was
placed on the table and the brothers sat down to discuss it. John was
loud in his praises of both the meat and the cookery, that was meat !
civilized meat, no dirty, greasy, stringy bear about that. Henry left
the table upon some errand and soon John felt something scratching
him upon his back, upon turning around to discover the cause there
stood his brother with a broad grin on his face and a huge bear paw in
his hand. The terrible truth flashed upon him in a moment, and a
madder or more disgusted man was never seen ; it made him sick and
outraged nature came to his relief, but it was a long time before he for-
gave the joke. Henry McLallen died, in 1-851 full of years .and good'
Among the first to follow Treman and McLallen to the new country-
was Garrett Easling a brother-in-law of the latter. He bought, cleared
up and lived all his life on the farm now occupied by his grandson
Henry. He raised a large family none of whom of the name now re-
main in this village except the three children of his youngest son Elias,
and his grand-nephew and namesake Elias Easling who now lives on
the H. C. Stone place. It is the boast of Henry and James, the owners
of the original farm that with the exception of a small portion sold off,
their heritage remains intact, and has never been encumbered. The
youngest child of Elias Easling, Hannah, married S. A. Sherwood, and
is now living on McLallen Street. The first store opened in Tru-
mansburg was probably in 1802 by a Mr. Hendshaw ; it was situated
about where the Travis Hopkins house stands, and was but a small
affair at first, but it is evident that in two or three years the business
had so increased as to attract the attention of merchants in other local-
ities. At this time Owego was a place of some importance, a sort of
distributing point for all the northwestern territory especially that por-
tion laying between the lakes ; produce of all kinds as well as peltry
there found a market and teamsters could load both ways. The firm
of Camp Brothers were the leading merchants of Owego and through
their dealings with outlying settlements became perfectly familiar with
their growth and prospects ; they had heard of McLallen's Tavern and in
1805 came here to look over the ground; the result was that they
bought out Mr. Hendshaw and placed the store in charge of a younger
brother, Hermon, as manager. This event may be considered an epoch
in the history of this village. The firm had capital and the new man-
ager although a young man developed a wonderful capacity for bus-
iness. It is not within our province to write a eulogy on H, Camp, but
that he was head and shoulders above his fellows mentally as well as
physically is beyond question ; he was born to Command and com-
mand he always did; inflexible in purpose, indomitable perseverance
and of iron will, he made more friends and more enemies than any man
who has ever lived here ; he never occupied a neutral position in bus-
iness, public offairs or to individuals, he was always for or against, and
as like begats like, the people by whom he was surrounded were either
for or against him ; but there is no doubt that for more than half a
century he was the master spirit in all the affairs of this place. From
almost the very beginning he made his name known far and wide as a
thorough, competent and agressive man of business.
When it is remembefed that in those days a country merchant must
be conversant with the varied wants of the cornmunity he dealt with,
thoroughly posted not only in the goods which he had for sale but
also in everything which might be offered him in barter the position
assumed by Hermon Camp was a responsible one. There were no
regular lines of transportation with established freight rates ; a load of
goods which one day might have cost him five dollars to bring from
Owego, in a week might not be obtainable at any price ; a lot of furs
or crop of grain bought at the ruling price might on account of unfore-
seen difficulties in getting to market subject him to severe loss There
were no daily market reports to guide him, no canal boats or railroads
with whom to contract for speedy delivery, he must rely upon his judge-
ment and circumstances entirely; on the other hand the community
were in a measure at his mercy, by taking advantage of their necessities
he might be able at times to dictate terms greatly advantageous to him-
self, a course which would soon destroy all confidence and the ultimate
ruin of his business. To surmont all these difficulties required more
than ordinary ability and tact ; with an eye to the main chance he must
so deal with his customers as to make his profits legitimate, give value
for value, and above all establish a credit, both at home and abroad.
Mr. Camp seemed to grasp the situation at once and although but a boy
in years it was soon evident that he was a man in business. He enlarg-
ed his store to meet the requirments of the increasing trade, he sold
everything needed in the settlement and bought everything offered him
and when he bought out his brothers he was the foremost merchant in
all the country between the lake-s. His operations were not confined
to the buying and selling of goods by any means, he was first in every
new enterprise that had any business in it ; he became largely interest-
ed in manufacturing potash from wood ar.hes and later built the first
and for years the only linseed oil mill in the country, in fact he con-
troled the production of flax for more than forty years, furnishing seed
and contracting for the crop, and when he went out of the business flax
ceased to grow in this section. So well and favorably known was his
oil that it always sold in advance of the market, for the reason that it
was known to be pure and free from adulteration and painters to this
day lament that there is no more "Camp linseed oil."
The store on the hill was soon too small to accommodate the trade,
a new one was built, a portion of which is still standing, and occupied
by Chas. Thompson's market and Chas. Murphy's grocery store. This
in turn became too small, additions were made, and for some time the
original building was used for a grocery and the new one for the office
and dry goods. As early as 1820 the business was such as to require
the services of several clerks among whom was Daniel Ely who ap-
pears to have been a sort of head clerk. In 1823 Mr. Camp propo.sed
a partnership composed of himself, Daniel Ely and James McLallen.
Mr. EI3' seems to have been favorably disposed to the arrangement but
McLallen for reasons which did not develop for several years declined.
In 1825 occurred the most important event of Mr. Camp's life, namely,
his separation and subsequent divorce from his first wife. The trial re-
sulted in the political division of the town ; two factions sprang into
existence, old political lines were obliterated and for many )-ears can-
didates were nominated and elected on the basis of their position in the
Camp-Ely embroglio. The feeling even extended into the jurj- box
and the animosities between former friends became as bitter as their
friendships had been strong ; this feeling was even handed down as a
heritage to the next generation, and even at this day when it is believed
that all the actors in this lamentable affair are in their graves it has not
been obliterated. A man of lighter, calibre would have succumbed
under the pressure but a fixed purpose, an iron will and a determina-
tion to live through and rise above social difficulties and alineation of
friends' was to him the stimulant for a more aggressive business policy.
Mr. Camp was no saint, he had his share of faults and social infirmities
of primitive times ; the moral code was not so well defined nor its pro-
visions so well observed as at present ; the country was still but little
better than a wilderness ; society was in a chaotic state, might too
often made right, practices which would not now be tolerated were com-
mon, Mr. Camp simply adapted himself to his surroundings and made
the most of his opportunities ; he was no better nor worse than hir, fel-
lows ; he sold whiskey as freely as molasses and with no more thought
of committing a moral wrong, the use of the one was as common as
the other, and the man who did not drink was the exception, and he
did not drink, at least to any extent. In those days all merchants kept
a jug of whiskey behind the count'er which was free to customers, no
sale was considered complete or barter consumated without the cus-
tomary treat. Most drinkers are never so rich as when in their cups,
and while reveling in imaginary wealth are prone to indulge in luxuries
if they have the cash — or credit. Alas ! the poor man's credit was too
often to his discredit, a day of settlement must come and his rum cour-
age and whiskey wealth vanished into thin air. If Mr. Camp profited
by this condition of things he certainly did no more than other mer-
chants, but it must stand to his credit that he was also identified with
the first temperance movement in this town. As early as 1830, at a
meeting of the merchants and grocers called for the purpose, he heart-
ily endorsed a proposition to abolish the treating custom. Five years
before this a move had been made to stop the licensing of groceries,
whether this eminated from the tavern keepers or citizens does not ap-
pear, but it is evident, even at this remote period, that Trumansburg
had troubles over the whiskey question.
During the revival of 183 1 Mr. Camp was converted and on February
6th of that year united with the Presbyterian Church on profession
of faith. From this time in many respects he was a. changed man, he
resigned his position as postmaster rather than to obey the law of the
department requiring the mails to be changed on Sunday ; the light-
hearted, openhanded, freethinking man became an austere and uncom-
promising Calvinist. He abandoned the sale of liquor and began the
war against its use and sale which he fought to his dying day. He at
once assumed, as if by right, a prominent position in the Church and
became its acknowledged leader and he adminstered upon its affairs
with the same uncompromising purpose which characterized him in
business. He would brook no opposition, everything must yeild to his
imperious will, he dealt with recreant members as with an unruly child
dicipline and punishment swift and sure was certain to follow any in-
fraction of the puritanical code which he had adopted. Such men as
E. C. Gregg and Lyman Strobri'dge must confess it a sin to ride in a
wagon on Sunday in order to reach their families from whom they had
been separated for weeks or be diciplined ; they refused and left the
church. Yet he was but following his nature and in his heart believed
he was doing God's service. He was active, persistent and consistent,
he abstained fromwhat he condemned in others, and there is no ques-
tion but that to his skillful management of its affairs the Presbyterian
■Church owes much of its present prosperity, he gave his time and
money without stint to deserving objects, he always being the judge ;
he prospered in business and waxed rich, built houses and stores, in-
vested in stocks, was for many years President of the Tompkins County
Bank ; during the financial troubles of 1857 when all banks suspended
.specie payment, a mob of people collected in front of his house clam-
moring for their money, he came out to them demanding the cause of
such a demonstration. We want our money cried some. Go to your
homes, you have my personal guarantee that every Tompkins County
Bank bill you hold is good for its face in gold. They went, the Bank
might not be sound but H. Camp was and his simple word better than
their bond. Mr. Camp was not an ostentacious bestower of charity,
but he gave liberally to educational institutions, particularly to those
for preparing young men for the-ministry. He was instrumental in or-
ganizing the first temperance society called the Sons of Temperance,
and in company with James McLallen circulated a temperance pledge
through the village making a personal application to every male per-
son of suitable age in the place, this was in 1835, he subsequently be-
came very active in the temperance movement, was for some years
president of the State Temperance Society, and was spoken of as a can-
didate for Governor on a prohibiten ticket. He obtained his military
title for services in the war of 1.812 — 14, having raised the only cavalry
company in the State. This company was recruited mostly from this
and adjoining towns ; the drilling ground was the then open field now
occupied by the "Phoenix House" and adjacent property. He march-
ed his company to the Niagara River which was the western frontier
of the State and did guard and picket duty along the River until close
of the war. Although never in a general engagement they were con-
stantly harrassed by stray shots from the river and the writer well re-
members an address made by "Col" Camp to the first volunteers from
this town in 1861 in which he described his sensations when listening
to the whistling of bullets from unseen British soldiers from the other
side. He was a hearty supporter of the Union during the late war,
rendering substantial aid to the soldiers and their families. Mr. Camp's
second wife was Caroline Cook who died in 1840, his third wife was
Catharine Cook who died in 1 847 ; in 1 848 he married Sarah P. Camp,
widow of his nephew Frederick, who survives him. Mr. Camp died June
8, 1879, aged 90 years and 8 months. Of his many children none are
living save Irving, now living in the west, Edward now a manufacturer
in Norfolk, Va., and his daughter and youngest child Hermione, wife
of F. H. Griswold, Esq., of Auburn, N. Y.
Although two miles away, Trumansburg may be considered as be-
ing practically on the lake, and until the Geneva, Ithaca & Sayre rail-
road was built, all the shipping was by boat, and as for many years its
interests were so inimately connected with that of lake navigation a
brief history of steamboating on the Cayuga might not be uninterest-
ing. Immediately following Fulton's successful 'experiment on the
Hudson the steamboat became common to all the navigable inland
waters, and the growth of steamboating from 1810 to 1 820 might be
likened to that of the telephone 60 years later. It effected a complete
revolution, opened up new routes from the East to the West, every in-
land lake was used as a link in chain which was to bind the country
by ties of common interest. The old stage route via Binghampton,
Owego, Ithaca and Geneva was a popular thoroughfare from New
York City to all the country lying west of Seneca Lake and stage pro-
prietors and shippers were quick to see the advantage of a shorter
route and saving of time by connecting Ithaca with the Auburn and
Canandaigua Turnpike at Cayuga. To this end in 1820 the steamboat
"Enterprise" was built. This boat was about lOO feet long, very
strongly built, with high straight sides and full lines; she was provid-
ed with a high pressure engine and a log boiler set in brick work. A
log boiler was simply a shell some twenty feet long and two feet in
diameter without flues or tubes. Wood was the fuel and sufficient to
to make the trip through the lake and back was a load for the boat
when she started, but wood was cheap and although the Enterprise
was slow compared with modern boats she was reasonably certain of
making the round trip in two days which was a vast improvement
on sailing with contrary winds or the tedious and laborious poling
along the beach. The Enterprise served her time and when she had
outlived her usefulness as a steamboat was sunk and used as a dock
near the present breakwater at Ithaca. In 1825 the Talemakus was
built by Phelps & Goodwin on an entirely new plan, there being no
frames in the hull of the boat. They called it the basket plan. The
planking was double, the first course standing nearly vertical to the
keel to which they were bolted ; the second or outside courses were
laid fore and aft as at present and at every intersection with vertical
planking were treenailed (pronounced trunnelled) with wooden pins
split and wedged at each end, thus forming a truss of great strength.
The Talemakus was provided with a condensing or low-pressure engine
of what was known as the "steeple pattern" and although an improve-
ment on the Enterprise, both in size and speed was very far from being
rapid. About this time the DeWitts became interested in steamboat-
ing and in 1830 in connection with the old company built the "DeWitt
Clinton." This was also a "basket" boat and the largest and most
powerful yet built ; the Erie Canal having been opened trade on the
lakes had increased enormously, and towing canal boats was an impor-
tant part of the business.' Up to this time no boat had run expressly
for passengers, all boats did towing and landed their passengers by
means of small boats, and it was not until 1840 that any attempt was
made to land at a dock, in fact it was not done at all, landings until
compelled to do so.- The mode of landing was for the steamer to ap-
proach the shore as closely as possible, slow up, load the passengers
and baggage into the small boat which was lowered into the water, a
line was attached to the steamer by the aid of which the boat was for-
ced ashore in a line diagonal to the steamers course, the line being paid
out by a hand in the boat, on reaching the shore the passengers were
bundled out and others taking their place the steamer was put under
full headway and the boat hauled aboard ; it was hurried work and
many accidents occured in which some lives had been lost and com-
plaints became so numerous and pressing that the Legislature passed
an act compelling all passenger steamers to come to a dock and make
fast before any persons were allowed to go on or off; this of course
necessitated the building of docks at air landings. In 1840 the "Sim-
eon DeWitt" the largest boat ever built on the lake up to the present
time (1888) was put on as a regular passenger boat ; she was also the
only boat that had outside boilers ; placing the boilers on the guards
was almost universal on the Hudson but the plan never met with favor
on the lakes. The Simeon DeWitt was commanded by Capt. Buckbee a
Hudson river steamboat man, Capt. Wilcox came on the lake some-
time before, became interested in steamboating and continued his con-
nection with the business until his death. The "William E. Dodge" fol-
lowed in 1850, she was also a large boat, not so long as the DeWitt but
wide and high and very handsomely furnished. She had an incline
engine and inside boilers. The "Forest City" was built the same year,
the "Kate Morgan" in 1855, the "Sheldrake" in 1857, the "Aurora" in
1859, the "T. D. Wilcox" in 1861, the "Ino" in 1864, the "Frontenac"
in 1866. The T. D. Wilcox, Sheldrake, and Frontenac are now run-
ning and in good condition having been rebuilt by the present owners.
The "Ithaca" built at Union Springs for a ferry, the "Beardsley" and
a screw steamer called the "McAlister" were also purchased by the
steamboat company. From the building of the Enterprise to the pre-
sent time steamboating on the Cayuga has been practically in the hands
of one company. This company has of course had many changes by
the addition of new members or by death and retirement of others but
there has been but the one line and one organization, there has never
been any active opposition. For many years the "Company" was com-
posed of but one man, T. D. Wilcox; in 1854 or 1855 it was enlarged
by taking in several new partners mostly from Aurora. The Morgans
and Himrods of that place, wealthy and influential men, were di.satisfied
with the policy of Capt. Wilcox who was an extremely economical
man, he had his own ideas of what constituted a steamboat, for show
he cared but little, and his steamers always presented a patched up ap-
pearance ; when»he built a new boat everything about the one she was
to succeed that would not break of its own weight was used, the conse-
quence was that when completed they presented various styles of naval
architecture, old windows and doors, cabin ornamentations that had
done service since the days of old Talemakus were jostled together in
a heterogenous mass and called by courtesy a steamboat but which
could have been with consistency called a museum. All this shocked
the sensitive nerves of the wealth and aristocracy of Aurora and there
began to be talk of opposition. Capt. Wilcox was a wily man, he had
made lots of money steamboating in his own way but had no notion of
fighting an opposition line, so he made a proposition to sell out to the
Aurora parties which he eventually did at a good figure. One or two
seasons these people cut a wide swath but finally were glad to sell back
again to the Capt. who continued to conduct the business in his pecu-
liar way until his death, when his heirs sold the entire line to the pre-
sent Company. In addition to the steamers owned by the line several
others have been run on the lake as ferrys and frieght boats. The
"Cayuga," built by A. P. Osborn in 1863, was run between Ithaca and
Syracuse as a packet and was the first steamboat ever put on this route.
She was ninety-six feet long and about eighteen feet wide over guards,
she had side wheels and powerful machinery and was very fast but not
of sufficient freight capacity for the trade. In 1864 she was taken to
Saginaw Mich., by her owner and run on the Saginaw River and its
tributaries until the close of navigation, when she was sold ; the follow-
ing year she was burned on the dry dock while undergoing repairs.
The trip through the lakes was a somewhat perilous one for so small
a boat, and she came very near suffering shipwreck on Point Pele,
Lake Erie ; her crew consisted of but three men and a boy, who be-
came well nigh exhausted before getting the boat off the reef; she suf-
fered some damage but continued her voyage to Saginaw without fur-
ther serious accident. In 1864 Rowland & Robinson of Union Springs
built a large freight propeller the "Howland" and placed her on the
route abandoned by the Cayuga ; she proved as mucl#too large for the
trade as the Cayuga was too small and after two years was taken off
and used for many years as a tramp freight boat. In 1862 Mr. Tracy of
Kidders built a steam ferry which was a failure and was taken to Syracuse
in 1864. Capt. VanOrder an old time boat man and boat builder had a
steam freight boat in about 1856. A Mr. Carman who was at one time
proprietor of the Frog Point property built a steam ferry boat sometime
in the '30's ; she could not have been remarkably powerful as Thomas
Bardwell, then a young man, and a companion once held her fast to the
dock by their hands alone, notwithstanding her efforts with all steam
on to get away-^either a very weak boat or very strong men. But one
tramp Steamer is at present on the lake, the "Elfin," Capt. Schriver.
The lake now abounds with all sorts of steam pleasure craft from the
tiny kerosene launch to the magrtificent "Clara," a Hereschoff, owned
by Mr. Kelloggthe bridge builder of Athens, Pa. The steamers of the
old line are now owned by a company of Ithaca Gentlemen who are
enterprising and progressive. They keep their property in first-class
condition and in addition to the towing interests cater largely to ex-
cursions and pleasure traveling ; their boats are officered by competent
and reliable men, and the management have succeeded in making their
excursions so attractive that pleasure seekers by the thousands now
avail themselves of an opportunity to enjoy the delights of a ride on the
clear waters and appreciate the magnifient scenery .of the beautiful
In 181 1 there was incorporated a society in Trumansburg called the
Ulysses Philomathic Library. Notwithstanding that this was but little
better than a wilderness, and the people were for the most part devot-
ed to the problem of existence than to literary pursuits, yet it is evi-
dent that there was a desire in the minds of many to cultivate a taste
for books, and to this end this association was formed. The following
are the articles of incorporation in full : "I do hereby certify that agree-
ably to an Act to incorporate such persons as may associate for the
purpose of procuring and erecting of public librarys in this State pass-
ed April 1st, 1796, the members of Uylsses Philomathic Library, con-
vened on the 2d Tuesday in June 181 1 at the Inn of Michall C. Snell,
in the town aforesaid and duly elected the following persons as trustees
of said Library, (to wit) : Abner Tremain, Samuel Ingersoll, Jr., Minor
Thomas, Henry Taylor, and Cornelius Hanley — in conformation where-
of, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, at Uylsses aforesaid, the 1 5th
day of August 181 1. Stephen Woodworth, Chairman of the said meetr
ing. Seneca Co., ss. Be it remembered that on the 15th day of August
in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred.and eleven, be-
fore me, O. C. Comstock, a Judge of Common Pleas for said Co., came
Stephen Woodworth to me known to be the person who executed the
preceeding certificate, and duly acknowledged that he executed the
same, and having inspected the same, and being fully satisfied of the
due execution thereof, I do allow it to be recorded. O. C. Comstock.
This association prospered. H. Camp was the first librarian, Henry
Taylor the first chairman, O, C. Com.stock the first treasurer. The of-
ficers and trustees were, elected annually by the stock holders. Any
person to become a member must first be accepted and pay one or
more dollars into the treasury, upon which the librarian would issue a
certificate of membership. These people evidently believed in rotation
of officers' as we find at the next annual meeting in June, 1812, held at
the store of H. Camp, Isaac Stillwell was elected chairman and Abra-
ham Hand, Nathaniel Ayers, Alex. Bower, Nicoll HaLe y and Don. C.
Buell, trustees. Upon the record books of the society appears tEFnames of
every mafe^erson who contributed, held office. or purchased the books
which were sold at auction in 1839. The last board of officers consist-
ed of John Creque chairman, James McLallen secy ; Lyman Strobridgc,
James McLallen, John Creque, James Westervelt, E. J. Ayers, Henry
Taylor, N. Ayers, Urial Turner, and Lewis Porter. ■ There is every
reason to believe that this association vfas productive of much good,
and the annual reports show that much interest was taken in its man-
agement especially during the first ten years of its existence, as a dis-
seminator of knowledge it served its purpose in its day and died full of
In 1818 eight Free Masons of the town of Ulysses petitioned the
Grand Lodge of the State of New York for a charter for a subordinate
Lodge to be located at Trumansburg. This request was granted and
the Charter issued bearing the date of June 8, 1818, and the Lodge
was named Fidelity. The first Master was Henry Taylor. In those
day.s to be a Mason meant something more than to belong to a lodge,
attend its meetings, and perform the rites under the ritual. Masonry
was in the hands of the representative men of the country and when a
candidate knocked at its door for admission, in addition to the ques-
tion, do you know anything against this man ? was another equally
pertinent, do you know that this candidate possesses the qualifications
required .to make a good Mason ? It was not the initiation fee to swell
the treasury but the man himself that gained admission to the mystic
rites of this ancient and honorable order. In this new country, settled
by people from the various localities in the east there was need of
something to bind men more closely than ordinary social intercourse,
some plane upon which, by following its precepts afforded personal, so-
cial and pecuniary protection to its members, and Masonry covered all
these requirements. Furthermore this was not at that time a land of
churches, but men found in the moral code of Masonry the highest
type of religion, not creed or dogma, but that which taught man's
duty to his God and his neighbor. This Lodge so prospered that in
ten yearS' it had increased its membership to one hundred and forty-
two. A storm was gathering however that was soon to break with
terriffic and irresistible force. The growth of Masonry was watched
by politicians and churches with jealous eyes, and these two joined
hands to crush the institution which they claimed was menacing the
country. It was a singular combination this of religion and politics,
but common interests united them in a common cause and now com-
menced a series of persecutions that would have gladdened the heart
of a Spanish inquisition, and Trumansburg became the very centre of
operations probably because the order had acquired greater strength
here than in other places. Masons were not allowed to sit in the jury
box, their evidence in the law courts was looked upon with suspicion
and if a contending party was a Mason, was not received at all, conse-
quently the cause of a Mason before an anti Mason jury was as good
as lost before he commenced ; house was divided against house, neigh-
bor against neighbor, churches closed their doors to Masonry and its
advocates, and when found within its pale summary ejection followed ;
such bigotry and intolerance has scarcely a parallel in the history of
this or any other nation ; crimes of all discriptions were laid at the
doors of Masonry, children were taught to shun Masons as human
ghouls ; murder, arson and treason were charged upon innocent men.
The anti Masons started a newspaper edited by a man named Phelps,
who, had he lived at the present time, would have been called a "crank ;"
he was however a fit exponent of his constituency, there was nothing
so dirty and contemptible but that he entered into ; this bright and
shining light afterward became a Mormon. The pressure became un-
bearable and the lodge finally considered a proposition to surrender its
charter, this was strongly opposed by a few of the older and most
prominent members, but the result was that all but twelve quietly with-
drew from active participation in its affairs. Now read carefully the
names of these twelve men, whom their successors call the "twelve
apostles" to this day and whose memory fills a larger place in their
hearts than all else besides, and see if any of these honored names
were borne by murderers, incendiaries or traitors. Nickol Halsey, Ly-
man Strobridge, Nathaniel Ayers, Henry Taylor, Isaac Watts Hart,
Elias J. Ayers, Milo VanDusen, David K. McLallen, James McLallen,
Philomon Thompson. Uriel Turner and John Creque. For twenty
years did these twelve men, despite persecution and slander, hold thdir
regular meetings, they had no lodge room but met in their houses and
places of business, their movements were watched, but when twelve de-
termined men, conscious of their rights, resolve to do, they do. In
1847 i*^ was deemed advisable to move the charter to Ithaca where
it still remains. In 1849 anti Masonry having run its course, and died
a natural but ignominious death, the Grand Lodge was petitioned for a
return of the charter but granted a new one instead. There has always
been some feeling upon this subject as Fidelity Lodge was the only
one in central or western New York that preserved its organization
through the troubleous times and in consideration of that fact the lodge
claims, and justly too, that they should have restored it to the original
standing and name. As an illustration of the feeling which existed at
that time it might not be out of place to mention a few incidents, which
on account of their notoriety have become historical. It was a time
honored custom for Masons to celebrate St. John's Day by a public
parade and address followed by a banquet. The address was usually
given in some large hall or church and the subject chosen such as
would be appropriate to the time and place: In 1 827 occured the last
public observance of St. John's Day. On that occasion a party of anti
Masons procured a cart in which was seated several of the most violent
opponents of Masonry bearing a large banner upon which was rudely
drawn the supposed scene of the Morgan tragedy. The cart followed
by a howling mob of boys and men, sought to break up the procession
on its return from the Presbyterian meeting house where the address
had been delivered ; they annoyed the column in various ways by
hooting and shouting, calling the members approbious names, and fin-
ally by attempting to drive over them. The affair began to assume a
serious aspect. Among the Masons in that parade were some of the
first men in the community, some had been soldiers in the War of 18 12,
they were on a mission of peace and had offended nobody ; it is said
that many, having had an intimation of what was to happen were arm-
ed, they only waited for the command to defend themselves, and had
that command been given there is no calculating the result either for
the present or future. The more considerate anti Masons, seeing that
things were likely to result in bloodshed advised the rioters to disperse,
and their wise counsel was heeded and probably it was fortunate that
they did as otherwise many famihar names in this community would
now have no existence. Once the lodge room was broken into and
much valuable property either destroyed or carried away ; .the per-
petrators of this outrage were never discovered. There were three
church organizations in Trumapsburg at this time. The first to take
action and aggressive measures against Masons as individuals was the
Baptist which demanded of Elias J. Ayers, a Mason, a recantfition or
suffer expulsion. He' refused to yield his principles at the dictation of
the church and was expelled. Dr. O. C. Cohistock, a Mason, was to
be the next victim but before action he accepted a call to go to Roch-
ester. The pastor of the Presbyterian church the Rev. J. H. Carle was
importuned to take measures to have the church take action on the
subject. Mr. Carle was a Mason and he politely but firmly told the
complainants to mind their own business and their efforts to cause a
division in the church was thus frustrated.. The M. E. Church at this
time (1832-5) was feeble but its pastor the Rev. Richard Goodwin was
a host in himself, he was a good man and a Mason and to his firmness
in not allowing the disaffection in the community to enter his church
doors may he attributed the fact that Methodists in this town were
rarely aggressive anti Masons. It is a fact well worth remenibering
that during a portion of these troubleous times the pastors- of all the ,
chufches were active Masons and none of them ever recanted, they used
their influence to dispel the eroneous impressions of the enemies of the
order, to heal the discords in families and show by precept and exam-
ple that Christianity and Masonry were compatible. The real inside
facts in what is known as the Morgan expose, and its consequent re-
sults will never be told ; this much however is patent to every careful
reader of the history of the times,^political managers fanned the flame
until it became a conflagration and to use Thurlow Weed's own ex-
pression "any dead body found in Lake Ontario was a good enough
Morgan until after election."
In 1844 a move was made looking toward the establishment of a
lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. This institution was
comparatively new ; from a small beginning in the city of Baltimore,
on March 2d, 1819, in which Thomas Wildey, the true fether of Odd
Fellowship in America, John Duncan and John Cheatham met in re-
sponse to an advertisement inserted in the Baltimore American calling
for all Odd Fellows to meet at that date and organize a lodge. After
many difficulties a legal lodge was finally constituted. Masonry was
already firmly established but it did not seem to meet the requirements
of certain classes. At that time mutual benefit socities or co-operative
insurance was unknown, at least in any such form as we see it to-day,
and there were those who felt the need of something which not only
held its membership by solemn obligations but would go still further,
afford substantial relief in case of sickness or disability. The benefits
derived fi-om such an organization became so evident that in a few
years Odd Fellowship had spread to the uttermost parts of the country,
and embraced in its membership the first people in the land. Decem-
ber 23d, 1844, a charter was granted to be called Tuckahannock,
No. 20, and on January 20th, 1845, the first meeting was held in
the attic of the Washington House, a large and h^mdsome room which
did service for several years. The charter members were N. B. Smith,
P. H. Thompson, Samuel E. Clark, S. A. Turner, N. J. Strobridge,
W'm. G. Godley, Edwin Hopkins, John Harold, Thomas M. Bishop,
John Furgeson, Daniel Elmore, Abijah W. Barnum, John McLallen.
For some fifteen or sixteen years the society enjoyed a large degree of
prosperity, but like the Masons they were destined to be tried as by
fire, but unlike them the result verified the saying that "femily quarrels
are the most bitter." A diflficulty with the treasurer, Daniel Elmore,
who held large sums of money which he refused to turn over to his
successor or deliver to the lodge, claiming to hold it subject to accumu-
lating rent, led to open rupture. The treasurer left the town carrying
the lodge keys with him, the other officers however, broke into the
room, removed and divided the furniture and fixtures for safe keeping,
and for several years these few of the faithful held yearly meetings and
quietly elected officers and made the reports to the Grand Lodge, thus
keeping the charter alive. The only living members of the original
lodge who have never severed their connection with the order and
whose counsels are still sought after and respected by their brethren
are E. S. Pratt and Herman C. Smith. After the War the society ex-
perienced a revival, it took oh new life, as it were ; the membership
under careful and judicious management increased until the number of
active members reached over seventy, and this in Odd Fellowship
means something. There is no such thing as nominal Odd Fellows,
they must be either active or not at all, and to this fact can be attribut-
ed the present healthy condition of Tuckahannock Lodge. It has be-
come a power in the community, has been and will be produc'tve of
much good. In 1850, on Feb. 20th, a charter was granted for an En-
campment at Ovid, Seneca Co., N. Y. called Ovid Encampment. In
1855 this Encampment was removed to Farmer Village and the name
changed to Seneca Encampment which name it still retains. In June,
1865 it was moved to Trumansburg; in 1877 it was taken back to Ovid,
and in Jan. 1881, it was returned to Trumansburg where it still remains.
The cause of these migrations came from the fact that this branch of
the order in Odd Fellowship is analagous to the Commandery in
Masonry and covers a territory which may include a number of sub-
ordinate lodges, and a majority of the members determine its location.
The last removal however was effected by vi et armis instead of the bal-
lot. One cold and stormy night a number of Encampment members
from Trumansburg, went to Ovid, seized and carried off the charter and
regalia, justifying their action by circumstances not for historial record.
Seneca Encampment is in a prosperous condition financially and stead-
ily adding to its membership.
Among the societies which have lived for a time and served their
purpose none were more favorably known than the Sons of Te'mper-
ance. The agitation of the liquor question dates back much further
than is generally supposed, While it is true that up to quite recent
times the use of spirits as a beverage was common, and we might say-
almost universal among all classes, as early as 1650 there were those
who saw and appreciated the evils growing out of its promiscuous use
on all occasions, and sought in a mild way to discourage it. In the
early times of Puritan New England, rum was considered one of the
necessary adjuncts of a well conducted funeral, but there were even at
that time those who saw the incongruity of the thing, and about 1750
a temperance society was formed which went to the extent of dis-
couraging the use of liquor at funerals. Societies of farmers were
formed soon after in which the members were pledged not to furnish
rum to their helpers during the harvesting season ; the question was
discussed in -the churches to some extent but it was an hundred years
before any society was formed on the broad basis of total abstinence.
The first important total abstinence society were called Washingtonians
and was the result of a temperance reform that swept the country and
which has no parallel in our history, not even excepting the great
Murphy movement. The Washingtonians had their day, and in a
measure, gave place in 1842 to the Sons of Temperance, This society
was founded by John W. and Isaac Oliver and as an organization was
much more perfect and semetrical than any which had preceeded it.
It embraced in its membership the better class of citizens, its ritual was
impressive and instructing and soon ranked, as the best of its class.
The speed with which the fame of the new society traveled was mar-
velous ; in a few years lodges were constituted in every state and ter-
ritory of the union. As early as 1845 the subject was agitated in this
place and soon after a lodge composed of twelve charter members was
instituted and held their first meeting in the Odd Fellows Hall in the
Washington House. The twelve men were Asher Wolverton, Samuel
Williams, S. G. Williams, James M, Crequc, Lewis Porter, T. W. Rcccl,
Alonzo Trembley, Stephen Young, Samuel Jennings, John Harold,
Howell King and Alson Larue, The lodge flourished, increased in
membership, and undoubtedly controled the town elections on the
question of license, no licenses being granted for several years. In
about 1850 James M. Creque and Lewis Porter as a sort of constitut-
ing committee established lodges in Enfield and Ncwfield, and in 1853
a lodge in Jacksonville. The Jacksonville lodge was the longest lived
one in the county having existed for thirty years. The Trumansburg
lodge survived some ten or twelve years ; its early demise can be at-
tributed to many causes. In 1852 the Good Templars came into ex-
istence and soon became extremely popular ; both sexes were admitted
to membership, and this in itself was an important consideration, at
leasr among the young diciples of total abstinence, and although many
belonged to both orders it soon became evident that one would have
to be sacrificed. The dues, fines and penalties of the Good Templars
were much less than the Sons, a fall from grace in the former cost but
fifty cents, and a young fellow could indulge in an economical spree at
a comparatively small expense, whereas a lapse from the strict regula-
tions of the Sons was invested with penalties so severe as to make the
indulgence of convivial propensities prohibitory. To give the
names of the Good Templars would occupy too much space as
everyone in town, at one time or another, was a member ; some never
visited the lodge but once — at their initiations ; their curiosity was grat-
ified and having no heart in the cause dropped it ; but of many others it
must be .said that they were faithful to their obligations which they vol-
untarily assumed. Upon investigation it is discovered, that a former
statement that H, Camp was a member of the Sons of Temperance, was
an error, but he afterward became identified with the Good Templars.
The Good Templars existed for several years, had their ups and
downs with other organizations and when it had served its purpose
About 1854 Knownothingism came to the front. It was entirely-
political in its character and at first the management was kept so
profoundly secret that the first intimation the country had of its exis-
tence was when the ballot boxes were opened and the votes counted
when it appeared that there was a new candidate in the field. The
fundamental principle of the new order was "America for Americans."
Its principles were promulgated by means of lodges, and so secretly
was this done that often a lodge would be in operation several months
before it was discovered by the public. The proceedings of the lodges
and the conduct of the members were shrouded in profound mystery.
The only badge or insigna worn by Knownothings was a hat of a
peculiar shape and color, and the hat retained the name long after the
order had ceased to exist. The movement was started at a time when
everything political conspired to ensure its success ; both the Whig
and Democratic parties were divided on the great questions which re-
sulted in war only six years later; political leaders recognized the fact
that unless some new issue was made many of them would soon be out
of employment and nothing strikes terror to the soul of a professional
politician as the prospect of losing his job. So we- find in the com-
position of the new party the most heterogenous mass of voting mater-
ial ever combined for one purpose. Old line Democrats, Hunkers and
Barnburners, Silver Gray Whigs and Free Soilers, who had for years
fought each other tooth and nail now joined hands in a common cause ;
no more unrestricted imigration, twenty-one year residence to acquire
citizenship, all public offices to be filled by native born Americans, was
the war cry and "I Know Nothing" the watchword. Increasing
strength, gave confidence until finally the lodge system became un-
necessary, and in 1856 Millard Fillmore, Ex-President of the United
States was nominated in convention as the presidential candidate of the,
American party and the only state giving him its electoral vote was
Maryland. Trumansburg was not far behind her neighbors in espousing
the principles of the new party ; a lodge was instituted with a large mem-
bership which was subsequently greatly increased. The only loclgc-
room of which the public had any knowledge was in the building which
occupied the site of the stores of J. T, Howe and Horton & Ilolton,
This building was of wood, two stories high and occupied as stores and
shops; through one of these stores was a back entrance to the hall
above ; a collection of customers a little larger than usual was not no-
ticeable and one by one they would slip out of the back door and gain
entrance to the. lodge-room without being seen by those set to watch
the outer door. They were constantly beset by enemies and spies, sup-
posed members were shadowed, threatening letters were received, in-
timidation and petty persecutions resorted to, prompted probably more
by a spirit of deviltry than a desire to do real harm. One morning the
early risers were horrified at seeing dangling from a rope stretched
across the street in front of the lodge room, what appeared to be the
lifeless form of a man, but which upon clo.ser investigation proved to
be only an effigy, and upon his breast was fastened a card bearing the
name of a well known citizen. It was claimed that this man had man-
aged to secrete himself in the attic and through a small hole in the
ceiling could sec and hear something of what was going on below ; he
was discovered, hence the execution. The affair created quite an ex-
citement at the time and there were outspoken threats of violence.
After hanging a few hours the effigy was taken down and burned. As
soon as it became known that the Knownothings had started a lodge
the Choctaws, also a secret society, the duty of which seems to have
been to discover and thwart the objects of the Knownothings, was
started and it soon developed there was a serious leak in Knownothing-
ship and unless that leak was stopped she was in imminent danger of
foundering ; their secret plans were known among the Choctaws and
the only solution of the mystery seemed to point to the fact that there
was a spy in the camp. There is now no doubt that there were men
who belonged to both societies and solely for the purpose of spying
upon one or the other. This condition of affairs afforded plenty of
amusemnnt for the outsiders. The Republican party was fast coming
into prominence and after the campaign of 1856 gradually absorbed a
portion of the Knownothings, a few hung to the skirts of Bell & Evarts,
later on and most of the Democrats returned to their allegiance. A
phase of Knownothingism, not peculiar to this locality either, is that
even down to the present, where time should have obliterated all feel-
ing upon the subject, men of all political creeds do not care to have it
mentioned that they were ever Knownothings.
On September 20th, 1873, J. Marshal Guion, Esq,, of Seneca Falls,
as mustering officer, assisted by the members of Cross Post, of that
place, came to Trumansburg in compliance with a request of the old
soldiers and by the order from Department Headquarters to institute
the first G. A. R. in this place. This Post was named- Lewis
Post, No. 38. Its first Commander was N. R. Gifford, the charter
members were N. R. Gifford, C. H. Fish, W. H. Cuffman, J. C. Fish, G.
W. Warne, M. Chandler, J. C. Kirtland, Hpry Hutchings, Jr., W. A.
Brewer, R. M. Cannon, Elias Pierce, and H. J. Woodworth. The first
meeting was held in Dumont's Hall, which room they occupied until
a hall was fitted up in a new building erected by J. C. Kirtland. For
some years the Post flourished but circumstances which were of conse-
quence to no one but themselves made it desirable to disband in 1877.
The property was taken possession of by the lessee of the hall to
satisfy a claim for rent which is still in dispute. During the summer
of 1885 several old soldiers, some of whom had been members of the .
original Post, and man^ who had never identified themselves with the
order began a fresh agitation on the subject ; a thorough canvass of the
village and vicinity was made which resulted in the organization of
Treman Post, No. 572, on September 23d, of that year. The new Post
started under very favorable auspices, there being about forty charter
members. They were mustered by Commander Amasa Hunderford,
of Ithaca, who was assisted by a large delegation from Sidney Post.
The first Commander was A. H. Pierson. The Post Hall is located in
the Pag-e Block and although not large is comfortable and adequate to
the present needs of the Post which is still in a flourishing condition
with every prospect of permanency the limit of which must be the lives
of the present generation of soldiers unless another war should furnish
recruits, which event is extremely problematical.
During the war Trumansburg showed its patriotism not only by
sending its full quota of soldiers to the front biit maintained during
the whole time a branch of the Union and Loyal League. These or-
ganizations were purely political, or rather, uncompromisingly for the
vigorous prosecution of the war, they were also, to a certain extent,
secret societies, and their influence was greater than was generally
supposed ; matters in which they were interested could be handled
more -thoroughly by a compact body of men united in a common
cause than by public assemblies xomprized of elements not in perfect
accord. With the close of the war their mission was ended, they had
served their purpose and perished for want of material to sustain them.
Trumansburg has its full share of mutual benefit associations, some
gf. which are permanent organizations holding regular meetings, but for
the most part are simply members of some cooperative insurance com-
pany with no voice in its management.
In modern times the wealth and prosperity of a town or city is meas-
ured by its manufactories. A community which is largely engaged in
converting raw material into articles useful or ornamental, which are
sent abroad, has advantages not possessed by places dependent upon
one industry or product. In the first place the manufactured goods are
distributed over a larger area, and the money which they fetch is dis-
tributed among the proprietors and operatives in one locality, so every
individual who buys a single article pays tribute to the place of manu-
facture. The tendency of the last half of a century has been toward
centralization of capital ; the growth of the country, its increasing
needs and rapid development of all industries has stimulated inventive
genius, machinery has to a great extent supplanted hand labor and to-
day almost everything necessary to our comfort and convenience can
be bought "ready made." This result has been brought about by the
establishment of large factories where by the use of special machinery
a.nd proper division of labor the product has been greatly cheapened,
and the system has also been a death blow to small towns and villages,
individual mechanics and small proprietors. Towns possessing sup-
erior advantages of location by reason of water power, shipping facili-
ties or conveniences to source of raw material have prospered and be-
came cities while their neighbors less fortunate have either stood still
or retrograded. For several years and up to quite recently Trumans-
burg has considered itself something of a manufacturing town. A
large business employing an hundred men a portion of the year has
given the place an aspect of activity, but it is an open question if we
had not reached high water mark in point of wealth and prosperity
long before the establishment of the Gregg Iron Works. Before the
factory system had absorbed all small manufacturers al-moat everything
used in a comrnunity was built there. Blacksmiths were such indeed,
they took the iron in the bar' and from it fashioned everything from
nails to olow shares and coulters ; now horse shoes come to their
hands ready-made as also do the nails, and so with implements etc.
This is an saving of labor, but the small towns do not derive
the benefit. Just so with everything consumed or worn. It is not
many years since a score of men were- employed in this town, at one
time, in making boots and shoes, all of which were used at home. We
had tailors, tinners and hatters, weavers and fullers, dyers, spinners and
wool carders, wagon and furniture factories, saddlers and carriage trim-
mers, foundries and machine shops constantly employed in making the
various irhplements and machines used on the farm and local factories.
We had cooper shops, wooden-ware and axe factories, chair makers,
saw mills, grist mills, tanneries, distilleries, carpenters, joiners, and boat
builders, in fact almost every trade was represented, and these people
were mechanics, not jobbers working for years on one piece of a ma-
chine, but were capable of completing anything they began, who had
served their time as apprentices and; had in turn become proprietors.
It is susceptible of proof that from 1830 to 1850 more people were em-
ployed in the mechanical arts in this village than at any time since. It
must also be remembered that the employment of these old time me-
chanics was well nigh constant, the only time that their shops were idle
was during the harvest period ; then allured by the high wages offered
for a few weeks work, shoe makers, carpenters, blacksmiths and even
merehants left their business for a short time for out of door labor.
There was no spurt for a few months and a total shut down for the
balance of the year, there was no great fluctuation of prices, there seem-
ed to be a demand for labor at fair prices, for the times^ and there is
no question but that property was more evenly divided and everything
more on an equality than now. Notwithstanding .the great change
that has come over us as a village we have held our own in population
and while we have suffered in the loss of some inechanical industries
we have increased our merchantile interests, and in this respect are far
more fortunate than most country villages similarly situated ; our mag-
nificent farming country must always support the village with a fair
prospect of increase. It is the purpose of this history to give as far
data is obtainable, brief mention of the different manufacturing enter-
prises which have existed since the settlement of the town and if pos-
sible in chronological order. It was quite natural that people should
be attracted by the water power afforded by Trumansburg Creek,
which was formerly a much greater stream than at present, and for the
purposes of this history we shall include all the factories and mills lo-
cated on the stream from the lake to the village. None of the iron
works however took their power from the stream. As has already
been mentioned the first dam occupied the site of the present one in
center of the village, and the first water wheel turned the stones in
Abner Treman's log grist mill.
Shortly after 1800 a dam was built on Trumansburg Creek above the
bridge at Rightmire's quarry. A race carried the water down the west
bank of the creek several rods to a saw mill; this was the second at-
tempt to use the water power of the creek to drive machinery. The
surrounding country was heavily timbered with pine and it was quite
natural that the settlers should desire to convert this wood into lumber,
not only for their own use but to supply the increasing demand for
building purposes in the new town above and the port at the lake be-
low. A short time after a grist mill was erected very near the same
site and subsequently a plaster mill just below which used the water
after passing through the grist mill above. In 1835 a portion of this
property was converted into an oil mill and operated up to compara-
tively recent times. A few rods above this dam was another, built a
short time after by Albert Campbell which furnished power for a small
wood working shop afterwards used by Urial Turner to manufacture
wagon hubs, etc. About twenty rods above this John Campbell erect-
ed a saw mill, and some forty rods above was another saw mill owned
by Peter VanDervere. The next mill site above was owned by John-
athan Treman who erected a factory for wool-carding and making cloth ;
this factory was operated by Samuel Smith ; the property was afterward
bought by Allan Pease and subsequently converted into a plaster mill.
Just above this was the tub and pail factory by A. B. Dickerman. A
Mr. Stephens and a Mr. Rowe, both from Connecticut, had a small
wood working shop just above. Some twenty rods- above was a saw
mill also owned and run by Mr. Dickerman ; next above was the trip
hammer shop in which David Williams made all the axes used in this
section for many years. Up to 1830 all tne country down the creek
from the village to the lake was a dense forest except small cl.earings
at these various mill sites. Some time in the '30's this axe factory was
converted into a woolen mill. At first only carding machinery was put
in, but looms, etc., for making cloth were added subsequently. It Ap-
pears that as early as 1838 Samuel Smith ran the wool carding and
cloth dressing department and A. B. Dickerman and Samuel Smith
operated the factory for making cloth. They advertised to make sat-
inettes, cassimers and pkin cloth in all colors, also to do contract weav-
ing, plainer twilled. They likewise wove rag carpets, and a striped
carpet of wool and linen which was not only handsome but very dur-
able, there being now in use in this town carpets of this kind that were
wove by Dickerman & Smith in 1838. Johnathan Treman had an in-
terest in the business the precise nature of which does not appear, but
he at one time owned the real estate and probably did at this time, as
we find him acting as the agent of the concern in buying and selling
manufactured stock. Turner, Andrews & Co. also carried on the wool
carding and cloth dressing business in a shop located on or near the
site of the present store of Biggs & Co ; Frederick Beckwith was their
manager. There was another woolen mill at Podunk. One of the first
industries to engage the attention of the early settler was the manufac-
ture of potash ; the factories were called asheries. Owing to the sim-
plicity of the process and abundance of material asheries were quite
common ; the ashes were not as a rule delivered at the works but were
gathered up by men employed for the purpose ; large vats or leaches
delivered the lye into tubs from which it was run into the kettles and
boiled until the water was entirely evaported leaving as a residum
crude potash which was run into casks and shipped away. For many
years Utica was the potash market and teams would load one way with
potash and the other with goods for which it had been exchanged. H.
Camp operated one of the first, if not the first, ashery in this place
shortly after 1800; it was located between the dam and where L. H.
Gould's factory noW stands. Albert Crandle was also in the business
and his place was very near to if not adjoining Mr. Camp's. At that
time Congress Street crossed the creek by means of a bridge over the
dam joining Main Street near the present mill road. Cayuga Street
was not surveyed for many years afterward, which accounts for the
location of these works upon what was then a prominent thorough-
fare and James McLallen afterward operated an ashery just west of the
Trembley House barn which was at that time a tannery. There were
several other asheries in the vicinity of the village some of which were
in 'Operation as late as 1850.
Who has the honor of being the first metal worker to settle here is
somewhat in doubt, but that David Williams found a blacksmith al-
ready at work is beyond question ; but probably Mr. Williams was the
first to engage in what^might be called manufacturing. A man named
HoUiday built and for some years ojjerated a furnace located on the
flat just below Bush's Hill. In 1812 a young Jerseyman named John
Creque, a blacksmith by trade, attracted by the favorable reports of the
new country, shouldered his kit of tools and started on a tour of inves-
tigation. Some time previous to this a family of Updike's with whom
he was connected had moved into the country and founded what was
known as the Updike Settlement, a few miles south of this village, and
as was quite natural Mr. Creque sought out his old acquaintances. He
saw no opening for him in that immediate locality and decided to try
his fortunes at the "Holler," as Trumansburg was then known. He
had married a wife, Catharine Updike, in 1808, who with his family of
three children, the youngest a babe, he had left in Neiw Jersey. After
deciding to remain went back for his family and on his return
rented a disused building near where the house of Linus Waring now
stands, and after making such repairs as was necessary for comfort
moved in. This building must have been humble, it had been used as
a sheep shed until it would no longer afford sheep adequate protection
against inclement weather, but as Mr. Creque afterward remarked, he
was toiigh and so was his young wife, arid bdth were prepared to rough
it for a time until a more comfortable house could be provided. They
did not have to wait long for this ; Mr. Creque selected as the site for
his shop the ground afterward occupied by his furnace and at present
by John VanAuken's livery stable and very soon after he built a com-
fortable house where Mrs. Wolverton now lives. John Creque was a
sharp ; shrewd and farseeing man, it did not take him long to discover
that this country had a future and that to profit by its development he
must be in the front rank. At that time blacksmithmg was not con-
fined to horse shoeing and general repairing, but all the tools used 'on
the farm passed through his hands. All the plows in use were of
wood, iron shod and steel pointed, and were made by blacksmiths, and
when John Creque heard that a man named Wood over in Cayuga Co.,
had invented a cast iron plow it struck him at once that if successful
this would ruin his plow trade, so with a foresight that characterized
all his dealings he posted off at once to investigate. He. saw and was
convinced ; Wood was building his plows at Wolcott and Mr. Creque
made arrangements to buy his castings at that place. About this time
Lyman Strobridge a. young man from Massachusetts, a saddler by trade
had located here, he also had become interested in the new idea of a
cast iron plow ; the two young men were fast friends and they decided
to form a partnership which continued for several years, and to these
young men belongs the credit of introducing into this section of the
country the first cast iron plow, which in general did not differ widely
from those now in use. They continued to buy their castings in Wal-
cott until about 1832 when Mr. Creque built a furnace on the ground
now occupied by John VanAuken's residence, or nearly. This shop
was provided with stearti power ; the boilers was of extremely simple
construction, being comprised of four cast-iron tubes about 10 feet long
and as many inches in diameter, enclosed in a brick arch, two below
and two above, with suitable connections ; the lower tubes were sus-
pended in the fire box and contained the water, the upper ones operate
ed as a steam dome ; the boilers did good service for several years
when they were sold to Mr. Clapp, of Covert, who erected a shop at
what was known as Clapp's Corners, where they did duty many years
more, and it was in this little shop that that family of famous mechanics
received their early training. The engine was built in the State Prison
at Auburn, bellows were used instead of a fan for melting iron. This
shop proved too small and in 1836 Mr. Creque built the furnace and
machine shop on the site of the first blacksmith shop, which building
was destroyed in the great fire of 1864.
John Creque was born in New Jersey 1779, married Catherine Up-
dike in 1808. Their first child Jane was born in 1809, William in 18 10
and Mary in 1812 and made the journey to the then far west in her
mother's arms. She afterwards became the wife of Asher Wolverton
and survives him and is now living with her daughter Kate in the
house occupying the site of the one her father built nearly three-quar-
ters of a century ago. Sallie, afterwards Mrs. Jacob Vanderbilt, was
born in 1814, Herman, still living in Wolcott Wayne Co., was born in
1 8 16, George W., in 1818, John, still living and in business in this vil-
lage, in 1819, Catherine in 1827, Lydia Ann, still living, in 1829, and
Jacob U., still living, in 1832. From the time he struck the first blow
on his anvil until the day of his death John Creque was' one of the first
and foremost men of this village. He was a man of marked individu-
ality, fixed in purpose, unbending in will, stern in his judgments, exact-
ing as to his rights, honorable in his business transactions, and although
a strict disciplinarian in his family and to his employees, was generous
to an extreme with his children. He was just the right sort of a man
for a successful pioneer, combining the faculty to look into the future
with the perseverance to follow to a successful issue any enterprise he
undertook and the courage to defend his rights against all comers.
Like all positive and aggressive men he encountered opposition and made
enemies, and often his position in local affairs savored of obstinacy, yet
he meant to be just in all things and to all men. Mr. Creque was a
Free Mason and one of the "Twelve Apostles" who survived the anti-
Masonic war. In person he was short and stout, erect and dignified in
bearing, courteous in his intercourse with his neighbors and friends.
He possessed a keen sense of humor and no man enjoyed a joke more
heartily ; he was fond of children and took great pleasure in encourag-
ing boys to engage in money making operations in a small way, giving
them employment about his place and many a lad of those days earned
his spending money by cleaning castings at a cent a hundred in his
shop. Mr. Creque had several partners at various times, the first after
Lyman Strobridge being a Mr. Hildreth who was with him for a time
in his first foundry. After he built the new shops he took in Benjamin
Burgess as a partner in the machine shop only. Subsequently his sons
Washington and James had an interest in the business with him and in
1 854 they rented the shops for five years. In i860 or some time after the
expiration of their lease Perigo and Keeler took the place and did bus-
iness for a year or two. On their retirement Wm. Douglass and John
VanAuken took the blacksmith shop for one year and during that time
ironed thirteen canal boats in addition to their other business. About
the first of January 1864 Washington and James Creque proposed to
buy the whole business but before the sale was consumated the pro-
perty was destroyed by the fire and Mr. Creque generously released
his sons from all obligations if any legally existed. Jacob Creque also
learned his trade and Worked for several years in the moulding room
of this foundry. The Creque furnace from first to last might be called
a successful concern, it made money for the builder and all concerned ;
of course some money was lost by .its management at various times but
the percentage was small. Mr. Creque was conservative in his bus-
iness policy, adverse to taking risks, prefering to let well enough alone
rather than to expend much money in experiment, and never aimed to
be a manufacturer ; he was satisfied to build the Creque Iron Beam
Plow as he had and endeavored to convince people that it was the
in the market. He built horse powers, field rollers, harrows, etc., in
fact almost everything required- on the farm, and in earlier times mill
machinery and gearing. Jobbing and repairing constituted a large
proportion of the business. John Creque died November 2d, 1866.
Sometime in the '20's Johnathan Treman built for two mechanics,
Grant & Lockwood, the main building of what is now the Agricultural
Works of Samuel Almy. The property has been known as the "Red
Furnace" for half a century, it has passed through more vecissitudes,
made and lost more money, has had more ups and downs, than any
other building in this village ; it has proved the rock upon which many
a good man has spilt and was, until it came into the possession of the
present owner a veritable cemetery of buried hopes and fortunes. The
original building contained a blacksmith shop in the basement and a
wagon shop on the first floor. The upper story was used at that time
as a dwelling by David Williams, afterward by Wm. Chandler as a
chair factory. The number of occupants, the. varying kinds of business
and frequent changes of management make it extremely difficult to fix
precise dates, and no attempt will be made to do so, it is sufficient for
the purpose that the different persons interested will be presented in
the order of their entrance and exit. Grant & Stetson succeeded Grant
& Lockwood and they were succeeded by Grant & Campbell, and on
the death of Campbell the firm became Grant & King ; soon afterward
Grant retired and a new firm King & Lambert was formed, and this
may be .said to end the first epoch in the history of this house. Up to
this time the business had been confined to blacksmithing, wagon mak-
ing, general repairing and the building of threshing machines. Under
the firm of Grant & Stetson some machinery was introduced among
which was a lathe for turning iron ; the power was either man or horse
as circumstances required, the lathe had no feed the work being done
with hand tools called scrapers held over a rest as in wood turning,
and altho this was a slow and laborious method of working iron these
people built horse powers, threshing machines and other implements
requiring the use of special tools. Until now they had depended upon
other shops for castings, but it was determined to become independent
in this respect and to this end a new partner was taken in. Mr. Herald
was a moulder and under his direction a moulding room was built and
a cupola erected, steam power was soon after added and the concern
blossomed out into a full fledged foundry and machine shop. S. G.
Williams had been employed in this shop almost from the first as boy
and man, for nearly seventeen years he followed its varying fortunes
and when it came time to do the iron work of the new furnace he was
equal to the emergency and many of the tools and implements still in
use are the work of his hand. The business under the new manage-
ment soon asumed proportious that required additional capital and
Abram Andrus was taken in but bis interest was very soon afterward
bought out by McLallen & Hesler, who with Geo. T. Spink and Step-
hen Lamport organized a new firm. It soon became evident, however,
that the name was too long for the business, and too many partners
were endeavormg to get rich from too small a mine, it was evident that
they were losing money and there was a scramble to sell ; a victim
was found in the person of Alvin Pease who had just inherited some
money from his father and the firm became Spink Lamport & Pease.
Pease was soon disposed of and the changes for the next few years
succeeded each other so rapidly that it is difficult to accurately trace
them. There seemed to be no lack of people anxious to try the ex-
periment, the failures of their predecessors they attributed to lack of
judgment, the place seemed to possess a peculiar facination for amateur
mechanics, they bought in and soon learned the trade and quietly step-
ped down and out, wiser, sadder, and less burdened with this world's
goods. George Auble, a farmer, made an exchange of property and
came into the firm. Mr Lamport sold out to Milo VanDusen, Geo.
Spink sold to Auble, who took in Daniel Cooper, who in turn gave
way for a Mr. Tobey. In 1 867 or 68 Geo. Curry bought into the con-
cern taking the place of Auble, Curry got enough in one year and re-
tired satisfied with his experience as a foundryman. About this time
Emmet Ayers got the impression that he could make more money in
the iron business than by farming and he bought or traded into the
firm. Wm. Ogden was the next to take a hand in the management of
the Red Furnace, he was a natural mechanic and fell at the old shop
with hammer and tongs, making extensive alterations and repairs ; he
was succeeded by Rumsey & Almy, they by Rumsey, Almy & Hunt,
and they by Samuel Almy the present proprietor. Mr. Almy, in ad-
dition to the general foundry business, manmfactures barrel hoops in
large quantities by special machinery, and has in other ways improved
the property so that the old Red Furnace may be said to have re-
covered from the ills of the past and become a fixed and permanent
feature in the manufacturing industries of the village. The business
of these three shops aggregated an immense amount of money, the evi-
dence of which is still to be seen in the pattern rooms of the Red
Furnace ; there piled away like cord wood are patterns, the of
which represents a fortune, mill gearing of all discriptions and of the
finest workmanship, patterns for plows, stoves, horse powers, threshing
machines, which have become obsolete and which are but so much
rubbish, and the accumulation at this shop is but a small portion of
what has been distroyed by fire and accident. An old time foundry-
man gives it as his opinion that all the profits of the jobbing or re'-
pairing business is absorbed by the pattern makers and that in fact
foundries and machine shops in this village were run for years as an
accomodation to the public, and all the money which they made was
upon some article of general or common use which left the moulding
room in a complete or nearly completed state. Up to comparatively
recent times all the threshing was done by horse power, and the re-
pairs upon these machines kept all the shops busy during the'season,
except a few idle days, and the building of some expensive patterns
for which no pay was received took the profits. One of the first in-
dustries which gave employment to mechanics was wagon-making,
and from first to last no less than twenty-five people have carried on
the business as proprietors, while their employes can be remembered
by the hundreds. Grant & Lockwood and Urial Turner may be
called the pioneers in wagon-making, although before their time wheel
Wrights had worked at their trade in connection with blacksmiths, but
no attempt had been made to manufacture wagons upon anything like
a large scale or with any system, until their time and probably' Mr.
Turner was the first to use power to perform any part of the work.
Among the names prominently connected with the business are
Grant & Lockwood, Uriel Turner and several of his sons in succession ;
Wm. Creque, Joseph Creque and his son Abraham, David P. Cuffman,
David Trembly ; Cuffman, Mosher & Rose ; Mosher & Burch, Cuff-
man. & Clark (J. G.), Cuffman & Clark (John), Cuffman & Son (John),
Alanson Beam, Peter Jones, John Aiken, Harvey Pollay, Melne Curry,
Allen & Uhl, J. G. & D. C. Clark, J. H. B. Clark, Wm. Douglass ;
Mosher, Bennett & Bates, and Mosher & Bennett.
The shop of Uriel Turner was on the site of the present hardware
store of Biggs & Co.,. but the building was on the rear of the lot ; sub-
sequently a building was erected in front of it which will be remember-
ed by the old residents on account of the flight of steps along its front.
The floor of this building was several feet lower than the one now oc-
cupying the same site, yet it was so high above the street as to be in-
convenient of access. Since it was built the roadway has been raised
ten or twelve feet. So low was the street at that time that at every
high water the creek covered the entire surface between the present
bridge and the foot of McLallen's hill instead of following its channel.
This shop was occupied by the successors of Uriel Turner for many
years, in fact up to the time that it was converted into a store. David
P. Cuffrhan worked some five or six years in the upper part of Samuel
Williams' blacksmith shop and afterwards moved into the building
which stood on the same ground now occupied by the Stewart under-
taking rooms ; he also had a shop on Union Street which was burned
in the great fire of 1864. William Creque and his successors had
their shop in a building v/hich occupied the lot where J. E. Hall's
paint shop now .stands ; Mosher & Burch afterwards occupied the same
building which was subsequently converted into a sash, blind and door
factory and was afterward destroyed by fire. David Tretnbley at one
time had a shop near where Morris Sarsfield's store now stands ; Wni,
Douglass and C. B. Douglass have been in their present location for
several years and Mosher & Bennett occupy the buildings made va-
cant by the failure of Allen and Uhl, and are at present engaged in
manufacturing platform spring wagons under Clark's patent, as a
specialty, although they build buggies, surries and express wagons to
quite an extent ; their business is increasing with a fair promise of as-
suming a conspicuous position among wagon makers of the country.
Messrs J. G. Clark and D. C. Clark have a shop in the same building
and build gears for Mosher & Bennett, G. \\". Warne being the body
Lyman Strobridge, before mentioned in connection with John Cre-
que, came to Trumansburg as early as 1814 but did not decide to
locate here permanently until some two or three years after. James
Strobridge, his father, was born in 1764, and married Sally Lyman.
They had six ehildren, three of whom subsequently became residents
of this place. Lyman, born Jan. 31, 1793 ; Ellen, afterwards the wife
of James McLallen, born Oct. 6, 1802, and Fanny, born Nov. 18, 1804,
she married Orvis Page who moved into this county sometime in 1855
and remained about ten years. Lyman Strobridge was born in Clear-
m'ont, N. H., in 1793 ; he was apprenticed for six years to Elisha Lj--
man, a harness maker and saddler ; after the expiration of his appren-
ticeship he worked at his trade in Northfield, Mass., and at Easton,
Washington Co., N. Y., from which place he came to this village. In
1 8 19, after deciding to locate here permanently, he returned east and
married Sarah Potter, bringing his bride immediately to his home in
the new country. His first shop was on Union Street, adjoining the
blacksmith shop of John Creque, with whom he at once formed a
friendship which lasted during their lives. These two young men
were circumstanced very much alike, both good mechanics, ambitious
and persevering, but they soon discovered that the population of the
country was not sufficient to give them all the employment they requir-
ed to occupy their full time and this led to the copartnership in the
plow business, which although entirely out of their line, proved a for-
tunate move for both of them. In 1 83 1 Mr. Strobridge erected a
building on Main Street, on the lot now occupied by John Kaufman
in which he carried on the harness-making business until he retired in
1850. Mr. Strobridge was an active politician from 1820 until "his re-
tirement from business, a pronounced Democrat up to 1848 when he
joined the Free Soil branch of the party, became a Republican on the
formation of the party. In 1836 he was a Presidential Elector, in 1845
represented the County in the Legislature, in 1 846 was a delegate to
the National Convention at Baltimore, and was Post-Master from 1848
to 1849 ; after his retirement he devoted his attention almost exclusive-
ly to farming. Soon after coming here Mr. Strobridge built a house on
Congress Street which was removed in 1854 to make room for the pres-
ent structure now occupied by his grandson H. L. Strobridge, Esq.
Four children were born to Lyman and Sarah Strobridge none of whom
survived him; James P., born Mar. 15, 1821, died in 1S26; Nathaniel
J., born Jan. 26, i823,jdied Feb. 12, 1846; Henry L., born July 17,
1825, died at Panama on his return from California Jan. _2, 1850 ; John-
athan Potter, born Mar. 20, 1826, and died Nov. 7, 1853 ; he married*
Elizabeth, daughter of James H. Terry, Esq., by whom he had two chil-
dren, Henry L. Strobridge, and Lucy, now the wife of Wm. Plum, of
Aurora, 111. Personally, Lyman Strobridge, like most of the pioneers
of this country, was a man of strong individuality, whatever he under-
took to do he did ; when he embarked in any enterprise he finished it.
He was a prominent Mason, one of the Twelve Apostles, was also con-
spicuous inChurch affairs until he considered himself persecuted for a
course of action in which his conscience justified him when he withdrew
from the Presbyterian Society of this place and for many years attended
service at Farmer Village. He died in 1875, aged 82 years.
As before mentioned in this history one of the first buildings erect-
ed in this village was a tavern, or as the sigh read "Inn." This sign
was simply a small piece of board nailed to a tree which stood in front
of John McLallen's log building, and as it was written in chalk the one
word Inn, this writing had to be renewed frequently, but it answered
the purpose of Conveying to the dozen or more people in the neighbor-
hood the intelligence that entertainment was provided for man and
beast. It did not require much to stock a hotel at that time, nor did it
require the constant attendance of the landlord who in this as in most
cases found ample time to engage in other pursuits, and we find that
John McLallen, with an eye to the main chance, was constantly on the
lookout for desirable pieces of property. A barrel of pork, a few lbs of
flour, sugar, tea and coffee, and a goodly supply of whiskey was all
that was necessary to run his inn. This was the only business in the
new settlement that received cash, consequently he always had a little
ready money to invest when he could do so to advantage. Several
years after he built the more pretentious building on the opposite side
of the street which was named McLallen's Tavern. In this building he
catered to the public for several years. It was afterward torn down ' to
make room for the Union Block. Shortly after 1800, but of the pre-
cise date there seemsto be no record, a tavern was built near where
and included the land now occupied by Owen Ferguson and Mrs. S.
Earle. In 181 1 it was called Schenck's Tavern, and was a great resort
for people of sportive tendencies. H. Camp, Allen Boardman, Oliver
Comstock and a few kindreid spirits made this tavern their headquar-
ters, at which times not only politics and public matters were discussed
but also things more substantial, and it is said that at times their con-
versations assumed a degree of hilarity to shock even the people of
those times who were not as sensitive to moral lapses as are their pos-
terity. This tavern was afterwards called Bond's Hotel, and was the
first house of entertainment in the village that arose to the dignity of a
title more high sounding than plain tavern and inn. This hotel was
destroyed by a mob of masked men in the summer of 1819. It was
owned at the time by Allen Boardman and not used as a hotel but
was rented out to several tenents some of whom had become obnox-
ous to their neighbors who desired their removal. It is said that the
requests upon the owner or the threats of violence were not couched
in the most choice and polite language and Mr. Boardman considered
their interference with his business entirely unwarrantable and these
demands were met with prompt refusal to allow any dictation in the
management of his property, whereupon with a spirit of lawlessness
characteristic of the times, the agrieved ? neighbors and their friends in
all sorts of disguises and armed with axes, saws, crobars and mauls
made an attack upon the building, which was soon a thing of the past.
The destruction was complete and in that portion of the premises occu-
pied by the presumed cause of the raid riot one stick was left above
another ; the terrified inmates escaped personal injury and fled. The
whole affair was neatly planned and as neatly executed, and so well
was the secret of their identity preserved that it was many years before
it was known to a certainty who the perpetrators were notwithstanding
the efforts made to discover them. So ended Bond's Hotel. As early
as 181 5 there stood on the site of the Cornell House a building which
was afterwards remodeled by Dr. Lewis Halsey and occupied by him
as a tavern. It was known as the Union House but whether so named
by him or some of his successors does not appear, but it is certain that
the Dr. kept this tavern some years and several of his children were
born there. He was succeeded by Gilbert Halsey. From this time
down to its destruction by fire, Feb. 22, 1864, this house had no less
than eighteen or twenty different proprietors, almost all of whom made
changes and additions to the original building. The property seemed
to have more of a speculative than real value and with one or two ex-
ceptions no money was made in it. It was constantly in the market
for sale or barter and it is said that while under the management of
Luthan Mosher in about 1846 it changed hands three tinies in one day.
From the most reliable data obtainable it appears that the followiiig-
named persons, and perhaps one or two more, were, for a time, pibpri-
etors of this tavern, and their names appear in the order in whiten they
held possession, as nearly as possible : Dr. Louis Halsey, Gipiert Hal-
sey, a Mr. Gosbeck, John G. Manning, Pitt Stone, J. G. Corey, James
H. Terry, L. Spaulding, Carman & Ford, Amos Robinson, Luther
Mosher, Aaron De Mond, James Race, Pierce & Race,>NelsonUpdyke,
John Applegate, Mr. Marsh, and James Seaman, who was the proprie-
tor at the time of the fire. At one time Alex. Ra:ce occupied the west
end of the building as a workshop, and own^' and run the tavern in
1844. From the time of the distruction ^jf j^he Union House by fire,
Feb. 22, 1864, until 1871, the lot remai|i_ AJicant. It had come into
the possession of David S. Dumont, wh^^iojld it in that year to Leroy
Trembley. On May 5, 1871, occurred the second great fire, which was
scarcely second to the one of 1864 in the destruction of property, and
by it the only hotel in the place, the Washington House, was destroyed.
These were flush times. Rebuilding was commenced immediately, and
accommodations for both teamsters and mechanics were very much
needed, which resulted in a hotel boom. It seemed as if the people were
insane upon the subject. About this time Leroy Trembley, a veteran
hotel man, was keeping a restaurant in the building now occupied by
Owen Ferguson, which he sold to Hiram Sawyer. Seeing the oppor-
tunity he bought the vacant lot owned by Mr. Dumont and, on June 5,
1 87 1, he broke ground for the Trembley House. There were no lack of
money, for, in addition to what Mr. Trembley could command, several
thousand dollars were raised by notes, which were to be a lien upon the
property second to the mortgages. His building, when completed, was
one of the for the purpose in the county. Every'stone and brick
was laid under the personal supervision of the owner ; the interior was
filled up after the latest and most approved manner; no expense was
spared to make this a model hotel ; and, when it was opened to the
public, it represented an investment of about ;^30,ooo. In April, 1879,
IVt. Trembley sold out to the Plyers, and they to Lucy Trembley. It
wai\simply a change of title necessitated by maturing obligations. In
Nove>nber, 1.88 1, Mr. Plyer bought the property, and rented it to M-r.
James "1^. Bowman. The name of the house was then changed to
" CornellX; Mr. Charles Plyer sold the property to a Mr. Kennedy, of
New; York, <syho was a real estate speculator, who had bought the prop-
erty without si^eing it, and when he come out to look over his purchase
he come to the c^s^nclusion that the rent was not commensurate with the
value of the house.- He was evidently more familiar with city than
country values, and thb-argument that depreciation of property in this
village had so reduced. /' ^7 yalue of this particular property that the
rent being paid was all Lbuil6t would stand, made no impression upon
him. He would have a ^Igt&indlord, who would run the hotel above
the common level of country taverns ; one who would draw, so to
speak ; one who would fill tne house with people, summer and winter.
And to that end he secured Mr. D. P. Peters, an Eastern man of ex-
tended experience. Mr. Bowman in the meantime had rented the Ithaca
Hotel, and Mr. Peters took possession. He made his del>vi with a flour-
ish of trumpets. He proposed to show the people of Trumansburg
such a hotel as they never saw before. And he did. Feeling, perhaps,
that his efforts to raise the standard were not appreciated, he re-
tired after about one year of missionary work, and, with the exception
of a short time in which Mr. J. H. Covert was tenant, the house was
vacant until i886. Mr. Kennedy, being pressed for ready money, had
mortgaged the property to Ithacs. parties for ^5,000. He had allowed
the interest to accumulate for several years, and was anxious to sell.
Mrs. M. J. Bowman seized the opportunity, and, after much negotiation
and tedious delays, succeeded in buying the property at but a slight
advance over the obligations, and so this hotel, with its furniture and
fixtures, was sold within fifteen years from the time the corner-stone
was laid, for less than one-fourth its cost. Mrs. Bowman repaired the
building thoroughly, introduced steam heat into every room, and to-day
there is not a finer-appointed hotel in the county.
In 1836, P. H. Thompson, a son-in-law of John McLallen, bought a
pteEe of land on "Main street, nearly opposite the site of the first log
tavern. The land was owned by the McLallens, and was part of the
plat bounded by H. Camp's store on the east and Washington street on
the west, running back to McLallen street. The portion bought by
Mr. Thompson, however, commenced near the western end of the pres-
ent Opera Block, running back to the south line ,of the old McLellan
homestead, and the intention was to erect upon it a first-class hotel.
The building was not completed until the following summer, and, when
finished, was the largest and finest public house, with one exception,
between Owego and Geneva. It was built of brick, three stories high,
with an attic, which was fitted up as a hall. A wide porch, supported
by heavy columns, extended the whole length of the front reaching to
the third story. Wide doors in the centre of the front end led into a
spacious hallway, on the right of which were the bar and public sitting-
rooms ; on the left, double parlors. A broad stairway led to the
dining-room and other rooms above. The finish and appointments of
this hotel were elaborate for the times, and were it still standing would
in many respects compare favorably with more modern structures.
Mr. Thompson moved into the new hotel on the 14th of June, 1837, but
the formal opening did not occur until July 4. This was an occasion
long to be remembered, and there are those now living who remember
the Fourth of July celebration of 1837 as one of the events in the his-
tory of the village. Although occupied and prepared for business,
Mr. Thompson delayed his opening until the National holiday for ob-
vious reasons. He had expended a large amount of money, and,
although sanguine of success himself, there were many who looked
upon his venture as a dangerous experiment. Careful business men,
while welcoming what was a long step in advance in the improvements
of the town, questioned whether the actual needs warranted the out-
lay. The costs of the building and furniture had exceeded expecta-
tions, and much depended on the right kind of a start. There were
already two taverns in the place, and being run by the best and most
popular landlords who had ever occupied them before or since — Mr. J.
G. Cory in the Union House, and Albert Crandall in the tavern located
where H. D. Barto & Co.'s Bank now stands. The Washington House
was built in the face of most formidable opposition, and its owner well-
understood, that from the very start his business must be boomed ;
consequently he entered readily into the scheme of a grand celebra-
tion, in which the opening of the new hotel should play a prominent
part, to which end the coming affair was extensively advertised ; well-
known and popular speakers engaged. All the prominent citizens and
business men,' churches and societies were identified with the move.
All the preparations were elaborate and complete. At sunrise on
the morning of the Fourth of July a salute of thirteen guns
aroused what few of the people that remained in bed, the church bells
peeled forth the glad tidings of another anniversary of the Nation's
Independence, and amid the din of crackers and small arms the mul-
titude began to assemble. There were delegations from Ovid, Lodi,
Lansing, Groton, Dryden, Enfield, Newfield, Ithaca, and all the sur-
rounding villages, and by 1 1 o'clock there was such a multituda of peo-
ple as this town had never held before, or perhaps since, or upon any
occasioft. Shortly before noon the procession formed in front of the
Washington House under the charge of the following officers : Dr.
Lewis Halsey, President ; Daniel Barto and Nathaniel Ayers, Vice-
Presidents ; Col. Robert Halsey, Marshal ; Alfred Treman, Assistant
Marshal ; _Wm;_JJa«7-BsTj~~0rator ; Henry D. Barto, Esq., Reader.
The procession included the military companies, standard bearers, the
various societies of the town, delegations, citizens in carriages, on
horseback and on foot. Carriages containing speakers, clergymen and
distinguished guests, took up the line of march to the Presbyterian
church, where the exercises were to be held. The church was crowded
to suffocation, and then but a small portion of the people could gain
admittance. After the services the procession re-formed and marched
to the Washington House, where dinner for five hundred had bec-n
prepared at 75 cents per plate. Here was another crowd that was sim-
ply a jam. A wild scramble for places at the tables soon filled every
seat, leaving a much greater multitude outside, disappointed and hunjigry.
The same scene was repeated at the other hotels, with the same result.
To feed the immense concourse of people was simply impossible,;' To
" drink " them was another thing entirely. Most ample provisions had
been made to quench thirst, and tradition has it that the people, at
least the male portion of them, availed themselves of the opportunity
freely. At the Washington House, after dinner, about one hundred of
the notables, and those who could afford it, adjourned to the "banquet
hall," where toasts, drank in champagne, was the order of the day until
the waning hours, or an overestimated capacity, warned the jolly
toasters to seek repose. In the evening there was a ball, in which some
aixty OF seventy couple participated to the tune of five dollars a couple
a price tha!t would drive all terpsichorean fancies from the hearts of
modern youth. This was in all probability the largest one days busi-
ness this hotel ever had, and possibly larger than any since. The bus-
iness for the next few years while good did not meet the expectations
of Mr. Thompson, and although he was the most popular and energetic
landlord who occupied the place until at least 1 860, yet the few years
he run the hotel did not greatly increase his fortunes, and in 1846 we
find the property transfered to John Markham, he in turn sold out and
several landlords, all of whom who had money to lose, lost it, those
who did not have money endeavored to sell to some one who did.
Dr. Benjamin Dunning, James Race, Jarvis Bradley, William and Ste-
phen DeMond, William Jones and perhaps some others had tried their
fortunes. In the meantime John Markham had moved in and out of
the house three times. In 1853 Wm. Jones, Jr., was running the house
he left the country suddenly and without previous warning leaving his
. afi&irs considerably complicated. In 1854 various parties issued at-
tachments against the property which was the beginning of a long and
tc'^ious litigation, Mr. J. DeMotte Smith was appointed receiver by the
coiWt and during his administration the house remained vacant with
thelexception of a short time when occupied by Dr. Dunning, when
a fiikl decision of the suits was reached in the Court of Appeals Mr.
Smiih was ordered to sell the property. He had already rented the
houst\ to George Hayt who retained possession under the purchaser
David Jones, who was also one of the interested parties. This was at
a time of great financial depression throughout the country and the en-
tire property brought less than ;^2000. Mr. Hayt came from a family
of hotel men, he made many improvements and changes, was keeping a
first-class and popular place, and undoubtedly was making money, but
he did not care to buy. In 1862 Joseph Giles was keeping the Mon-
tour House in Havana ; selling out, he in connection with Leroy
Trembley came to Ithaca with the intention of settling there in the
saloon or restaurant business ; not being able to make satisfactory ar-
rangements Mr. Trembley approached David Jones on the subject of
purchasing the Washington House ; negotiations followed which re-
sulted in the sale of the property to Mr. Giles on January 24, 1863.
A few years after Corydon Burch bought an interest and the firm be-
came Trembley & Burch ; in 1867 Trembley sold to Halsey Smith and
Burch to Almerin Sears who were the owners when the building was
destroyed by fire May 22d, 1871, leaving the village without a hotel of
any sort. Mr. Sears soon after bought the John McLallen home-
stead and immediately fitted it up for hotel purposes naming it the
"Phoenix," when he and his son Eugene had the exclusive control of
the business until the two new hotels were completed the following
year. Immediately after the fire Mr. Smith bought the old McLallen
store and invested several thousand dollars in additions and alterations.
A sort of stock company, actuated no doubt by the spirit of rivalry
which had always existed between the two ends of the town, raised the
necessary funds on notes to assist him to complete the building. There
was a hotel boom, the large influx of mechanics and laborers employ-
ed in rebuilding the town gave the place the appearance of unusual
»1,- ■
actively ; money there was and in plenty, seeking investment. A
mania tor building had taken possession of the people and each seem-
ed to be endeavoring to outdo his neighbor, and the magnificent bus-
iness blocks which extend fi-om one end of the town to the other, the
two hotels, the Trembley and Central, either of which was large and
fine enough for a village four times the siie of ours, are monumenis of
the firenzj' for building ; with one or two exceptions not one of these
buildings from the Central House to ihe Presfaj-terian Church, on
either side of the street, are now owned by the originial builders or
their heirs ; the same, however, cannot be said of their assignees. Our
people found too soon th.\t they had builded well but not wiseij-, that
when the mortgagees began to clamor for their money values began to
shrink and most of these fine buildings changed hands for. in many
instances, less than the obligations. The Central shared the late of
other hotels, it didn't pay. It b^an to be made the medium of specu-
lation, diaaged its landlords fi:£quently. The property became the
subject of litigation, and at one time the sheriff or his deputj' was
master. John Thompson, .\nnslrong, Willard, Burch. FoUet and
Bowman succeeded each other in rapid succession until theTlCSse was
sold to L. Trembley in iSSi. Elxteas;ve repairs were made and the
well known reputation of Mr. Trembley as a landlcMtl soon brought the
house into popular notice. On June 6, i SS~, the building was partially
destroyed by fire, the damage however was confined entirely to the in-
terior. A few months later overtures were made to Mr. J. B. Hamilton
who had been carrjnng on shoe manufiicturing in Farmer Village, to
start a fectory here. A company was formed who bought the property"
of Mrs. Trembley, advanced the necessan,- funds for machinen,-. etc..
and the fectory was started. Mr. L. EL Dake, of Rochester, aftej-ward
came into the concern and Dake & Hamilton now occupy the buUding
for the manufecture of fine shoes and have been successfiii in establish-
ing a fine trade with even- promise of permanency. In the spring of
1 J!S5, Mrs. Trembley bought the Phoenix propertj' of A. V. McKeeh
fitted it up into an exceedingly neat and cozy hotel, which is being run
at this writing as a temperance house. In the summer of 1877.
Hiram Sawyer bought of L. H. Owen, a lot just west of the Opera
House on Main Street, and erected a two-story wooden building which
he moved into on the ist of January following. He named his new
place the "Farmers Inn." It was his intention at first to keep a rest-
aurant only, but subsequently made arrangements to do a regular hotel
business and holds such a license at the present time.
One of the original landlords of Trumansburg was Albert Crandall
who came to Trumansburg from Owego in 1806; Minor, then a child
of four years, is still living and has a distinct recollection of the journey
through the wilderness with his parents, especially of the latter part
from Ithaca here ; when about half way between these places they were
overtaken by sudden darkness caused by the great solar eclipse of that
year ; a halt was made until the sun re-appeared ; this incident left an
impression upon the mind of the boy never to be erased,- two sunrises
in one day was a circumstance not easily forgotten even by a four year
old boy. In 180S Mr. Crandall erected a building on Main Street on
the lot between H. D. Barto & Go's Bank and the residence of J. D.
Bouton ; subsequently there was built an addition which covered the
site of the present bank building. This building was built for a Mr.
Holenbeck, of Owe;go, who in connection with Mr. Crandall opened a
general store in one part and Mr. Crandall used the other as a tavern.
Holenbeck remainded but a short time and Mr. Crandall formed a
partnership with Chauncey Pratt, who_.aas.U3i^ddler__H;ith an exjggsi^
trade=igrngg^s .^ia~tifl "WS're. Gebi^e PratTwas taken into the con-
cern but the partnership did not last long, r.haiinrpy Pratt- ho-ufditr-a-
farm in Covert and George followed his exarTIpTe!^Mr. Crandall aban-
Tdoned the merchantile business and devoted his whole attention to
tavern keeping for many years ; he built a barn just east of the tavern
where now is the junction of Elm and Main Streets, the former street
then having no existence ; he also owned all the land now occupied
by the Church of the Epiphany, extending through to Camp Street ;
this barn was afterward moved to the rear of the tavern and was des-
troyed by fire about 1846. This tavern never had but one landlord
outside the Crandall family. James Race, who was the tenant for one
year only and at the time the barn was destroyed. Albert and Minor
Crandall in turn ran the place for short periods. Mr. Crandall, Sr., died
in 1 845 at the age of 76. A few years after his death the property was
sold to H. Camp and the building torn down. This was the only hotel,
out of the many that have been built since the settlement of the village,
that remained in the hands of the original owner through its life, and
the only one that did not lose money ; not that it made its owner rich,
but Albert Crandall was a careful man and one who commanded the
.respect of his neighbors ; he enbarked in no outside enterprises to the
detriment of his regular- business ; he kept a plain old-fashioned country
tavern and ran his own place, he took no comfort in the society of
brawlers aud they expected and received no mercy at his hands. His
two sons Minor and Albert were equally firm in protecting their rights
and property while acting for a short time as landlords. What the
house would have been under James Race, the last and only landlord
not a member of the family is only a matter of speculation, jts his lea^e
was not renewed at the expiration of the first year, but it is enough to
say that one hotel besides that of John McLallen survived the ups and
downs of affairs and f6r nearly forty years pursued the even tenor of
its way while its more pretentions, competitors sprang up as in a night,
full grown and matured, but like all such growths' died young and in
some instance violently. Minor Crandall still lives, 86 years old and
in the full possession of his faculties, his memory is a veritable store-
house of reminiscenses of early Trumansburg and especially of scenes
in and about his father's tavern, and his eye kindled with the fire of
youth when relating to the writer a particular occurrence illustrating
the charactef- of his father. It was during anti-Masonic times, the lodge
had had a parade and were to dine at Mr. Crandall's. Some roystering
fellows followed the procession to the very door and demanded admis-
sion. Mr. Crandall stepped out in front of the excited crowd and order-
ed them to leave his premises, some of the ring leaders not moving
quick enough to .satisfy him he proceeded to enforce his command in a
manner that left no doubt as to who was whipped ; he nor his guests
were troubled no more. In the rear of the tavern where the Episcopal
Church, the residence of Dr. Tallmadge and the adjoining property
now stands, was an orchard and vacant lot, the eintrance to which was
by means of a large door between the house and barn on Main Street.
Mr. Crandall in very early times allowed these premises to be used for
picnics, celebrations, etc., and on such occasions it is said that he always
stood guard, so to speak, at this door and none were allowed to pass
except such as were entitled to. To the disturbers of the peace Mr..
Crandall was a terror, to his friends and neighbors he was all kindness,
a perfect tpye of the old style country landlord. Probably no village
in this part of the state can present a parallel to the experience of
Trumansbnrg in the matter of hotels. Fortunes have been lost in the
business which, with perhaps the exception of one year has always been
overdone, at least for the past fifty years ; hotel patronage in all towns
similarly situated is spasmodic, much depends upon the que.stion . of
license and this for many years has been so uncertain in this town that
the value of hotel property has been to a great extent speculative, how-
ever, it appears that hotel property at present is on a better basis to
stand the uncertainty than ever before, the buildings are first-class, in
good repair and supplied with all modern improvements to reduce run-
ning expenses to the minimum. The attractions of the village and sur-
rounding country are being appreciated by city people and the number
of such seekingrest and recreation is increasing year by year; they re-
quire good accommodations for which they pay liberally and this ele-
ment alone will if carefully catered to, in a few years, make good coun-
try hotels practically independent of local legislation.
Perhaps no village of its size in lliis state has been subject to such
complete "baptism of fire" as Trutnansburg. Not only within the past
quarter of a century but from almost the time of its settlement has this
village been the subject of fires which assumed the character of con-
flagrations. These fires have had the effect of changing the topographyx
of the place, to that extent as to make it almost unrecognizable by vis-
itors after comparatively short absence, but it can be truthfully said
that although the losses were severely felt at the time the ultimate re-
sult has been to improve not only the appearance of the place but to
add to its material wealth. It is within the memory of those now living
when Main Street presented a strangling and exceedir^ly uninterest-
ing aspect ; there was no uniformity either in architecture or grade,
every one built as it seemed to him best, his convenience and circum-
stances was the only guide. The street west of the bridge previous to
1864 was several feet lower than at present, although it had been filled
in several times, yet it was at that time so low that it Avas seldom dry.
Up to the time when the comer now occupied by the Camp Block was
built upon, the dam covered most of the ground covered by that build-
ing, and at times even in mid-summer there was sufficient water to
afford young America ample opportunity to indulge in aquatic sports.
Crossing the dam on the site of the present stone bridge iivas a wooden
structure of not more than one-half the width of the street raised so
high above the grade on each side as to amount to quite a formidable
hill and yet its upper surfece was much lower than now. All that por-
tion of the street between the bridge and the foot of the McLallen hill
has been raised from eight to twelve feet and the buildings on either
side which are now on grade have in many instances their cellars where
the original structures had their first storj', and even this story was
reached by a long flight of steps firom the board side walk below. Go-
ing east from the bridge the street was divided nearly in half fi-om a
point in fi-ont of the Page Block to the comer of Elm Street by a wall,
the south side of which was filled in to make a driveway to the residence
of H. Camp, the building now occupied by J. D. Bouton, leaving a nar-
row roadway for ordinary traffic. The turnpike from McLallen's store
north-west made a bend several rods further to the north than the pre-
sent roadway passing but a few feet from the James McLallen home-
stead. This hill was very steep and with the depression at its foot gave
the brick store the appearance of being on a hill as in fact it was com-
pared to the street below. It was not an unusual occurence during the
season of high water in the creek to see the street between the bridge
and the hill submerged to the depth of several feet and remain so for
several days. At almost all times the slack water from the dam extend-
ed as far as where Bennett's livery barn now stands and during the
spring floods the slightest gorge of ice in the dam flooded the whole
lower part of the town. In 1843 the Baptist Society decided- to build
a new church and the old one was sold to Abner Treman who moved
it on the corner lot now occupied by the Camp Block. The building
was partially over the water and it was not until several years after that
a substantial foundation was put under the east side. The property
was sold several times and finally fell into the hands of David Trembley
who added another store on the east over hanging the dam. At the
time of the great fire on Feb. 22d, 1864, this building was owned by
Lyman Mandeville and as this conflagration removed all the ancient'
landmarks from this corner to the Presbyterian Church, a discription
of the burned district as it then existed will be interesting. The corner
store where the fire started was occupied by Woodworth & Bowers, the
next room east was used by them as a store-room, then came the har-
ness shop of J. S. Hunter. The first building across the creek was the
harness shop of Mosher & Kelly, this was on the lot now occupied by
the Ostrander building, Dr. Clough had his dental rooms in the second
story ; John Eber Thomas had a meat market next door, next came a
building occupied by Mrs. W. H. Teed as a dressmaking shop, adjoin-
ing this was the saloon and restaurant of W. H. Teed, who als.o had
his residence in the second story and in the rear; then followed the
cabinet shop of Fayette Williams ; the first floor of the next building
was occupied by John Blue as a jewelry store and the second story by
Dr. L. Hughey as an office and residence ; next was the dwelling of
Francis. Creque ; the saloon kept by Thomas Sarsfield came next and
on the corner stood a dwelling owned by S. G. Williams and occupied
by Thomas Sarsfield ; just below on the mill road was the blacksmith
shop and residence of Samuel William's. On Union Street the first
building from the corner was the shoe shop of Thomas Wells, the next
building had a blacksmith shop on the first floor run by a Mr. Snow,
a son-in-law of David Trembley who had a paint shop in the second
story ; then came Creque's foundry, continuing up the hill the next
building was used by John Creque, Jr., as a tin shop, then a dwelling
house occupied by Jacob Creque, a house owned by H. Camp and oc-
cupied by Jerry Johnson, and the Wolverton house. The first build-
ing east of the mill road and on Main Street was a . dwelling and sal-
oon occupied by Peter Letts ; the next was the furniture and under-
taking ware rooms of C. P. Bancroft ; the building occupied the lot
where the stores of W. A. Fuller and E. Corcoran now stand ; there
was also a millinery shop in the upper story. Mosher & Burch had a
general store where the Stewart building now stands ; next came the
residence and store of J, R. Emery^ on the same lot now occupied by
him ; Wickes' drug store and millinery shop kept by Esther Stewart,
a dressmaking shop by Misses Jones & Hoag were next. There were
also a couple of small buildings between this block and the Dr. Lewis
Halsey homestead, a large brick house owned and occupied at this
time by David Trembley ; next to this was the Union House and
barns, then the brick store of S. Allen, a small building formerly occu-
pied by Eliphlet Weed, Esq., and later by Charles Lyon as a shoe
shop, but at the time of the fire it was a millinery store; then came
the dwelling house and store of the Quigley's, and next to the church
stood the new house of D. C. Quigley. With the exception of the
Allen store and residence of David Trembley all of these building.s
were wood and for the most part old although in good repair ; some
of them had been altered over from residences into stores and in some
instances two had been united by a common front introducing show
windows, etc., giving the buildi'ngs a pretentious' appearance not borne
out by a more carefulexamination of premises. On the night of Feb-
ruary 21st, 1S64, a company of young men were assembled in the
Town Hall rehearsing for an entertainment to be given the following
evening for the benefit of the Sanitary Commission ; some of them did
not leave the hall until past midnight; and when they passed' through
the town everything was quiet ; at about i o'clock, a. m„ Florence
Donohue, now Surgeon General'ofthe G. A. R., and at'thattime home
on a furlough, was returning from Ithaca, crossing the bridge his at-
tention was called to the reflection of a bright light upon the ice below
and stooping down he could see fire itl the cellar of the corner store ;
he immediately gave the alarm, but it was some minutes before any
other person appeared on the scene, Wm. H; Teed being probably the
first to get on the street, he went immediately to attend to the ringing
of the bells ; J. S. Hunter appearing on the scene about the same time
entered his store but was driven out by the heat and stifling smoke.
^t was not long before the alarm became general and people from all
parts of the town hurried to the scejie. At first it was thought possi^
ble to confine the fire to the one building but all hopes of this soon
vanished,' a wind from the south-west carried the flames up Union
Street and it was evident that it was useless to endeavor to stop it. No
attention was given to Main Street. The mill dam was the only barrier
but there being no fire apparatus of any description in the town, the
buildings old and dry as tinder, the Mazing fragments found lodgment
on the roofs and in a few minutes the rear of the Teed building was in
flames. It now became apparent that the town must go, notwithstand-
ing the almost superhuman efforts of the people to check the conflagra-
tion. Lines of men, women and even children were fdrmed, buckets of
water were passed, and the advancing flames persistently foughtat every
step until delicate women would fell to the ground from sheer exhaus-
tion. Despairing of saving the buildings the crowd kept in advance of
the fire removing furniture and goods until the hou:>es threatened to
fell upon them. Strong hopes were entertained of stopping the fire at
the mill road but by the time the corner was reached several buildings
above were all ablaze. The very air seemed full of flame, fires would
• break out fer in advance, which struck consternation to the ^stoutest
hearts, it looked like the work of an incendiary. Main Street from the
bridge to the Presb)^erian Church and Elm Street to the corner of
Whig was filled with the household goods and merchandise of all dis-
criptions ; efforts were made to check the fire by blowing up buildings,
several kegs of powder were exploded in the cellar of D. C. Quigley's
house with but little effect ; it looked as if the fine church edifice must
go, but covering the roof with carpets and keeping them wet, this
building was saved and the fire spent itself for want of material to work
upon. Pages might be filled with incidents of this great fire, of deeds
of daring in the attempt to save life and property. One of the heaviest
losses was that of the Stone Mill owned by J. D. Bouton. This mill
had been refitted and was in fine condition and the fire seemed to go
out of its way to reach it, being comparatively isolated the prospects of
saving it were good, but scarcity of water and help left it at the mercy
of the devouring element. The scene at daylight beggars discription.
One half of the town m rums, scores of homeless people searching the
saved property for their belongings. That this was the work of an in-
cendiary there was but little doubt, and even while the fire was raging
charges more or less open were made that the occupant of the comer
store knew more than he would tell. He \vas on hand shortly after
the alarm and succeeded in recovering his books from the burning
store through a window on Union Street It was thought somewhat
singular that his books should be so conveniently located just at that
time and there were dark hints of summary justice on mere suspicion.
Mr. Bower labored zealously during the entire night, assisting to save
the property of others often at greit personal risk, his conduct in a
measure disarmed suspicion for the time, he had always borne a good
reputation but several years-after while on his death bed he confessed
to the crime, :but thought the fire would be confined tp his own store,
his feelings when he saw the ruin he had wrought can be better im-
agined than discribed, he could not go to his grave with the burden on
his soul. .Almost immediately after 'the fire the lots on the: burned dis-
trict began to change hands, most of the original owners either had no
disposition or were unable to rebuild, on the subject being agitated the
lots were eagerly sought for on a'ccount ofthS desirable location. The
first change was the purchase ofthe Lyman Strobridge lot by H. B. Jones.
This -was followed by the sale of the triangular lot between the Stro-
bridge lot and the dam to J. S. Hunter, and the lot on the' east owned
hy H. Camp to Joseph H. Biggs. Building was commenced on these
lots during the summer and in, the fall they' were occupied. Then fol-
lowed the building of the brick block on the hill. , Dumontboughtthe
Union House lot and the Trembley lot and erected two stores, Wickes
rebuilt on his lot, the Quigley's builfa store next door and Titus Hart
built the store' now occupied by J... S. Halsey ; J; R. Emery rebuilt with
wood on his, original lot, Lyman A. Mahdeville sold the corner lot to
H.'Camp who also purchased from David Trembley the adjoining lot
on ;Unian Street and thatpprtion ofthe lot which had been taken from
the dam on the east, and erected the present building. Subsequently
,S. Earle built his present store having purchased from the Biggs' a
portion of their lot and from Seneca Daggett all the ground now oc-
cupied by the Engine House which he afterward sold .to the Carpora-
tion ofthe village. It will be seen that with but two or three excep-
tions none ofthe original ownprs rebuilt. Mr. Bouton rebuilt the mill
the community generously coming to his aid , with substantial, con-
tributions. • So.mei two years after this fire, while, some ofthe buildings
were uncompleted, the sash blind and door factory on Main Street on
the lot now occupied by J. E. Hall's paint shop was burned. By this
fire several of the builders lost heavily; they having' lumber and material
: stored there. There was no lack of money ; if a builder needed'assist-
ance he had only to ask, and often it was offered without asking. Farm-
ers at that time were making money very fast and were seeking invest-
ment, business of all kinds was booming, mortgages on brick blocks
was considered gilt edge securityt and so in an incredibly short space
of time the whole street on the north side became new and the appear-
ance of the town vastly improved. Building on Union Street soon fol-
lowed, here as on Main Street old boundry lines have become obliterat-
ed. Tne site of the first building above the furnace, not before men-
tioned, owned by John Creque and occupied by Walter Duryea as a
harness shop, is now covered, by the Pease Block and adjoining build-
ings; John VanAuken's blacksmith shop and barn occupy the old
furnace lot. Morris Sarsfield's store is on a piece of land bought of
David Trembley by H. Camp. Asher Wolverton built on his original
lot. The result of the fire was to change the whole aspect of the town
east of the bridge. , The new buildings were for the most part of brick,
two stories high, well furnished and uniform in architecture, set further
back on the lots and raised considerably above the former grade giving
the street a neat and pleasing appearance. Although the change
Wrought by this fire was great yet, that made by the next, 1871, was
much greater. Prior to that time, commencing at the bridge on the
south side of the street, was the market of Geo. Wolverton, a small
wooden- building remembered as the place where for many years Asher
Wolverton had done business. Originally this building Was set high
above the street, partially overhanging the dam and approached by a
flight of steps leading to a sort of platform ; next and separated from it
by a narrow alley was the "Bee Hive." This was built and owned by
H. Camp ; it was of wood, three stories high, and derived its name from
the large numberand Variety of occupations carried on within its walls ;
there were two stores on the ground floor which, at the time of the fire
were occupied by Jarvis Stone, (who had just become the purchaser of
the property), and Mrs. Giltner, milliner. The upper floors were used
as living rooms, photograph gallery and a large room in the north-
west corner of the third story had been used as a band room for many
years ; next was an alley the right-of-way of which belonged to Wol-
verton ; next the store of Eber Lovell, formerly the hardware store of
Wm. G. Godley ; next the store of Atwater & Tompkins owned by
Clark Daggett'; another covered alley in which also the Wolverton's
held the title ; then came the hardware store of Pratt, Rumsey, & Allen ;
this building was the original shop of Uriel Turner and had undergone
many changes ; a roof had been put, on uniting this with the building
on the east covering the alley; next west of the hardware was the old
stand of John Jamieson but which at this time (i 871) was occupied by
Pratt, Rumsey & Allen as a store room and as a residence by John
Green; then came a small building which had been fitted up as a
saloon by A. V. Bush ; next to this was the building formerly 'owned
by T. N. Perkins and used as a marble works but at this time occupied
by B. P. Sears as a grocery ; next was the sheds of the Washington
House barn ; quite a space intervened between this and the blacksmith
shop of Douglass with the livery st able of T. K. Fp llett in the rear ;
then came the wagon shop'oTTTulfifman & Clarkwith Fayette Williams
occupying his present stand. On the opposite side of the street stood
the Washington House, next the jewelry store of Jacob Blue, the shoe
and leather store of S. A. Sherwood, the store of Wm. H. Teed and the
Home Building, a fine block extending to the brick store of Stone &
Biggs. The Home Building was owned by Wm. H. Teed and J. L.-
Stone and had three stores on the ground floor ; the west one was oc-
cupied by Mr. Lieberman as a clothing .store, the centre one as a
bakery, and the east one by Mrs. Bancroft as a millinery store ;
W. A. Fuller lived in the .second story and the third was the Masonic
Hall. Between this buildjng and the store of Himrod there had been
an alley wide in front and narrowing toward the rear, upon this lot Mr.
Teed had erected the store which he was occupying at the time of the fire.
The fire which destroyed this portion of the town broke out a-
bout 2 o'clock on the morning of May 22nd., 1871, in the alley way
between the hardware, and the Atwaler & Tompkins store. When
discovered the fire was in the loft, in the space between the old and
new roofs. This space was unoccUpied, and was a veritable fire-trap,
inaccessible from either below or above. The origin of the fire is un-
known, as u-isuirl' incendiarism was charged; the night before a peddler's
wagon, loaded with rags, etc., was left in the alley, some have sup-
posed that the five originated in this from spontaneous combustion. If
the Ibrmer was the true cause We must wait patiently for another
death bed repentance and confession; if none, comes within a reasona-
ble time the affair will remain one of the unsolved mysterious. The
fire, starting as it did in the centre of the block, spread rapidly in op-
posite directions ; the buildings being of wood no hope was entertained
of stopping its progress on this side of the street. The Washington
House on the opposite side of the street caught fire several times but
was either extingxiished or went olit of its own accord ; but finally the
heat becoming intense prevented firemen from w'orking, and taking fire
under the roof and in the attic windows, hope of saving the building
was abandoned, and attention was turned to saving goods ; the wooden
buildings adjoining were soon in a blaze and the fire was not checked
until the brick store Of' Stone & Biggs was reached and destroyed.
About this time some one was reminded that some years before the
village had purchased^ fire engine, but no one seemed to know just
where it was or what condition it was in, but it was finally discovered
stowed away comfortably in a barn where it had served the purpose of
a hen-roost and generM' catch-all. It was deemed advisable by some
of the more thoughtful to endeavor to put it to use and if possible to
save the old wooden houses east of the brick store, which if allowed to
burn would endanger the Baptist church. It was placed in position
near where Morris Sarsfield's store now stands and was found to be in
good condition, and did excellent services, checking the fire and reliev-
ing the anjcic'ty as to further dam.itjf, The territory laid wawte by lliiw
firrc extended from the bridge to the HJiop urCuffman &!Clark on the
south, and from, the Washington liouHe corner to and iueludliiu Stone
& Biggs' store on the aouth side of the Htrcet. The area wiw not no
great as the [jrevious lire but the lorn* was seareeiy lef»,i »o ; the Iniild-
inf^rs were for the most part better, and were all uied Uu buiilncMW pur-
poses. The blow, to the town was a Hcvere one, and fpr a time «comcd
to parah>.e the sufTerers, yet the vitality of our people once more exlii
bited itself and within twenty-four hours a new huildiflf^ wiw in proecHH
of erection on tlie sight of the Douglass blacksmith shop l>y Pratt,
Rumsey & Allen, whp occupied it until the present stwrc of lliggs &
Co. was completed. In rebuilding the burned difttriet. history was re-
peated, old boundary lines were changed, lots werci divided, (lortionsof
some added to other*., George Wolverton bought) of W, J, Stone the
alley between the old stores and erected the buildjiflg now used as /t
post office, W. J, htonc sold the west half of the H«e Hive lot to G.
]l. Stewart ; J". Ji .Stone built on tlic eiwl half tbdf store now occupied
by C, L. Chapman ; Stewart built a fine building on his lot the west
line of which is the centre of the old alley-way >vhi(jh was surrendered
by Wolverton, K, Lovell's Sons built on their, lot and the west half of
the alley, Clark Daggett rebuilt as did Pratt, , Rumsey & Allen., E, S,
Pratt built on the Jamclson lot and A, V, Hush on the J'crkins lot,
Tl)e Washington House lot remained vacant for (»oi»<; time and is iww
occupied by W, II. Teed, the Farmers' Inn, and tlic L. II, ()w<^n oftkc
J, C, Kirtland built on the Hluc lot and ,tlso crcc ted a brick store
for W, n. Teed, who sold his interest in the llonx; building
lot to Mrs, C. P. Gregg, who in connection with J, L. .Su,>nc and I). S,
Biggs built the present Cpera I louse Block, , L, H, C^wcn built an of-
fice and store-house on tin: south side of the street, which, with a tem-
porary building erected for a roller skating rink was destroyed l>y fv-
on May 3, 1885, The building which occupied the site iy( the present
I'a^',' Block was burned A'ugust 28, 1872, '
On January lo, 1803, was organized the first church in the town of
Ulysses. A few Presb)^erian families had settled in the town as early
as from 1796 to 1800, among whom were Jabez Havens, Burgoon Up-
dike, David Atwater and Cornelius Humphrey. There is no doubtbut
that these people were visited by missionaries, from time to time,, but
of their visits very meagre records remain. The first authentic records
date from the time of permanent organization on the above mentioned
date. This event took place at the house of David Atwater, and eight
people, the four above mentioned and their wives, were constituted the
first Presbyterian Church of Ulysses, by the Rev. Jededia . Chapman, a
missionary who remained in charge two years, during which time the
membership was largely increased. The first meeting house was built
at the Updike Settlement, about three miles south of this village ; it
was of hewn logs about 25x35 feet in size. A cemetery was opened
adjoining the church Jot and the bodies of many of the first settlers and
their families still remain there, although quite a number have been re-
moved to other places.
The first church edifice built in the village occupied the site of the
present Presbyterian church. It was commenced ifl 18 17 and finished
in the summer of 18 19. In 1823 the first Sabbath school was formed
under the pastorate of the Rev. M. M. York, by Dr. Wm. White. Wm.
Hay was the first superintendant. The teachers were Treman Hall,
Francis E. Cr>andall, and James McLallen ; among the scholars were
Grover Comstock, Henry McLallen, and Minor York-; the total num-
ber of scholars were 30. In 1848 this church building was torn down
and removed to make room for the present structure which was com-
pleted in January of the following year, and dedicated Jan. 10, 1850.
The Rev. Mr. Chapman was followed in 1805 by the Rev. Garrett
Mandeville ; Rev. Wm. Clark, 1810; Rev.. John Alexander, 1813 ; Rev.
Stephen Porter, 1816 ; Rev. Lot B. Sullivan, 1817 ; Rev. Charles John-
son, 1819; Rev. Wm. F. Curry, 1825 ; Rev. John H. Carle, 1836; Rev.
Hiram L. Miller, 1834; John H. Carle, 1839; Rev. Hutchins Taylor,
1844; Rev. D. H. Hamilton, 1855 ; Rev. Lewis Kellogg, 1861 ; Rev.
Alexander M. Mann, D . D., 1865 ; Rev. Wm. N. Page, 1869 ; Rev. Ova
H. Seymour, 1877; Rev. fOrebcn H. VanPelt, 1888, who was succeed-
ed the same year by Rev. Lee H. Richardson, who was installed on
January 15, 1889.
The Baptist church of Trumansburg, was organized at the log meet-
ing house at Updike Settlementy August 26, 1819 ; it was then called the
2d Baptist church of Ulysses, as the town at that time included the
town of Covert. Services were held at different places, in John McLal-
len's barn, the school house, and at private residences. The first clerk
was Daniel Barto, and the first pastor was Oliver C. Comstock. In
August, 1 82 1 , the pastor Wm. Ward, Josia Cleveland and Allen Pease,
were appointed a committee to meet other churches and form an asso-
ciation which was called the Seneca Baptist Association. The first
pastor Dr. O. C. Comstock, while a member of Congress, became very
much interested in religious matters, and on his return began to
preach, continuing to practice medicine, however, for several years.
In eight years under his preaching the church increased' its member-
ship from 26 to 108. In 1824 a church edifice was erected on the
sight of the present structure. In 1844 this building was removed to
make room for a more commodious structure which was destroyed by
fire on March 19, 1849. The present church edifice was completed in
1 85 1, and dedicated on February 6th, of that year. Dr. Com.stock the
first pastor of this church was a man of more than ordinary natural
ability, which, with a liberal education enabled him to take a foremost
place in the affairs of the country. He came to Tompkins Co. from
Saratoga, where he had practiced medicine for a time. , Soon after he
came here he married the daughter of Judge Smith, of Seneca Co. He
held successively the.ofifices of Justice of the Peace, ist Judge of Seneca
Co., member of Assembley, and. member of Congress. He was ap-
pointed commissioner to settle the affairs of the sufferers on the
Niagara Frontier, was Chaplain of the House of Representatives in
Washington. He moved to Marshal, Mich., and .served two terms as
Superintendent of Public instruction of that state, and was also a mem-
ber of the state legislature. He died at the home of his son Dr.-O. C.
Comstock in Marshal. His son Grover S. Comstock became a cele-
brated Baptist missionary to Burmah and died in that country of
cholera. Dr. Comstock was succeeded as pastor of the Baptist church
by the-Rev. Aaron Abbott in 1827, who remained until 1834. From
this time until January i, 1838, the pulpit was filkd by supplies until
Wm. White was licensed; on January i, 1838, the Rev. Thomas
Dowling succeeded him ; he was followed by the Rev. P. Shed in
1836, the Rev. Wm. Lock in 1839, the Rev. Howell Smith in 1843,
Bro. Woodworth as a supply for six months, when the Rev. Wm.
Cormack succeeded him ; the Rev. C. L. Bacon came In 1850 and re-
mained fourteen years, and was succeeded by Rev. I. Child who re-
mained about one year. The Rev. L. Ranstead preached as a supply
until the Rev. D. Corey came in 1866, who Was succeeded by the Rev.
G. A. Starkweather in 1869, he by the Rev. E. S. Galloup in 1874,
Rev. J. J. Phelps in 1877, Rev.. D. D: Brown in 1882, Rev. J. G. Noble
1884, Rev. J. B. French in 1886.
In 1828 the Rev. Alvin Torrey, a Methodist circuit preacher, was
urged by people in this section to extend his labor to this field. Fore-
most in this endeavor was Gen. Isaiah Smith. The office of circuit
preacher sixty years ago was no sinecure, his territory embraced hun-
dreds of square miles. His duty was to establish classes in the frontier
settlements, to visit and encourage such organizations, to provide the
means for the formation of churches when the wants of a community
demanded permanent or regular preaching. Methodism in 1828 was.
comparatively new and these pioneers were missionaries, zealous and
and faithful in the performance of their duties, braving the dangers of
the forest in long and tedious journeys- through a trackless wilderness,
often going many miles to visit a single family, laying the foundation
of a system of christian worship Which has extended through the whole
civilized world, the growth of which has no parallel in the history of
church progress. Mr. Torrey organized a class in Kingtown, in what
is now- the town of Covert. The persons who formed this class as near
as can be ascertained, were Obediah Smith, leader; Robert P. Smith,
Nelson Selover,' John T. Smith, Clement T. Smith, Robert Smith, Mrs.
Miller, Jemima Treman, Nancy Smith, Mrs. Horace Jerome, Berintha
Smith and Betsey Selover. This clas.s was visited at times by Schuy-
ler Hoes, Israel Chamberlain, Osborn Hustis and Abner Chase, suc-
cessors of Mr. Torrey in this circuit. These preachers also formed
classes in the neigoboring settlements of Ovid, Lodi, Burdett, etc., also
at Gen. Isaiah Smith's and a Mr. Stilwell's. The gentlemen were as-
sisted in this neighborhood by Alexander Comstock and Richard
Goodwin. On Jan. 4th, 18-31,3 meeting was held in this village to
effect a permanent church organization, with the Rev. Wm. Jones as
moderator. .At thi.s meeting Josiah Smith, R. M. Pelton, Fredric M.
Camp, John Watkeman, James McLalien, F. S. Dumont and Abner
Treman were elected trustees, . and James McLalien clerk. Some of
these gentlemen were not Methodists and a few of them not members
of any christian body, but they were all representative men and entered
into this work with a realizing sense of the benefits to the community
of which they were members. Steps were taken to provide a perma-
nent place of worship, which resulted in the purchase of a lot from Mr.
Treman and the erection of a building at a cost of c bout ^1,800, which
was completed in December of the same year and dedicated on Jan 3d.
following. The society continued to worship in this house until it--
became too small for their use, when it was sold to the Catholic church.
The present church was dedicated on April 15th, 1857, under the pas-
torate of Rev. E. H. Cranmer, who was assisted in the dedicatory ser-
vices by the Rev. Dr. Peck, afterward Bishop of this diocese. In a lit-
tle church pamphlet published in 1882, the compiler says : "Delos
Hutchens followed James Durham". There is no date, or intimation
who James Durham followed, but it may be inferred that Mr. Durham
95 '
succeeded Mr. Jones and was the first regular pastor. After these two
came Isaiah V. Mapes and Ira Smith also without date, and none ap-
pears until 1844 when the Rev. D. S. Chase was sent here by the con-
ference, who was followed by H. K. Smith and J. McLoutb. In 184S
came Calvin S. Coats, who it appears eked out his income by engaging
in agricultural pursuits a portion of his time. Ralf>h Clapp and R. T.
Hancock succeeded Joseph Aiftsworth, under whose pastorate the
present parsonage was built. During the pastorate of these three
preachers the society seems to have been in a precarious condition
both spiritually and financially, but in 1852 under the pastorate of the
Rev. Thomas Tousey, a man of more than ordinary ability, the affairs
of the church took an upward turn ; many new members were taken in
and the orgairization seemed to be inspired with new life and vigor, and
it was at this time the. movement to build a new church edifice was
started. Mr. Tousey was followed by the Rev. S. L. Congdon, he by
the Rev. N. Fellows and he by the Rev. Mr. Cranmer, A. Southerland,
DeWitt C. Huntington and William Manning. This brings .us down
to 1863, when the Rev. J. W. Wilson was sent here and remained
three years. He was succeeded by the Rev Thomas Stacey, he by
W. B. Holt, Martin "Wheeler, J. L. Edson, G. C. Wood, M. S. Wells,
Dwight Williams, F. Devitt, B. H. Brown, McKendree Shaw, R. T.
Morris, A.N.Damon, and J. E. Rhodes the present incumbent. In
1840 Daniel Elmore was appointed pastor of the Society who wor-
shiped at the Yellow Meeting House, and'the Rev. J G Clark has been
a local preacher of-this church for many years and frequently supplies
the pulpit during the temporary absence of pastors, and has filled ap-
pointments in the neighboring towns.
On the 6th day of January, 187 1, a meeting was held in Dumont's
Hall for the purpose of organizing a Protestant Episcopal Church.
There were present at this meeting, the Rev. T. L Randolph, who
presided, P H Thompson, W B Dumont, Benjamin Dunning, H D
Barto, John Willis, Isaac Murray, and Stephen Clough who acted as
secretary. This meeting was adjourned to meet on Jan. 2Sth, at which
time an organization was perfected and the following parish officers
elected : Senior warden, H D Barto ; Junior warden, William Willis ;
Vestrymen : John Willis, W B Dumont, Edward Pearsall, Warren
Halsey, Benjamin Dunning, Clark Daggett, John Woodworth, and J
S Halsey; Treasurer, David Dumont; Secretary Stephen Clough.
The Church received its name from the festival of the Epiphany which
occured on the day of the first meeting. At a meeting held June 28th
1871, a committe was appointed to purchase a parsonage. It does not
appear that this committe effected anything, for it was not until Janu-
ary 8th, 1873, at a regular meeting of the vestry, Mr H D Barto made
a formal donation of the property now occupied by the church and parsonage
to the society, for Church purposes. This was a magnificent gift as this
property was valued at that time at nearly ^5,000. On March loth 1873, the
Church was put in possession of and accepted a bequest of $9,000, by the
last will and testament of John Carr, and it was determined to build a Church
immediately. To this end, plans and specifications were obtained of Mr.
William Dudley, a celebrated architect oi New York City, bids were adver-
tis,ed for and many were submitted. Mr. Randolph resigned May 23d 1874,
and on, August ist the contract for the stone work was let to John Blackhall.
On August 8th, 1874, a call was extended to Rev. Mr. VanWinkle, who re-
signed In April following and was succeeded by the Rev. Chas. DeL Allen,-
and he by the Rev. A. H. Ormsbee. on April 5th, 1877. All this time the
people had been worshiping in the chapel, the church edifice was drawing
near to completion as far as the exterior was concerned, but the building
committee found themselves without the necessary funds to complete the in-
terior and furnish the building. Mr. Barto had died in the meantime, and
by his death the church lost one of its strongest supporters. His widow, how-
ever, came to the front most generously and replenished the depleted treas^-
ury with a donation of $4,000 ; she also purchased a piece of land • in the
rear of the church lot for something like $600 and donated the same to the
society. The affairs of this church were now in such a condition as to justify
them pushing the building to completion, which was done. Mr. Orms-
bee having resigned on September i6th, 1878, the Rev. J. Everest
Gathell was sent here the same month, and entered into the work of
finishing the Church with a vigor and energy which characterized^the
man. He accepted a formal call in Feb. 1880, and remained until
July, 1882. During his pastorate the Church enjoyed a high degree of
prosperity ; he was a man of indomitable will and perseverance, a fine
preacher and ripe scholar, and under his minisjrations the Church was
largely increased in membership and financial strength. He was suc-
ceeded by the Rev. Thomas Berry, who resigned in September 1 884.
The pulpit was filled by supplies until the Sev. Jas. P. Foster was sent
here as minister in charge. Mr Foster resided in Geneva and did not
think it desirable to move his family to this place altho frequently de-
sired to do so by the vestry, who thought the wants of'the parish
required a resident pastor, and to this end a call was extended to Rev.
W. E. Allen on September 24th, 1888, which was accepted.
In 1848 there were but three Catholic families in this neighbophood
and these were visited from time to time by the Rev. Father Gilbride,
of Waterloo, who continued his visits until 1853 when he was succeed-
by the Rev. Father Gleason, who, under the instructions of the Bishop,
pu'rcha.sed a site for a church which was afterwards exchanged for the
building they now occupy, which was dedicated by Bishop Timon on
April 1 8th, 1857. Services were held by the Rev. Father McCool for
about six years ; he was succeeded by the Rev. Father Farrell who
came four months, and he by the Rev. Father Toohey, who came at
regular intervals for five years. .
Before the organization of St. James parish this field was included ih
the Ithaca parish, and services were conducted at irregular intervals by
clergymen from that place. There was a large and growing Catholic
community here and they felt the need of a permanent place of wor-
ship with a resident priest. An opportunity was offered when the M. E.
society ^moved into their new building, which resulted in the purchase
of the old church. Wfhjch was refitted to meet ;their especial wants.
The Rev. Father Gilbert was the first resident pastor, and through his
efforts the church was placed on, a fairly sound financial basis. He re-
mained until 1879 whpnhe was succeeded by, the Rev. Father Angelo
apd hei by the present incumbent, the Rev. Father M: T. Madden, un-
der whose management the parishj hasi prospered, a heavy debt has
be.en paid, the church repaired, and, the parsonage which was badly
our of repair thoroughly renovated. The .question of erecting a new
chijrch hasbpen agitated from time to. time, the present one being too
small for the growing needs of the parish. .;
It can be .ti'uthfuUy stated that no village of its size in this country
is so well provided with church edifices is Trumansburg. Their seat-
ing capacity far CHceedS; the entire population within the corporate lim-
its, yet every Sabbath day all are well filled.- The various congrega-
tions are drawn jargely : from the populus surrounding country. The
pulpits of the I different denominations are filled with more than ordin-
ary ability, this is a reading, and thinking community, and iwill not be
satisfipdwithrnediocre talent. A thin clergyman finds no resting place
here, if he is not equal to the occasion he is invited to move on. The
churches are all practically out. of debt, the annual pew rentals leave
scarcely a ,seat, unoccupied, qonsequently the salaries paid to pastors is
alpov^ the average. Good preachers stay long with us.
Early ,in tlic spring of 1872 a meeting of the citizens of the village
was called, to take some action in refere/ice to the better organization-
of a fire department etc. The frequency of fires had become alarming
and altho we had an engine^ a fire company, must be manitained at pri-
vate icxpen^js. A di.scussion of the matter led to a canvass of the vil-
lage by^2>S.^^lett, with a view of ascertaining the sentiment of the
people in regard to an incorporation under the general act. His efforts
were so far satisfactory a.s to callfor a vote on the subject, which was
had on J^uly 30th, 1872, and resulted in 15 I votes for, and 115 against
incorporation. No time was lost in completing the work, and on Aug.
27th 1872, was held the first corporation election, at which time J. D.
Lewis was. elected President, C P Gregg,' P W Collins and G'H Stew-
art Trustees, W H Teed Collector, and C P Barto Treasurer. The
next important event under the new order of things was the organiza-
tion of a fire department.
Notice was given of the' ihtention to organize a fire company, and a
meeting was called to meet' in Lovell's Hall on Wednesday evening
September nth, 1872, at which John N. Hood presided as Chairman
and H. M. Lovell Secretaiy. An organization was perfected, and the
first officers of the new company elected.' Two of the trustees of the
village, G. H. Stewart and P. W. Collins, acted as tellers at this elec-
tion. J. K. Follett was elected Foreman, N. R. Gifford, ist Asst.,
John McL. Thompson, 2d Asst., H. M. Lo^^ell Sec, J. N.Hood Treas.
H. M. Lovell resigned in October and M. C. Gould elected to fill the
vacancy; The annual meeting was appointed for December, at which
time all the officers were re-elected for one year. Ira M. Dean was
elected engineer, and G. W. Warne and C. B. Douglass pipemen. , A
committee was also appointed to revise the by-laws. Mn Hood short-
ly after resigrled, C. A. Goodyear was appointed, serving only a few
months. On April 3, 1873, Mr. Gould resigned as secretary and F. M.
Austin elected to fill the Vacancy, and J. N. Hood was also elected to
fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Goodyear. At the
next annual meeting, on December 4, 18/3, Follett and Gifford were
re-elected and G. W, Warne made 2d asst., Mr. Hood remained treas-
urer, and C.F". Hunter was elected secretary. At the next annual
meeting on December 16, 1874, C- W. Moore was elected foreman,
J M Thompson ist asst., G W Warne 2d asst., C F Hunter was re-
tained as Sec, FM Austin treas. In 1875 Moore was re-elected,
G W Warne msde 1st and John Daily 2d asst.^ sec. and treas. re-
mained the same. On April 6th 1876, Moore resigned on account of
poor Health, and Warne was advanced to the formanship, C F Hunter
made 1st arid A Monroe 2d. Oil Dec. 20th 1876 C F Hunter was
made foreman, Matt Cully ist and John Daily 2d asst, R B Wyckoff
sec, F M Austin treas. At the annual election in 1877 Hunter was re-
elected, Dailey 1st and'E T Stewart 2d asst, A Monroe sec, F M
Austin treas. In 1878 Hunter was still foreman. Daily ist and Stew-
art 2d asst, Monroe sec, Austin treas. In 1879 Daily was foreman
Stewart ist, and Wyckoff 2d, C H Baker sec, Austin treas.
On December 22d 1880, the annual election resulted in the election of
E H Tallmadge foreman, Stewart ist and A S Gregg 2d asst,, Wyck-
off sec, Austin treas. The next election made Cully foreman, Stew-
art 1st and J E Hall 2d asst, Austin sec, and treas. In 1883 Hunter
was foreman, R B Hill ist and W J Marsh 2d asst., C L Adams sec,
Austin treas; at the election in December of same year, R B Hill was
made foreman, Cully ist and George Gulic 2d asst., Adams and Austin
remaining as sec and treas. Dec 17th 1884, the election made R H
Stewart foreman, G P Becker ist and C B Douglass 2d,asst. Adams and
Austin still sec. and treas. Xhe following year Becker was made fore-
man, C E Smith ist asst. and E R Buckley -2d, who refused to serve,
and F B Howard was elected in his place, Adams declined another
term and C B Douglass was made sec and H A Mosher treas. On
Dec. 15th 1886 Becker was re-elected foreman, W D Halsey was made
1st asst. and F P Barnard 2d, Adams sec. and J Russell financial sec,
Mosher treas. The annual election on Dec 21st 1887, made R B Hill
foreman, C L Chapman ist and Barnard 2d asst., Adams sec,, Russell
financial sec and Mosher treas. The present officers of the; Company
elected on Dec 19th 1888 are R B Hill foreman, Will Dimick 1st and
Geo. Foote 2d asst., Adams sec, Russell financial sec and Mosher treas.
The Company is a fine organization, having upon its roll most of the
representative business men of the village, who not only take a deep
interest in its affairs as an organization, but as has been frequently
demonstrated, make efficient firemen while in active service. The
other brand es of the Department, consisting of a Board of Engineers,
Protective Police, and the Gregg Hose Company, all of which are work-
ing together most harmoniously.
In 1882 there was a club of young men who had rooms in the
Owen building. It was a social organization onfy and it was found
difficult to hold its membership without some more definite object than
simply social enjoyment. After a thorough canvass of the matter it
was resolved to merge the club into an independent hose company
and offer their services to the corporation and ask for admission to the
Fire Department. At a meeting held in their rooms' in July i'882, an
organization was perfected with the following officers : Will Jones
foreman, Charles Lisk asst. foreman, R V Barto, W F Creque and
G H Alttty were elected treasurers. The next meeting was held in
Pratt Hall which they hired for a drill room. It was also decided to
confer with the trustees with a view of being set off as a separate com-
pany to be called Gregg Hose, after Mr. C P Gregg, a prominet man-
ufacturer of this village. At the next annual election in Aug. 1883
Jones and Lisk were re-elected, and A fi Smith made sec. and treas.
During a portion of this year the company met in the engine house,
and in Dec. they rented of W F Creque the rooms adjoining which
they have continued to occupy up to the present tinie. At the semi-
annual election held Dec, 5th 1883, Jones and Lisk were again re-elect-
ed, James McLallen made 2d asst., Almy sec, Smith treas. Dec. loth
I S84, the election of officers resulted in the re-election of Jones, A C
Wood 2d asst., Frank Almy sec. L B Mosher treas. In June of 1885
the office of ist asst. became vacant and W F Creque was elected to
the place. Dec. 4th 1884, Jones was re-elected, G H Almy elected
and J G McLallen 2d asst, R.V Barto sec,, J C Wheeler treas. At
the annual election Dec. 15th 1885, G H Almy was made foreman,
W F Creque ist and J C Burrall 2d asst, Owen Buckley sec, L B
Mosher financial sec, A C Wood treas. At the election of Dec. 22d
1887 J C Wheeler was made foreman, J C Burrall ist and R D Sears
2d asst., F Hatfield sec. J K Wheeler financial sec, F D Holman treas.
The election held Dec. 19th 1888, made W F Creque foreman, F
Hatfield 1st and W P Biggs 2d asst, Edw. Cox sec, Arthur Sears fi-
nancial sec, Emerson Creque tre.aS, The personelle of this company
will compare favorably with any similar organization in the country,
is handsomely uniformed and well drilled, and altho*its membership is
composed entirely of young men froni stores', offices etc. unaccustomed
to severe manual labor, i|t, has on many occasions been demonstrated
that they are equal to the most arduous duties of firemen. Until this
year (1888) this company ha.s been self supporting, receiving only a
small annual appropriation, but now the corporation pay the rent of
their present [quarters which consist of a ouite of ropms in the Creque
Block adjoining the engine house. At the second meeting of the Board
of Trustees of the village, measures were taken to procure hose, etc.,
but the fire department was not formally organized until Nov. of the
same year, when an engine 9.nd hook, and ladder co. were accepted by
the board, J N Hood was subsequently appointed chief engineer, and
Chas. Clapp asst; engineer in the fire department. J T Howe was elect-
ed President of the village in 1873, E C Gregg in 1874, John VanDuyn
in 1875, and re-elected in 1876 and 1877, J D Bouton in ,1878 and 1879.
In this year a special election was held for the purpose of submitting
to the people the proposition to build an engine house. In 1880, Tru-
man Boardman was elected President and re-elected in 1 881, John C
Kirtland in 1882, F D Barto in 1883, H L Slrobridge in 1884, John C
Kirtland in 1885, O M Wilson in .1886, L W Carpenter in 1887, who
resigned before qualifying and H A Mosher was appointed to fill the
vecancy. R H Stone, was elected in 1888.
In 1874 a board of Engineers wa.s organized, and held, their first
meeting on May 2'5th. This board was composed of-S. R. Wickes,
chidf engineecr ; J. K. Follett, ist asst. John VanDuyn, J. K. Follett
Ira C. Johnson were a fire commjtte appointed by the trustees, D. H.
Ayers was made clerk, of the board and M. A. Burdick fire warden.
In September a fire police was appointed consisting of A H Pierson,
D J Fritts, D C Quigley, G H Stewart, R C Tompkins, J R Emery
S A Sherwood, E C Seymour, Lewis Goodyear and Walter Burr.
Mr. Wickes was succeeded as chief engineer by D, S. Biggs; and the
following gentlemen have in turn served as chiefs of the Department :
A P Coddington, J T Howe, E Holcomb, S C Conde, J C Kirtland,
R H Stewat, E T Stewart, G P Becker, and G H Almy.'
Of newsp apers, TrumansijDurg has had its full share of good, bad
or'indiffereifiF"fTni?3r---PtlS'm'st one) the La^, Light a violent anti-
masonic paper, died for want of support in 1829, and was succeeded
by another anti-masonic paper called the Anti-Masonic Sentinel, which
lived but three months. In 1832 the subject of establishing a paper was
again agitated. The need of a local paper was apparent and som^ few
months later David pairchild started the Advertiser, which may be con-
sidered the first .local paper eve;- published here;, as its predecessor was
not a newspaper, and its publisher made no pretention to deal with any
local affairs except those pertaining to the object for which it was
started. It is not known that Mr. Fairchild had' had any previous ex-
perience as a printer, but it is certain that he developed into a good
newspaper man. He commenced without any capital, running in debt
lor his entire plant, which he paid for out of the business besides accij-
mulating quite a sum of money. He was energetic and persistent, he
dc'livered his paper to subscribers on the day succeeding its issue driv-
ing about the country in a wagon, taking produce in exchange which
he either consumed or sold at a profit. In this way he was constantly
among his -patrons, studying their wants and getting new business.
He sold his business to Palmer & Maxon in 1837. Maxori afterward
retired, and Palmer .continued its publication, and was succeeded by John
Grey who changed the name to the Truinansburg Sun. In a short time
the business seems to have languished and for a time suspended en-
tirely. Hause & Hooker took the property and changed the name to
\k\.e. Gazette. This firni' became involved and the paper fell into the
hands of John Creque, Jr., who after running it some time leased it to
"S. M. Day who chang ed th,e; name to the Truvtansburg Herald. Mr.
Day g^^t^wayTo vV . K. Creque who called his papfr the Jnaepcndent.
The office vvas closed in 1852, the material sold to C. Fairchild of Ovid.
There was no paper published in Trumansburg for nearly lo years, but
in Nov. i860, A P Osborn started the Triimansbyrg News, of which
Edward Himrod was associate editor. The News was at first a seven
column paper but was afterward reduced to six columns. On the
breaking out of the war, Mr. Osborn leased the plant to Mr. Himrod,
and afterward sold the entire business to John McL Thompson. Mr.
Himrod was succeeded by A O Hicks who bought the property and
took a partner, and the firm became Hicks & Pasko, who were suc-
ceeded by J W VanAmie, and he by W H Cuffman, who was the
publisher when it was destroyed by fire on Feb. 22d 1864. The orig-
inal AVwjofifice was in the Camp block, corner of Main and Union sts.
but was removed by Hicks & Pasko to the Wickes building on the hill.
On April 5th 1865, O M Wilson issued the first number of the Tomp-
kins County Sentinel, which name was afterward changed to the Tni-
manslnirg Sentinel. On Feb. 13th 1879, he sold the paper to C L
Adams, the present publisher. It is a seven column weekly paper
neutral in politics, of neat typographical appearance and well edited.
It has one of the best furnisned offices in the country and is printed
on a Campbell cylinder run by steam. Its present location is in the
Shoe Factoiy building. In 1873 A F Allen published the Advance,
but owing to a lack of capital and editorial management not calculated
to make it popular, it was discontinued at the end of three months.
On Nov. 7th 1885, A F Allen, who had for some years been running
a job printing office in the Hunter block, started the Free Press, a four
column paper devoted to news and advertising. It prospered and has
been enlarged from time to time to meet the demands for space, and is
now published as a full five column paper. It is printed upon a Damon
cylinder and is issued Saturday mornings. Of all the old newspaper
men who at different times within the last 60 years have tried their for-
tunes here, but one remains, John Creque. Of the four sons of David
Fairchild, three became printers, two went to California with their father,
one settled in Elmira, and Corydon for years published the O^'id Bee.
It can be truthfully said that Trumansburg has a double history ; that
while retaining the name, its topography has undergone such a radical
change that a new town may be said to' occupy the site of the old. The
history of the new village must date from February 22d, 1864. AH
that portion before discribed as being destroyed by the first great con-
flagration, was built in such a manner as to totally obliterate old land-
marks. About this time a new enterprise was started in the village
which for more than 20 years contributed to its prosperity and was in-
strumental in adding much to its wealth. There existed in Farmer
Village, some miles north-west, a manufacturing concern engaged in
building agricultu ral .mach inery, and one A. H. Gregg was a member
of the Concern. Financial differences necessitated the closing up of the
business and E. C. Gregg the father, and C. P. Gregg a brother of A.
H. Gregg, took the machine shop as a part indemnity against loss, they
being indorsers for the firm to a large amount. The gentlemen decid-
ed to remove the business to Trumansburg, and to that end the land
now occupied by the Gregg Iron Works was purchased, and in 1865
the- present machine shop was built. The works were enlarged from
time to time to meet the demands of a rapidly growing trade. The
principle article of manufacture was the Meadow King Mower, but
other implements were added as the capacity of the works increased as
the demand warranted. The Osborn Sulky Plow, Sharpe Horse Rake,
Morse Horse Rake, King of the Lawn and Young America Lawn
Mowers, and later, reaping machines and twine binders were built to
quite an "extent. The works employed usually about 100 hands, but
the force was often increased during the busy season. The annual out-
put for several years was in the neighborhood of 2,000 mowers, 500
reapers, 1,500 rakes, 1,500 lawn mowers, 500 sulky plows, besides hand
plows and miscellaneous tools. "In 1887 the concern owifag to over
production, slow and uncertain collections and the failure of some of
their heaviest customers, were forced to suspend and they made an
assignment to S. D. Haliday of Ithaca, who by consent of the creditors
continued to run the shops with a view of worl^ing up the stock on
hand to the best advantage and an ultimate settlement of all difficulties
to the satisfaction of all concerned. At this writing (1890), the two
years 'granted the assignee has not expired, but the business is said to
be in good condition and there seems to be no doubt that on the ex-
piration of the limit, arrangments will be made to continue operations.
Closely allied but having no connection with the Gregg Iron Works,
Was another enterprise of scarcely less importance to the future of
Trumansburg. In 1867 Mr. A. H. Pease bought a tract of land on the
southwest side of the village, with a view of cutting up into building
lots. Mr. Pease is a son of Simeon Pease, deceased, who with his
brothers Alvah and Allen, came to this country in 18 16, and purchased
a tract of land east of the village. Alvah Pease located the farm and
built the house where Byron Spaulding now resides. He died in 1844,
leaving three children, two of whom are still living. Dr. Alvin Pease of
Cochecton, N. Y., and Mrs: E. S. Pratt, who was the widow ot Oman
Osborn. The descendents of Allen Pease, children of A. J., a son, and
Clarisa, wife of Reuben Smith deceased, still occupy the original farm,
and Mrs. Joseph Gould another daughter lives in this village. Thomas
Donohue lives in the Simeon Pease homestead. Simeon Pease had a
large family of whom Mrs. Sarah Graves, Mrs. D S Pratt, Mr. B F
Pease and Mr. A H Pease still live in this village or immediate vicinity,-
as do also some of the grandchildren. After the death of Simeon
Pease and his wife, a large property was divided among the heirs. A
H., invested a portion of his as above. His object was to provide
homes, for people of moderate means and to afford the day laborer and
mechanic an opportunity to secure a home upon easy payments. He
sold lots upon contract to pay a fixed sum per month, and in many
cases advanced money to commence building a house. This plan
worked most admirably in most cases. Any industrious, saving man,
could in a few years have a home paid for, and in this way many of the
employes of Gregg & Co., found an investment for their savings which
when trSuble came proved the wisdam of the projector and beneficearies.
Mr. Pease's investment at one time amounted to about ^20,000 and on
the whole, considering the shrinlcage of all values, especially that of
real estate this investment was not a' paying one. Had the times con-
tinued as good as when the property was bought, no doubt that a
handsome sum would have been realized ; as' it is the village is indebted
to this gentleman for one of its greatest improvements ; the whole
section now being covered with a good class of buildings, the streets
are nicely kept and bordered with shade .trees, and an air of comfort
pervades that portion of the village.
Although many of the descendents 6f the "Pioneers" of Trumans-
burgand vicinity still remain, some of the most prominent names arc
for history alone and it may prove not only interesting but import-
ant to record briefly, -some of the most familiar for easy reference.
Nicoll_ Ha lsey was born at South Hampton, Long Island, March 8th,
1782, and came to Qvid in 179^- In 1808 he came to Ulysses. He
served as Supervisor of the Town, Sheriff of the County, Member of
Asembly, County Judge and Member of the 23d Congress of the
United States. He raised a large family, all of whom became promi.-
nently connected with tUe affairs of the town and county: John W.
Able, came to this coynty in 1817. His father was a revolutionary
soldier. AllanBoacdmaji came to Covert in 1 709. He was the ^tiier
of th e late Henry Boardman, J udge Do uglas sTBoardnian, T rujaan
"lBoarHman"and Mrs. Lucy Sraith, the two latter still reside in this
vilKge. Christopher Smith emigrated from New Jersey, in 1804, and
settled three miles south of the village. The First Presbyterian Church
was built on a lot purchased from him. Azariah Letts came here from
New Jersey, in 1801. He was a mighty hunter ; he left a record of 400
deer killed in 1 5 years, besides panther, bear, wild cat and other game in-
numerable. Henry Taylor came here from Conn., in 1.809. ^^ was a
tanner and currier by trade and carried on the business for many years,
on the lot now occupied by Thomas Sarsfield. He was prominent in
political, social and religious matters. None of his family remai'n here.
,.AUieEt-j£''-'S*0ne came to Trumansburg in 1824 as a clerk for his uncle,
Herman Camp. On arriving at his majority he was taken into partner-
ship and continued in the mercantile business until 1870. For over 50
years few narnes were more familiarly known throughout this whole
section than that of A. G. Stone. Originally a Democrat, he allied
himself with the free soil wing of the party and on the formation of the
Republican party, was one of the first to enter its ranks,- but not as a
private. He was always at the front, was fearless in whatever position
he took and maintained it against all comers. He was postmaster 10
years. He joined the Presbyterian church in 1831, and to the day of
his death in 1877, was a leader in all its affairs. Of his large family,
James. J^., and Ric^iard H., alone remain here. Two daughters, Louisa
and Albertine, are in Europe. Herman C, resides at San Diego, Cal.,
■-axi,d^ George F., hold.s^ government position in Washington. In 1833,
Mr. Stone married Ann Aliza Paddock, adopted daughter of Herman
Camp. Her family were residents ot the Island of San Domingo, and
during the revolution her mother was smuggled by a faithful servant on
board a vessel bound for New York and thus escaped the general mas-
sacre of the whites. Mrs. Stone came here from Sullivan county,
in 1816. --Win, Jarvis. Stone came here from New Millford, Conn., in
1839, was first a clerk, afterward a storekeeper on his own account.
His wife was Maria Emmons, and survives him. None of their children
remain here, although the oldest son, 4*'. B., still owns property in the
village. Nathias DeMond c^.me to this town from New Jersey, in 1803.
He was the father of Deacon Edward DeMond. About 1800 Jacob A.
Updike settled on a farm a few miles south of the village; he was the
father of Abram G. Updike who for many yea4-s was a prominent
citizen of the town. Abram G., left a large family many of whom still
reside in the town. Gamaiel Dickenson and family came here from
Long Island in 181 2 ; many of his descendents still reside here. Daniel
Atwater came into-the country in 1799. He located near what is now
known as Podunk, where some of his descendents still reside. Ephriam
Osborn emigrated from Fairfield, Conn., in 1 8 14, and settled neau the
present residence of A. L. Snyder. One daughter, Mrs. S. B. Wakeman,
still lives near this village ; several grandchildren however live in this
village or vicinity. Peter Jones, J, S. Hunter, Urial Turner, Noah and
Amos Robinson, Sears, Odlong, David and S., Q^^ Williajn s, Savage,
Hiram an d Samuel Cl ock. Godard, Howell, Dumont, Peltoh, Jager, Post,
N B Smith, Elleck, Tichenor, Pratt, Burr, Lewis, Valentine, King, a
large family of whom there are many representatives still living in the
immediate vicinity of the village. Campbell and Bard well, were also
familiar names 75 years ago." Loyd Dorsey was the first colored man
to vote in this town ; he is still hale and hearty. Barto, Daniel and
Judge Henry D., were prominent in the affairs of the town and county
in an early day, and descendents of both still live here. Judge Barto
lived for many years in the house now owned and occupied by Mrs.
Mary Quigley. His son, Henry D., succeeded to his legal business,
and with J D Smith as Barto & Smith, continued to practice law un-
til Mr. Barto retired to found the H D Barto & Co.'s batik, which in-
stitution is still running with his son, Fredrick D. Barto as president.
It is not the purpose ot this history to go into detail as to -matters
which would interest only those who might be in some way connected
with the subject or occurence; this would partake more of the
character of personal reminiscence's of which there is material enough
for a volume. In the " good old times," all the people above mentioned
and many others whose very existence has been forgotten, were tne
active business men of this village, and it is a singular fact that of the
descendents of the pioneers none continue in the occupations of their
fathers, and to-day there are but few people doing business in Tru-
mansburg who are men* "to the manner born," As the families of the
early settlers grew up the limits of the new village were too narrow for
them. They followed the example of their fathers and went " west "
and so it is that most of these old families as far as Trumansburg is
I lO
concerned have become extinct. Occasionally a representative wanders
back, himself now an old man, spends a few days vainly looking for
some land-mark to remind him of the scenes of bis youth, visits the
cemetery to search the records of tombstones, too often seeing his
name in public ground, the bones of his ancesters finding a last resting
place at the hands of strangers. A new generation has taken the place
of the old, and they in turn must give way to others. Nearly lOO years
have passed since the settlement of this piece, but the next century will
not mark the changes of the past ; the country has reached its limit of
population, and the one who reads tliese lines in 1990 will see no great
change in the general aspect of the village or country from that des-
cribed here, only the names will be new. A few things remain to be
said as matter of record. The first postmaster of Trumansburg was
Oliver C. Comstock, from 181 1 to 1813; He"was succeeded by FTT
Camp who held the office' 18 years. He resigned in 1831, and was suc-
ceeded by James McLallen, who. also resigned in 1844, to be succeeded
by Lyman Strobridge, who served a term of four years, giving place to
Sanford Halsey, who held the office but one year. L. D. Branch took
the office in 1849 ^'^d retired in June loth, 1853, and was succeeded by
Benjamin Allen, who retired August l6th, 1861, when A. G. Stone was
appointed and retained the office until April 1871, and was succeeded
by S. R. Wicks, who retired in 1873 and was appointed special
postal agent, which office he retained about i year. C. P. Gregg was
his successor who resigned to give place to D. S. Biggs, who held the
office until the change of administration, when he resigned and J. T,
Howe was appointed in July 1885. 'He was succeeded under Har-
rison by R. J. Hunt, the present incumbent in March 1890. This be-,
came a presidental office during the administration of D. S. Biggs, and
the salary now is, including allowances for rent, etc., about ^1,400;
quite a contrast to the gross earnings under A. C. Comstock, $g for the
entire year. The present post office is a model of beauty and conven-
ience. It has 211 lock and 480 call boxes besides the- alphabetical and
mailing boxes.
With Trumansburg of to-day we have but little to do. TovVn and
corporation records, files of weekly papers, private memoranda, etc., will
furnish to some future compiler, data for a more compfete history of the
next, than it is possible to obtain for the past century. It has been no
easy task to gather the material for even this little book, and not until
after the work was well along did the author realize the difficulties to
be encountered. Much of the material was obtainable only through
sources outside of any public record ; much depended upon the mem-
ory of living persons, the accuracy of which was tested by comparison
with imperfect or incomplete records, and it would be folly to claini
that absolute accuracy of detail was the result in all cases. As to ma-
terial facts the record for the first half century we believe to be correct,
the family history of the first settlers complete as far as the purpose of
this work is concerned, and most of the matter pertaining to the
pioneer days given to the public for the first time. Of many important
matters but one written record often exists, which if destroyed makes
the loss irreparable,' but if transcribed and put into type it is not within
the possibilities that all the copies should perish, and for this reason
more than, any other was this work undertaken. To critics we say,
forebear ; we have no apologies to make for mistakes, we have done
our best to attain accuracy, aimed to be just regardless of personal feel-
ings or prejudices, and if in the future some one should care to take up
the work where we leave it they will find the task much easier.
Trumansburg to-day is one of the most beautiful inland villages in
the state ; it's business portion built almost entirely of brick, it's dwell-
ings neat, tasty and homelike, surrounded by beautifully kept lawns and
well cultivated gardens, it's streets are bordered with elms and raaple.'j,
it's sidewalks are of bkie flag stone, and as this is being written, meas-
ures are on foot to Macadamize the principal thoroughfares. Of manu-
facturing there is but little ; it does not possess advantages for heavy
manufacturing, but for specialties no better location could be desired ;
rents are cheap and taxes low. As a merchantile centre few towns of
I 12
its size? sell the amount of goods of all kinds, surrounded by a densely-
populated country vvhich must be supplied with dry goods, groceries,
etc., competition has forced prices down where it ceases to be an ob-
ject for buyers to seek other markets. There are 121 business houses
in Trumansburg divided as follows: Dry goods and groceries 5,
groceries 8, clothing 2, drugs 3, books and stationery i, jewelry 2,
flour and feed 2, hotels 2, licensed saloons 2, unlicensed saloons and
resturants 4, bakers 2, millinery 3, blacksmiths 5, machine shops 2,
flour mills 2, harness shops 2, hardware 2, marble works i, furniture 3
undertakers 3, newspapers 3, dentists 2, doctors 6, lawyers 4, clergy-
men 6, veterinary sergeon i, tobacco store i, shoe shops 4, livery
stables 3, wagon shops 3, paint and trimming shops 4, meat markets 3,
barbers 3, photographers 2, banks 2, green houses 2, coal yards 2,
tin shops I, &^^ buyer and shipper i, express offices 2, Western Union
Telegraph i, i public, and .several private telephone lines, a private
telegraph line with several offices in town and one at Frontenac Beach,
a wagon express line to Ithaca, Engine Co., Hose Co., Protective Police,
billiards 2, dressmaking 4, gun and repair shop i, cooper shop i, wood
working mills 2, also a Lodge and Chapter of F. & A. M., Lodge and
Encampment I. O. of O. F., a G. A. R.,and W. R. C, and other social
and benevolent societies, 5 churches, a Union School and Academy. "The
above does not include individual mechanics or artisans who have no
business places other than their homes.
Since the preceeding chapters were put in type the shoe factory of
Dake & Hamilton has been closed ; no other business changes have
taken place. Such is Trumansburg of to-day, (1890), a beautiful, quiet
peaceful village. We have no great wealth, no abject poverty, it's
people happy and contented in the possession of comfortable homes
and beautiful surroundings.
As everything terrestrial has a beginning, so does it have an ending,
and we close our little sketch with a brief discription ot our final resting
As early as 1847 it became evident that the burial plot, owned by the
1st Presbyterian Church, but used by all denominations, was entirely
too small for the growing community, and its location, which when first
adopted, was on the out-skirts of the village, had become too central
for the purpose. Several meetings were held and the subject of a new
cemetery freely discussed ; an attempt was made to get a special act of
incorporation through the legislature, which for some- reason failed, but
on May 24th, 1847, at a public meeting held in the Baptist Church, an
organization was perfected under tne name of Grove Cemetery Asso-
ciation, and the following gentlemen named as the first trustees, and
who afterwards became the incorporators. Walker Glazier, Geo, T.
Spink, William Atwater, Nichol Halsey, F< S. Dumont, James McLallen,
John Creque, James H. Jerome, and N. B. Smith. On the 20th of the
same month the above persons appeared before Henry D. Barto, Coun-
ty Judge, and acknowledged the execution of the articles of incorpora-
tion and at a meeting called soon after, Nichold Halsey was elect-
ed President, N. B, Smith, Secretary, and Walker Glazier Treasurer,
The following August the Association bought of Smith Durling 8 acres
of land for which they paid ^8$ per acre ; this land was a part of the
present Cemetery and was covered with stumps, but the Association felt
sure that their location was wise ; the situation was one that would ad-
mit of improvement and enlargement to almost any extent without en-
croaching upon village property, and the soil was especially adapted
to the purpose intended. In 1858, 7 acres more was purchased and
other additions have been made recently. In 1861 the Presbyterian
Society made a proposition to the Association to assume control of the
old grounds, but action was delayed for some time but finaly a sale was
consummated embodying some features out of the ordinary line of
real estate tranactioris. In this case the grantors in addition to transfer-
mg the property also gave a bonus of ^100. in consideration of which
the Association accepted the grounds and assumed the responsibility of
keeping them in order. This in time became burdensome, interments
had long since ceased and it was resolved to abandon the plot entirely,
and in 1890 all the bodies were removed to the new Cemetery. The'
management of Grove Cemetery has always been characterized by a
wise and judicious policy; its affairs have been so handled that there
has never been any lack of funds for needed improven>ents. A new re-
cieving vault has just been completed at a cost of several thousands of
dollars, the streets and walks are in fine condition, trees and shrubbery
neatly trimmed and nothing left undone to make this, what it is a model
BooKSTOKE.— A. A. Beard.
'Bus Line.- W. S. Louden.
BiiiiiiAKDS.— Seneca Spicer.
Bank.— L. J. Wneeler & Co.
Baebees.— Porte Johnson, J. W. Stanley.
Bakees.— A. B. DeGroot, W. J. Gerow,
Misses Smoke.
Blacksmiths.— O. D. Crfeque.M. Cole, C. B.
Douglass, J. Riley, VanAuken Brewer & Co.
CiGAK Makee.— J.Kaufman.
Chaie Maker.— E. A. Warlord.
, Cabinet Maker.— Fayette Williams.
Clothing.- Chapman & Becker, Mosher
Bros & Co. —
Dentists.— K. B. Hill, C. C. Sears.
Druos.— G. A. Hopkins, Horton &Holton.
Draymen.- B. Van Dyke, J. McElroy.Xi
Dry Goods.— M. Atwater, J. T. Howe, J. M.
Lovell, J. C. Wheeler, E. Young.
Deiess Makers.— Miss Frizelle, Mrs.Harm-
ston, Mrs. Frost, Mrs. Manning, Mrs. Lud-
low, Misses Emmons, Mrs. Coxe, Misses
Thompson, Miss Easling, Mrs VanOrder,
Miss Savage, Misses O'Donnell.
Fish Market.— C. L. Teed.
FOTINDBIES.— Gre?g & Co., S. Almy.
Fire Department.- ExcelsiorEngine Co.,
Gregg Hose.
Green House.— J. L. Stone..
,,^BOfiEEiES.-=^Er-M'?'Ct>rcoran, F. A.Dlmlck,
Chas. Murphy, M. Sarsfleld, J. H. Waring,
Mosher & Sears, Van Vusklsk Bros.
Hardware.- H. S. Bates, Biggs & Co.
Harness Makers. -H. Bortz, E. S. Teed.
Hotels.— Cornell House, Hotel Sawyer,
Trembly House. ,
Hay, Grain and Cqal Dealers.— B. H.
Stone, J. C. Hasbrouek (hay).
Insurance Agents.— Wm. Austin, Geo. A.
Hopkins, R.J. Hunt, E. O Seymour, J. D.
Smith & son. ■"^ -'— -
■Jewelers.— K. Mockford, D. B. Thompson.
Lawyers.— Wm. Austin, A. P. Osborn.J.
D. Smith.
LiVEKY Stables.— M. R. Bennett, Creque
& Savage. J. C. VanAuken.
Market Gardener.- Coly Potter.
MiLLEES.— B. P. Bouton, Clock Bros.
Milliners.- Mrs. O. M. Earle, Mrs. Harm-
ston. Miss Reynolds.
Meat Markets.— A. L. Wets, Geo. Wol-
verton, C. J. Wolverton.
Newspapers.— Free Press, Sentinel.
Philatelist.— Lincoln Rappleye.
Photogkaphees.— W. H. Boardman, W. L.
Planing Mills..— L. H. Gould, J. W. & C.
,W. Dean.
Paint Shops.— J. E. Hall, E. B. Williams,
A.' J. Abel.
Post Master.— R. J. Hunt: assistant, Miss
Mattie Smith.
Physicians.— J. R. Broome, L. W. Carpen-
ter, B Dunning, J. FUcklnger, (;. Otis.
Saloons.— W. H. Horning.
Schools.— Union, and Academy, 1 ; Select,
Shoe Shox'S.- B. Brewer, J. O. Conley, Ad-
am Rumpf, J. S. Murphy.
Undertakers.- Wm.- Chandler, E. T. Ste-
wart, F. F. VanBuaklrk & Co.
Veterinary Surgeon.— J. C. \anAuken.
Wagon Manufacubers.— J. G. Clark, J.
H. B. Clark, Mosher & Bennett, Morse Bros.
Churches. -Baptist, J. B. French; M. E.
Church, J. E. Rhodes; Presbyterian, L. H.
Richardson ; Epiphany, P. E., W. E. Allen ;
St. James, R. C., M. T. Madden.
SociETiES.-Trumansburg Lodge, 157, F. &
A. M, Fidelity Chapter, 77, R. A. M. ; Tuck-
abannock Lodge, 20, I. O. of 0. F., Seneca
Encampment, Qfi, I. O of O; F., Treman Post,
572, G. A. R., Treman Post, W. R. C.